The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog.

The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog.
To see a bunch of Janus-Faced BLV stuff. Type on Google Search- Pal Pictures and

The re-play of the BLV clerk gang's life won't be worth watching.

The re-play of the BLV clerk gang's life won't be worth watching.
To see some sad but true BLV flash-backs. Type on Google Search- Pal Pictures and

The Blog Cam's donation to the Brady Lake Village PD.

The Blog Cam's donation to the Brady Lake Village PD.
To see who would use this gun. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Has BLVPD chief John Marra finally found somebody to ride with BLV cop Tyler McClamroch ?

Has BLVPD chief John Marra finally found somebody to ride with BLV cop Tyler McClamroch ?
To see more about the BLVPD chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth must really think BLV is Clerksville. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth must really think BLV is Clerksville. - WHY ?
To see more about Clerksville. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village officials keep making Head-Up-Ass decisions to try and save the BLV lie.

Brady Lake Village officials keep making Head-Up-Ass decisions to try and save the BLV lie.
To see plenty of Head-Up-Ass decisions by the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- Pal Pictures and

Why does Brady Lake Village have SO MANY reject cops ?

Why does Brady Lake Village have SO MANY reject cops ?
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Even kids know about the BLVPD reject cops.

Even kids know about the BLVPD reject cops.
To see why the BLVPD chief needs to be given the finger. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Here's how things are in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law. - WHY ?

Here's how things are in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law. -  WHY ?
To see more about rejected BLV officials and cops. Type on Google Search Pal Pictures and

This is BLV cop Brandon Wrobel who is pals with X - BLV cop Kenny Ray. - FIGURES !

This is BLV cop Brandon Wrobel who is pals with X - BLV cop Kenny Ray. - FIGURES !
BLV reject cops seem to love to take pictures of themselves in cop cars,Why ? This BLV cop was named Deep End,see why ? To see more about Kenny Ray and pals. Type on Google Search- K Ray Keep Really Alert

The BLVPD has a never ending supply of reject cops. - WHY ?

The BLVPD has a never ending supply of reject cops. - WHY ?
To see more about a real reject cop ass hole. Type on Google Search- K Ray Keep Really Alert

The Brady Lake Village reject cops need to be put out of the ticket business !

The Brady Lake Village reject cops need to be put out of the ticket business !
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth will tell BLV residents what they need to know. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth will tell BLV residents what they need to know. - WHY ?
To see how Honest Ethel Nemeth operates. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Is there going to be a Seafood / Piano Bar at Brady Lake Village hall ? Let's hope so !

Is there going to be a Seafood / Piano Bar at Brady Lake Village hall ? Let's hope so !
To why BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra should manage the new BLV hall bar. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The blog cam guy Dan Boyle,with some Hot Rods pals in Volant Pennsylvania.

The blog cam guy Dan Boyle,with some Hot Rods pals in Volant Pennsylvania.
To see more Hot Rod action. Type on Google Search- Two The Weird - Or type on Google Search- Flop Feel Like Other

Is this Brady Lake fireman's postion why the BLVFD is no more ?

Is this Brady Lake fireman's postion why the BLVFD is no more ?
To see how the BLVFD was operated. Type on Google Search- Fat Forget Any

Yes Brady Lake Village tax payers,here's what is serving and protecting you. - WHY ?

Yes Brady Lake Village tax payers,here's what is serving and protecting you. - WHY ?
To see more about Little Tyler's serving and protecting. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

After going to Brady Lake Village council meetings for way too many years,you think of new words.

After going to Brady Lake Village council meetings for way too many years,you think of new words.
To see the main reason BLV council meetings are cerk gang bullshit. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit Ethel

A young Hal Lehman practicing to be mayor of Brady Lake Village ?

A young Hal Lehman practicing to be mayor of Brady Lake Village ?
To see the shorted mess BLV mayor Hal Leman is. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see the real BLV council meeting minutes. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They - and then go to comments on the NUTS blog.

The Brady Lake Village Little Tiny Cop is of course Tyler McClamroch.

The Brady Lake Village Little Tiny Cop is of course Tyler McClamroch.
To see how the Little Tiny Cop's chief operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson finds out about BLV cop Little Tyler McClamroch !

BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson finds out about BLV cop Little Tyler McClamroch !
To find out other things about Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

The Blog Cam needs to do a music video about the BLV reject cops !

The Blog Cam needs to do a music video about the BLV reject cops !
To see this Rob Hustle music video. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman does nothing about the BLV cop jurisdiction problem. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman does nothing about the BLV cop jurisdiction problem. - WHY ?
To see how Hal Noballs Lehman operates. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch in Franklin Township on Rt. 59. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch in Franklin Township on Rt. 59. - WHY ?
To see who taught Little Tyler his BLV dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch tickets people for the very thing he got away with. WHY

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch tickets people for the very thing he got away with. WHY
To see how Little Tyler operates. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Brady Lake Village and John Marra are internet infamous.

Brady Lake Village and John Marra are internet infamous.
To see this whole John Marra article. Type on Google Search- Jim Fisher True Crime John Marra

Brady Lake Village reject cop Tyler McClamroch is in the News Again!

Brady Lake Village reject cop Tyler McClamroch is in the News Again!
To see the BLVPD rejects on Facebook. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The Brady Lake village reject cops have been known to pull this dirty trick. - WHY ?

The Brady Lake village reject cops have been known to pull this dirty trick. - WHY ?
To see more about reject cops like BLV has. Type on Google Search- Police the Police

Another Reject Cop has found his way to Brady Lake Village ! - WHY ?

Another Reject Cop has found his way to Brady Lake Village ! - WHY ?
To see more about BLV reject cops and their license numbers. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

This CAMP post is about BLV resident Bob Crow and the BLV reject cops.

This CAMP post is about BLV resident Bob Crow and the BLV reject cops.
BLV cop Tyler McClamroch almost looked good putting the hand-cuffs on BOB Crow on 8/7/14. The BLV cops are too busy being ticket writers to do the right thing. To see more about wrong doing Tyler McClamroch. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

The Brady Lake Village reject cops just can't deal with the truth,so they retaliate.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops just can't deal with the truth,so they retaliate.
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Portage Dirt on Facebook has decided to have a say about BLV police chief John Marra.

Portage Dirt on Facebook has decided to have a say about BLV police chief John Marra.
Of course Portage Dirt now knows about John Marra's blog site that you can view by typing on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see how Mr. BOZO mayor operates. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Taking pictures of Brady Lake Village reject cops just got way better !

Taking pictures of Brady Lake Village reject cops just got way better !
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Looks like the Brady Lake Village reject cops have a new friend named Jason Carlow ?

Looks like the Brady Lake Village reject cops have a new friend named Jason Carlow ?
To see this complete Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Here's how things are really done by the Brady Lake Village reject cops.

Here's how things are really done by the Brady Lake Village reject cops.
To see this complete Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facbook

Is the front of Little Tyler McClamroch's pants sticking out ?

Is the front of Little Tyler McClamroch's pants sticking out ?
This picture was taken on 8/7/14 at about 8:20 PM on Rt. 59 mostly in Franklin Township. To see other things that excite Little Tyler. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

All 0.3 square miles of Brady Lake Village is protected by 20 reject cops.

All 0.3 square miles of Brady Lake Village is protected by 20 reject cops.
To see how the BLVPD rejects operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The Brady Lake Village reject cops only know BLV is almost broke,so write more tickets.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops only know BLV is almost broke,so write more tickets.
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are NOT liked no matter where they go.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are NOT liked no matter where they go.
The OSP and PCSO are being sent emails and pictures on a regular basis about the BLVPD. To see more about the BLVPD rejects. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Instead of having a real attorney do this BLV Wanna'be Attorney Ted Holland put this together.

Instead of having a real attorney do this BLV Wanna'be Attorney Ted Holland put this together.
$.50 per copy for public records is illegal. Most places are charging $.05. When BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth was ask about the $.50 per copy price,Ethel Nemeth said,I don't know you'll have to ask Ted Holland. To see how X-BLV council president Ted Holland operates. Type on Google Search- Rat Right Attorney

Here's an answer for the Brady Lake Village clerk gang & cops about hating the truth being told !

Here's an answer for the Brady Lake Village clerk gang & cops about hating the truth being told !
To see this on a Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see how BLV tax payers are being FUCKED in a way that doesn't feel good. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Why would the Brady Lake Village cops get so pissed off about picture taking in BLV ?

Why would the Brady Lake Village cops get so pissed off about picture taking in BLV ?
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

John Marra should NOT be a cop let alone Brady Lake Village police chief !

John Marra should NOT be a cop let alone Brady Lake Village police chief !
To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village reject cops will play while the chief's away.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops will play while the chief's away.
To see how BLV police chief John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Happy Wednesday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Wednesday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
To see how BLV cop John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Yes Blog viewers the New Brady Lake Village PD license plates are on display on CAMP !

Yes Blog viewers the New Brady Lake Village PD license plates are on display on CAMP !
To see why this plate should be on all 3 BLVPD cars. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch will pull any dirty trick to save the BLV clerk gang.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch will pull any dirty trick to save the BLV clerk gang.
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
Ignatz is Laurel (Sis) Archer. Krazy Kat is Dan Boyle. Buddy L is Buddy L the blog cam dog. To see more about BLV council meetings. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Will Brady Lake Village cops ever play by the same rules they try to enforce ?

Will Brady Lake Village cops ever play by the same rules they try to enforce ?
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Here's a Big Fat reason the BLV fire department is in the shape it is.

Here's a Big Fat reason the BLV fire department is in the shape it is.
To see more about Ken Bescoe's Pal Hal. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village officials think BLV job applications are some kind of clerk gang joke !

Brady Lake Village officials think BLV job applications are some kind of clerk gang joke !
To see a real reason to check BLVPD job applications. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size but has 3 cop cars & 20 cops. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size but has 3 cop cars & 20 cops. - WHY ?
This picture was taken on Rt. 59 in Franklin Township. BLV cop Tyler McClamroch was driving the white BLV cop car and 2 unknown BLV cops were in the black and white BLV cop car. The driver of the gray car was just leaving. To see more about Tyler Lee McClamroch. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

With a police chief like John Marra the BLVPD will take any-body or any-thing !

With a police chief like John Marra the BLVPD will take any-body or any-thing !
To see Little Tyler's confused BLVPD job application. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

When the Brady Lake Village clerk gang does training they will mosy likely get ass holes.

When the Brady Lake Village clerk gang does training they will mosy likely get ass holes.
To see a BLV clerk gang trained ass hole. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang does Not like being treated like they treat BLV tax payers !

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang does Not like being treated like they treat BLV tax payers !
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Who on Brady Lake Village council actually gives a shit ?

Who on Brady Lake Village council actually gives a shit ?
To see the flooding around BLV that Jim Adolph doesn't care about. Type on Google Search- Wet We Enable

Why do the Brady Lake Village reject cops have to tell so many lies ?

Why do the Brady Lake Village reject cops have to tell so many lies ?
To see how BLV cop Tyler Lee McClamroch lies. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Why would a Brady Lake Village cop feel the need to take a picture of himself in a BLV cop car ?

Why would a Brady Lake Village cop feel the need to take a picture of himself in a BLV cop car ?
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

What will Akron mayor Don Plusquellic think of the Brady Lake Village way of doing things ?

What will Akron mayor Don Plusquellic think of the Brady Lake Village way of doing things ?
To see the BLV way of doing things. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

How will Akron mayor Don Plusquellic feel about Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Noballs Lehman ?

How will Akron mayor Don Plusquellic feel about Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Noballs Lehman ?
To see Dan Boyle's Facebook page. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facbook

Who's on first or second at the BLVPD or at the BLV council table ?

Who's on first or second at the BLVPD or at the BLV council table ?
To se how the BLVPD operates. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

More secrets being kept by the Brady Lake Village officials and cops ?

More secrets being kept by the Brady Lake Village officials and cops ?
To see plenty of other BLV secrets. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Will this machine be the next Brady Lake Village clerk gang purchase ?

Will this machine be the next Brady Lake Village clerk gang purchase ?
To see why you should NOT insert even $1. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village officials and cops think more tickets will save Broke Ass BLV. - WRONG !

Brady Lake Village officials and cops think more tickets will save Broke Ass BLV. - WRONG !
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see more about 1 big ASS. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

It's nice to have somebody outside Brady Lake Village helping to solve BLV's many problems.

It's nice to have somebody outside Brady Lake Village helping to solve BLV's many problems.
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

X - BLV cop Kenny Ray once held the record for most BLV tickets. - WHY ?

X - BLV cop Kenny Ray once held the record for most BLV tickets. - WHY ?
To see how Kenny Ray's former BLVPD boss operated. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

The Blog Cam guy on Pink Farmall got a deal on used Santa hats at the Andover Ohio flea market.

The Blog Cam guy on Pink Farmall got a deal on used Santa hats at the Andover Ohio flea market.
To see more about cheap ass Santa Hats. Type on Google Search- Two The Weird

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra needs to be Cop Blocked !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra needs to be Cop Blocked !
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see the f'in TURD of BLV pulling his shit. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Another BLV area resident pissed off about BLV & BLV cop Tyler McClamroch.

Another BLV area resident pissed off about BLV & BLV cop Tyler McClamroch.
To see why so many peope are pised off about Little Tyler McClamroch. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

An exclusive blog cam interview with Brady Lake Village cop Mikey Hostler.

An exclusive blog cam interview with Brady Lake Village cop Mikey Hostler.
This picture was taken on 8/2/14 at about 3:45 PM. Mikey's wife Cynthia Hostler was the BLV attorney. To see how Cynthia took care of a BLV public records request. Type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

How will more traffic tickets save Broke Ass Brady Lake Village ?

How will more traffic tickets save Broke Ass Brady Lake Village ?
To see this Facebook post type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Brady Lake Village cop Kenny Ray was the BLV cop who was sure he could stop the blog cam.

Brady Lake Village cop Kenny Ray was the BLV cop who was sure he could stop the blog cam.
X - BLV cop Kenny Ray is pals with X - BLV police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe. To see how Toe 2 Toe operated while BLV police chief. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on Comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on Comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see the biggest DIPSHIT at the BLV council table. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Dan Boyle - 330-673-5891 - Laurel (Sis) Archer - 330-673-7335 - 0r -

Dan Boyle - 330-673-5891 - Laurel (Sis) Archer - 330-673-7335 - 0r -
When are the Brady Lake Village clerk gang's dirty tricks going to end ? To see more BLV clerk gang dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Here's how things are done in and around Brady Lake Village with Marra Law. - WHY ?

Here's how things are done in and around Brady Lake Village with Marra Law. -  WHY ?
To see how Marra Law works. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Take a guess who has the Balls at Brady Lake Village hall.

Take a guess who has the Balls at Brady Lake Village hall.
To see where Honest Ethel Nemeth's Balls have put BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth seems to be the hit of the BLV council meeting party ?

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth seems to be the hit of the BLV council meeting party ?
To see how much of a hit Honest Ethel Nemeth is with the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

BLV cop Kenny Ray and BLV fireman Jon Mathes talking about Dan Boyle's blog picture.

BLV cop Kenny Ray and BLV fireman Jon Mathes talking about Dan Boyle's blog picture.
To see how X-BLV cop Kenny Ray Jr. operated. Type on Google Search- K Ray Keep Really Alert

The new official Brady Lake Village council meeting t-shirts are here !!!!!

The new official Brady Lake Village council meeting t-shirts are here !!!!!
To see other things you wouldn't understand. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on Comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Brady Lake Village word of the day is done every day on Comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see the kind of DICKHEAD that lets BLV employees do as they please. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

What Dirty Trick will the BLVPD pull next for taking pictures of their Dirty Tricks ?

What Dirty Trick will the BLVPD pull next for taking pictures of their Dirty Tricks ?
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Is Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch 1 Bad Hombre Queen or what ?

Is Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch 1 Bad Hombre Queen or what ?
To see how Sweetie Pie Tyler McClamroch's BLV cop mentor operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering Story

Does Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch lose clerk gang points for Flinching ?

Does Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch lose clerk gang points for Flinching ?
To see how Little Tyler McClamroch operates. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law !

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law !
To see how other things are done in Clerksville USA. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Did BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra crash another BLV cop car ?

Did BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra crash another BLV cop car ?
BLV police chief John Marra totaled a BLV cop car while delivering papers and Not on an emergency call. To see more John Marra stupid stunts. Type On Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size but has 3 cop cars and 20 reject cops. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size but has 3 cop cars and 20 reject cops. - WHY ?
To see this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops !

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops !
This BLV reject cop stop is on Brady Lake Road in Franklin Township. To see more BLV reject cop dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

So many idiots at Brady Lake Village hall so little time to slap them !

So many idiots at Brady Lake Village hall so little time to slap them !
To see why the idiots at BLV hall need to be slapped. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

The Meriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Meriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see the Honest Ethel KLUDGE. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch has written more tickets than any other BLV cop. - WHY ?

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch has written more tickets than any other BLV cop. - WHY ?
To see how other BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

Eating good food makes a person know BLV clerk gang lies when they hear them.

Eating good food makes a person know BLV clerk gang lies when they hear them.
To see why Richard Smokey Nemeth needs some good eats. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

Sorry BLV tax payers ! BLV mayor Hal Lehman is in charge of All BLV departments.

Sorry BLV tax payers !  BLV mayor Hal Lehman is in charge of All BLV departments.
To see who's really in charge of All BLV departments. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village area residents BEWARE ! Brady Lake Village is BROKE and so is the BLVPD !

Brady Lake Village area residents BEWARE !  Brady Lake Village is BROKE and so is the BLVPD !
The Brady Lake Village reject cops have been known to pull any dirty trick they can to get ticket money to save the BLV lie. To see some BLVPD dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The person who lives here has been going to BLV council meetings and is sick of the BLV gang.

The person who lives here has been going to BLV council meetings and is sick of the BLV gang.
To see why a BLV tax paying resident would put these signs in their front window. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Most BLVPD traffic stops on Rt. 59 in Franklin Township are done by Tyler McClamroch. WHY

Most BLVPD traffic stops on Rt. 59 in Franklin Township are done by Tyler McClamroch. WHY
To see the other pictures on this Facebook post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is kissing way too much BLV clerk ass ! - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is kissing way too much BLV clerk ass ! - WHY ?
To see why all the ass kissing. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch got away with Drunk Driving. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch got away with Drunk Driving. - WHY ?
To see this post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Could this shit happen in Brady Lake Village with the BLV police chief ?

Could this shit happen in Brady Lake Village with the BLV police chief ?
To see this post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

A new CAMP blog post section has been started so join the fun !

A new CAMP blog post section has been started so join the fun !
To see how BLV mayor Hal Noballs Lehman operates. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

With lying reject cops like Brady Lake Village has,we all need an informed jury.

With lying reject cops like Brady Lake Village has,we all need an informed jury.
To see more about jury duty type on Google Search- Cop Block

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is a 5 foot tall piece of shit !

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is a 5 foot tall piece of shit !
To see more about Little Tyler McClamroch. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Brady Lake Village officials aren't bothered by John Marra's Uniontown PD record. - WHY ?

Brady Lake Village officials aren't bothered by John Marra's Uniontown PD record. - WHY ?
To see this post on Facebook type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook or to see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village officials seem to think public records are their secret. - WRONG !

Brady Lake Village officials seem to think public records are their secret. - WRONG !
To see more BLV info- Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see how the TWEEP-CREEP of the BLVPD operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Cop Block and Police the Police promotes filming or taking pictures of bad cops.

Cop Block and Police the Police promotes filming or taking pictures of bad cops.
To see why we should take pictures or film the Brady Lake Village police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Filming or taking pictures of the Brady Lake Village reject cops needs to be done.

Filming or taking pictures of the Brady Lake Village reject cops needs to be done.
To see why the BLVcops hate to have their picture taken. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

People outside BLV can see the problems but the BLV clerk gang can't. - WHY ?

People outside BLV can see the problems but the BLV clerk gang can't. - WHY ?
BLV needs to and/or is going to end. To see why BLV should end. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Inquiring minds are sure the Brady Lake Village clerk gang is a bunch of f-cking idiots !

Inquiring minds are sure the Brady Lake Village clerk gang is a bunch of f-cking idiots !
To see how BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth takes care of BLV business. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Will Brady Lake Village set a record for the number of law suits against BLV ?

Will Brady Lake Village set a record for the number of law suits against BLV ?
To see how BLV mayor Hal Lehman takes care of BLV problems. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Have the Brady Lake Village reject cops found work elsewhere ?

Have the Brady Lake Village reject cops found work elsewhere ?
To see why the BLV reject cops are being sued. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad Police

The Brady Lake Village aka Blog Cam Inquiring Minds love this BLV clerk gang shit !

The Brady Lake Village aka Blog Cam Inquiring Minds love this BLV clerk gang shit !
To see more about the person who's supposed to be in charge of the BLVPD reject cops. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

The Brady Lake Village reject cops just don't know when to quit being rejects !

The Brady Lake Village reject cops just don't know when to quit being rejects !
To see more about the BLVPD and it's bunch of rejects. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Ted & Louise Holland are Inside BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's office many times each month. - WHY ?

Ted & Louise Holland are Inside BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's office many times each month. - WHY ?
To see what Ted Holland & Ethel Nemeth have done to BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village reject cop Tyler McClamroch is serving and protecting what ?

Brady Lake Village reject cop Tyler McClamroch is serving and protecting what ?
To see what and/or who the BLVPD is really serving and protecting. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

L to R- The Blog Cam Guy getting headlocked by 82 year old Roy from Leesville Ohio.

L to R- The Blog Cam Guy getting headlocked by 82 year old Roy from Leesville Ohio.
Yes that's a fireman's hat Roy is wearing. Roy has about 25 cats and back in the old days ran moon-shine in his 1940 Ford. To see more weird pictures. Type on Google Search- Two The Weird

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law ! - WHY ?

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law ! - WHY ?
To see how Marra law works. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

When the truth was told about Brady Lake Village officials,Ted Holland resigned from BLV council

When the truth was told about Brady Lake Village officials,Ted Holland resigned from BLV council
To see more truth about the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Put your butt in & shake it all around & join the BLVPD ! - Tyler !

Put your butt in & shake it all around & join the BLVPD ! - Tyler !
To see BLV cop Little Tyler McClamroch doing his Hokey Pokey shit. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Have the BLVPD reject cops finally found something they can do correctly ? Probably Not !

Have the BLVPD reject cops finally found something they can do correctly ? Probably Not !
To see what BLV cop John Delillo can't do correctly. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Some Brady Lake Village words to live by are Clean Records are Healthy Records !

Some Brady Lake Village words to live by are Clean Records are Healthy Records !
To see some BLV words to NOT live by. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on Comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on Comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see why the BLV clerk gang needs a swift ass kicking. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake

The Brady Lake Village PD is being run by Ted Holland's pal John Crash'em Marra. - WHY ?

The Brady Lake Village PD is being run by Ted Holland's pal John Crash'em Marra. - WHY ?
To see how Ted Holland's pal John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Seach- Mess Marra Emits Steering

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth once said she put up with Louise Holland to get Ted Holland's help.- WOW !

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth once said she put up with Louise Holland to get Ted Holland's help.- WOW !
To see where Ted Hollad's help has got BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village employee Allen Mathes is a BLV clerk gang member in good standing. -WHY ?

Brady Lake Village employee Allen Mathes is a BLV clerk gang member in good standing. -WHY ?
To see more clerk gang dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's pals (the Hollands) are idiots.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's pals (the Hollands) are idiots.
To see more about how the Hollands operate. Type on Google Search- Rat=Right Attorney

Looks like an Anonymous CAMP blog poster must have once sat beside Ted and Louise Holland ?

Looks like an Anonymous CAMP blog poster must have once sat beside Ted and Louise Holland ?
To see another Stinky BLV clerk gang member. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

The new and improved BLVPD self defense training classes have started. JOIN NOW !

The new and improved BLVPD self defense training classes have started. JOIN NOW !
To see how the Back-Ward hat BLV cop John Delillo operates. Type On Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Ted and Louise Holland are Inside BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's office many times each month. - WHY ?

Ted and Louise Holland are Inside BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's office many times each month. - WHY ?
To see how Ted and Louise Holland do things in and around BLV hall. Type on Google Search- Rat=Right Attorney

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see how the BLV clerk gang treats Their REQUISITES. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra is a lying ass hole !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra is a lying ass hole !
To see how other BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Will the law suits against Brady Lake Village and/or BLV cops ever end ?

Will the law suits against Brady Lake Village and/or BLV cops ever end ?
To see how the BLV reject cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village council meetings have become well guarded by BLV reject cops.

Brady Lake Village council meetings have become well guarded by BLV reject cops.
L to R- BLV reject cop John Delillo. BLV reject cop Jeff Lyle. BLV reject cop Tyler McClamroch. To see how these reject cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The Brady Lake Village reject cops have become Portage County infamous.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops have become Portage County infamous.
To see more about who's supposed to be in charge of the BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster aka BLV word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
Ignatz is Laurel (Sis) Archer. Krazy Kat is Dan Boyle. Buddy L is Buddy L the blog cam dog. To see some BLV clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth has lied about BLV records for too many years.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth has lied about BLV records for too many years.
To see more of how Honest Ethel Nemeth runs BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Here's the real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes from 7/23/14.

Here's the real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes from 7/23/14.
To see more about BLV council meetings. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang trying to figure out who's on first !

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang trying to figure out who's on first !
L to R- BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth-BLV cop John Dud Delillo-BLV mayor Hal Lehman-BLV attorney Tom Mullen-BLV coucilman Ken Bescoe-BLV councilwoman Jill Correll. To see some this group's decisions. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra has made a Jim Fisher internet article.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra has made a Jim Fisher internet article.
To see this whole Jim Fisher article. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Nemeth has been known to go on mind-less rants.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Nemeth has been known to go on mind-less rants.
To see why Smokey might act mindless at home. Type on Google Search- Hot Hombre On

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Smokey Nemeth showing the blog cam his Karate Moves !

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Smokey Nemeth showing the blog cam his Karate Moves !
To see how Smokey Nemeth acts in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see more about BLV attorney Tom T. Mullen. Type on Google Search- Tom

Brady Lake Village mayor never seems to have a clue as to what's going on with BLV tax dollars !

Brady Lake Village mayor never seems to have a clue as to what's going on with BLV tax dollars !
To see more about the mess BLV is in. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch is a BLV clerk gang member in good standing !

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch is a BLV clerk gang member in good standing !
To see the kind of ass hole stand Little Tyler McClamroch takes. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

What could this woman have possibly done to be treated like this by a BLV reject cop ?

What could this woman have possibly done to be treated like this by a BLV reject cop ?
To see how BLV reject cops treat other people. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

BLV cop hand-cuffing a crying woman at the church on Brady Lake Road in Franklin Township.

BLV cop hand-cuffing a crying woman at the church on Brady Lake Road in Franklin Township.
Little Tyler McClamroch was yelling at the driver of the white vehicle to Not take pictures. This hand-cuffed woman could be heard crying from Brady Lake Road. To see how Little Tyler McClamroch operates. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler And Little

Here's how the Brady Lake Village PD reject cops operate.

Here's how the Brady Lake Village PD reject cops operate.
To see more about this BLVPD shit. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

BLV officials are trying to hide the fact BLV cop Tyler McClamroch is repairing BLV cop cars.

BLV officials are trying to hide the fact BLV cop Tyler McClamroch is repairing BLV cop cars.
To see more about the Non-certified BLVPD cop car repair boy. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

The new Brady Lake Village PD anti blog cam surveillance equipment.

The new Brady Lake Village PD anti blog cam surveillance equipment.
To see why the BLVPD is a flying f-ck. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's last hope,BLV cop Tyler McClamroch has turned Queen Cowboy !

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's last hope,BLV cop Tyler McClamroch has turned Queen Cowboy !
To see why BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth is so upset about Little Tyler and cowboys. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little Legs

Another Monday at dysfunctional Brady Lake Village hall.

Another Monday at dysfunctional Brady Lake Village hall.
To see many other dysfunctional days at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Finally a new BLVPD tool for Poor Little Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McTuff aka Tyler McBeaver.

Finally a new BLVPD tool for Poor Little Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McTuff aka Tyler McBeaver.
To see who else needs a can of Whoop Ass. Type on Google Search- Scum Some Cops Use

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is the talk of Facebook !

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is the talk of Facebook !
To see this Facebook site. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch in 2012 was charged with Drinking and Driving. NICE !

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch in 2012 was charged with Drinking and Driving. NICE !
To see the kind of BLV cops Sweet Little Tyler pulls dirty tricks with. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Good News and Bad News about the Brady Lake Village PD !

Good News and Bad News about the Brady Lake Village PD !
To see mostly Bad News about the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Carch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch finally gets the parking spot he deserves !

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch finally gets the parking spot he deserves !
To see what else Little Tyler might deserve. Type on google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Finally a way to save money Not paying the BLV clerk's daughter (Mow Money) to mow BLV grass !

Finally a way to save money Not paying the BLV clerk's daughter (Mow Money) to mow BLV grass !
To see more about Mow Money's Mom. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Flea Market Sunday is here again !!!!!

Flea Market Sunday is here again !!!!!
To see more Honest Ethel dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Word Of the Day is NOT under-stood by BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth.

The Word Of the Day is NOT under-stood by BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth.
To see other things Honest Ethel does NOT understand. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

BLV attorney Tom Mullen & BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth with no Data Answers.

BLV attorney Tom Mullen & BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth with no Data Answers.
To see how No Data BLV council meetings are run. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

The new Brady Lake Village PD traffic stop T-shirt.

The new Brady Lake Village PD traffic stop T-shirt.
To see bad vowel use by a BLV cop. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

We're going to need more than 2 of these books at Brady Lake Village hall.

We're going to need more than 2 of these books at Brady Lake Village hall.
To see Shit the BLV clerk gang's Gotta Fucking Get Done. Type on Google Search- Low lots Of

Can BLV cop Tyler McBeaver fix the BLV Nesting Falcon and/or Falcon Nesting ?

Can BLV cop Tyler McBeaver fix the BLV Nesting Falcon and/or Falcon Nesting ?
The BLVPD gets another great deal on a 1 owner Ford ! To see who is fixing the BLV cop cars. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Some CAMP blog posters seem to know about Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch -as- McBeaver.

Some CAMP blog posters seem to know about Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch -as- McBeaver.
Some CAMP blog posters sure are smart asses,ain't it great ? To see a real dumb ass. Type on Google Search- Scum Some Cops Use

This is the head fudge packer at Brady Lake Village hall.

This is the head fudge packer at Brady Lake Village hall.
Poor Little Tyler McClamroch isn't sure what he wants to be when he grows up. To see what Tyler thinks he wants to be. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Do we now know why Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch walks like an undercover cowboy ?

Do we now know why Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch walks like an undercover cowboy ?
To see how Little Tyler does other things. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra Law.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra Law.
To see how Marra Law works. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Looks like CAMP blog posters have figured out the Brady Lake Village clerk gang's methods.

Looks like CAMP blog posters have figured out the Brady Lake Village clerk gang's methods.
To see how the BLV fear-less leader and/or peader does things. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Happy Saturday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Saturday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
The above and below pictures are the same BLV reject cop. Does this Massachusetts BLVPD cop get the BLVPD Long Distance Award ? To see how other BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The Brady Lake Village PD gets rejects from everywhere,but Massachusetts ? Holy Shit Bat Cop !

The Brady Lake Village PD gets rejects from everywhere,but Massachusetts ? Holy Shit Bat Cop !
To see more BLVPD cop's license numbers. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see how Little Tyler tries to,BLANDISH,his way to the top of the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Happy Friday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Friday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
To see more BLVPD reject action. Type on Google Search- Spit Some Police Is

Does Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra teach new BLV cops to drive cop cars ?

Does Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra teach new BLV cops to drive cop cars ?
To see how other BLVPD cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore needs to be put some-place !

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore needs to be put some-place !
To see More about Moore and drunken fits. Type on Google Search- Hot Hombre On

Here's Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore being drunk !

Here's Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore being drunk !
To see more about Joshua Moore and shit fits. Type on Google Search- Hot Hombre On

Should more people have voted Yes on Issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village ?

Should more people have voted Yes on Issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village ?
To see why BLV aka Clerksville should end. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang is 1 very dishonest cluster f-ck !

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang is 1 very dishonest cluster f-ck !
To see more about BLV clerk gang f-ck ups. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch being the Queen Cowboy of the BLV reject cops.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch being the Queen Cowboy of the BLV reject cops.
To see more about Sweet Little Tyler. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch is so proud of himself he takes his own picture in a BLV cop car.

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch is so proud of himself he takes his own picture in a BLV cop car.
To see more f-cked up things about Little Tyler. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

The Portage County Sheriff 1 block from the Brady Lake Village PD.-WHY ?

The Portage County Sheriff 1 block from the Brady Lake Village PD.-WHY ?
BLV residents pay the highest taxes in county plus an income tax to have BLV reject cops working when they feel like it. To see who and/or what runs the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see more BLV reject cop info. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

To get more ticket money the Brady Lake Village clerk gang will put up with anything !

To get more ticket money the Brady Lake Village clerk gang will put up with anything !
To see how the BLV reject cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Here's a CAMP blog post about the BLVPD's Cagney and Lacey dumb ass BLV reject cops.

Here's a CAMP blog post about the BLVPD's Cagney and Lacey dumb ass BLV reject cops.
To see a picture of the BLVPD cluster f-ck twins scroll down this page. To see more BLVPD cluster f-cks. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Yes Brady Lake Village residents Hal Lehman is sitting at the head of the BLV council table !

Yes Brady Lake Village residents Hal Lehman is sitting at the head of the BLV council table !
To see things BLV mayor Hal Lehman has let happen while being mayor. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Could this be where BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver spends his off BLVPD hours ?

Could this be where BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver spends his off BLVPD hours ?
To see how Little Tyler spends his on BLVPD hours. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Here's some CAMP blog poster's thought's on just 2 Brady Lake Village reject cops.

Here's some CAMP blog poster's thought's on just 2 Brady Lake Village reject cops.
BLV cop John Delillo is an accident looking for a place to happen. To see more about John Toody Delillo. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Is Car 54 Where Are You happening in Brady Lake Village ?

Is Car 54 Where Are You happening in Brady Lake Village ?
BLV cops John Marra and John Delillo totaled a BLV cop car while delivering papers to the PC Sheriff. To see more about John Marra. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Will HBO do a move about the Brady Lake Village reject cop women ?

Will HBO do a move about the Brady Lake Village reject cop women ?
The 2 new BLV reject cop women act like they're Cagney and Lacey except they're in Brady Lake Village. To see a BLVPD wanna'be movie star. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

After the Brady Lake Village laws suits are over,how much money did the BLVPD rejects make ?

After the Brady Lake Village laws suits are over,how much money did the BLVPD rejects make ?
To see why the BLVPD has at least 1 law suit. Type on Google Search- Turd The Unpaid Real

Would the Brady Lake Village reject cops shoot somebody over a minor traffic violation ?

Would the Brady Lake Village reject cops shoot somebody over a minor traffic violation ?
Here's the Cagney and Lacey of the BLVPD rejects ! The above picture goes with the below picture. This is the kind of reject cops BLV gets for free. To see another BLV reject cop. Type on Google Search- Scum Some Cops Use

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
These 2 new BLV women cops were over a mile from BLV on a blind hill on Brady Lake Road,making things more unsafe than the driver who was going 6 miles over the speed limit. This is life in Brady Lake Village aka Cleksville with Marra law. To see how Marra law works. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see what kind of BLV cops will be writing tickets for BLV mayor's court with BLV attorney Tom Mullen in charge. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

If and when Brady Lake Village has mayor's court BLV attorney Tom Mullen will be in charge.

If and when Brady Lake Village has mayor's court BLV attorney Tom Mullen will be in charge.
To see how Tom Terrific Mullen operates. Type on Google Search- Tom

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
Nice flowers while the streets of BLV are horrible (most are unsafe) to drive on. (no money to fix streets) To see what the BLV cops drive. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo too fat to stand up to use his cell phone !

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo too fat to stand up to use his cell phone !
To see how John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

The Nemeth Nepotism is alive and well living in Brady Lake Village.

The Nemeth Nepotism is alive and well living in Brady Lake Village.
To see more about the Boss of the whole Nemeth Nepotism operation. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit Ethel

Is Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth really stupid or just a lying bitch ?

Is Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth really stupid or just a lying bitch ?
To see many BLV problems that BLV needs to be sued for. Type on Google Search- Pal Pictures and

A meeting with Attorney Warner Mendenhall about More Brady Lake Village law suits.

A meeting with Attorney Warner Mendenhall about More Brady Lake Village law suits.
Looks like the blog cam girl (Sis Archer) has an opinoin about her picture being taken by the blog cam guy ? To see reasons for BLV law suits. Type on Google Search- Pal

Looks like somebody else knows about the Brady Lake Village reject cops.

Looks like somebody else knows about the Brady Lake Village reject cops.
To see this post. Type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Facebook

The blog cam duo doesn't give a shit what the Brady Lake Village clerk gang thinks about freedom.

The blog cam duo doesn't give a shit what the Brady Lake Village clerk gang thinks about freedom.
To see what kind of prison the BLV clerk gang lives in. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Nemeth doesn't seem to like the blog cam.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Nemeth doesn't seem to like the blog cam.
To see what BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth thinks of the blog cam. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit Ethel

There's 1 special Brady Lake Village reject cop who comes to mind when basements are mentioned.

There's 1 special Brady Lake Village reject cop who comes to mind when basements are mentioned.
To see who the BLVPD basement boy is. Type on Google Search- Scum Some Cops Use

This has been of great help when dealing with those pesky Brady Lake Village reject cops !

This has been of great help when dealing with those pesky Brady Lake Village reject cops !
To see why the middle finger wave is needed when dealing with the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The Blog Cam's feelings towards the Brady Lake Village clerk gang.

The Blog Cam's feelings towards the Brady Lake Village clerk gang.
To see at least 1 pissed off BLV clerk gang member. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

It was a Brady Lake Village clerk gang kind'a day on this CAMP blog site.

It was a Brady Lake Village clerk gang kind'a day on this CAMP blog site.
BLV zoning Czar RT is RT Mansfield. Honest Ethel is Honest Ethel Nemeth. Smokey is BLV clerk Honest Ethel's husband Richard Nemeth. Tyler is BLV cop Tyler McClamroch. To see more clerk gang action. Type on Google Search- Pal

Hey Brady Lake Village residents DO NOT let the lying BLV clerk gang train run you over.

Hey Brady Lake Village residents DO NOT let the lying BLV clerk gang train run you over.
To see how the clerk gang train has been running over BLV residents. Type on Google Search- Pal

Here's how Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield does BLV zoning.

Here's how Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield does BLV zoning.
RT Mansfield does BLV zoning on a who you are basis. To see more about Mr. Hot Air RT. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see the real BLV council meeting minutes go to comments on the NUTS blog site by typing on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

This Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth note was on the front door of BLV hall.

This Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth note was on the front door of BLV hall.
This note on the front door of BLV hall was up for 1 day,plenty of time for BLV residents to see it ! BLV residents have been going to BLV council meetings for 30 years expressing opinions and nothing has changed,in fact things are worse in BLV. To see how things really are in BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Brady Lake Village reject cops do as they please when they please.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops do as they please when they please.
To see the BLV reject cop's license plates. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

Why does this Toyota Avalon at the Brady Lake Village PD have the front plate covered with paper ?

Why does this Toyota Avalon at the Brady Lake Village PD have the front plate covered with paper ?
To see more BLV cop's vehicles and license numbers. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

This Black Toyota Avalon was at the 7/9/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting.

This Black Toyota Avalon was at the 7/9/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting.
To see more BLV cop dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- CAMP 5 Catch All Mad

In Brady Lake Village the cops do as they please when they please.

In Brady Lake Village the cops do as they please when they please.
To see more BLV problems. Type on Google Search- Pal Pictures and

When Brady Lake Village has mayor's court here's just the chair for BLV mayor Hal Lehman !

When Brady Lake Village has mayor's court here's just the chair for BLV mayor Hal Lehman !
To see more about the world's largest rocking chair. Type on Google Search- Two The Weird

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law.
To see how Marra law in and around BLV works. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth is a TORTUOUS bitch !

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth is a TORTUOUS bitch !
To see more of Honest Ethel's TORTUOUS ways. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

The word of the day fits what the Brady Lake Village clerk gang has been up to for way too long.

The word of the day fits what the Brady Lake Village clerk gang has been up to for way too long.
To see proof of the BLV clerk gang's TORTUOUS way of operating BLV and BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision -or type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

Here's what the blog cam people have been trying to tell the Brady Lake Village clerk gang.

Here's what the blog cam people have been trying to tell the Brady Lake Village clerk gang.
To see why the BLV clerk gang needs to go f-ck themselves. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Here's just 1 reason why Brady Lake Village cops are called Rejects.

Here's just 1 reason why Brady Lake Village cops are called Rejects.
To see how other BLV reject cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Who's worse Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo or BLV cop John Marra ?

Who's worse Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo or BLV cop John Marra ?
To see how BLV police chief John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo has real problems with his picture being taken !

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo has real problems with his  picture being taken !
To see how BLV cop John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

The Blog Cam dog Buddy L and his new Brady Lake Village Guarding Glasses with the optional lites.

The Blog Cam dog Buddy L and his new Brady Lake Village Guarding Glasses with the optional lites.
To see some shit in BLV that really does need guarding. Type on Google Search- Pal

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo is pals with BLV police chief John Marra !

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo is pals with BLV police chief John Marra !
To see how John Delillo's pal John Marra operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village zoning department is run by a load of shit liar.

The Brady Lake Village zoning department is run by a load of shit liar.
To see why RT Mansfield can pull the shit he pulls. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield has refused many BLV public record requests.

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield has refused many BLV public record requests.
To see how Mr. Big Words RT operates. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

Speaking the truth at Brady Lake Village council meetings is not on the clerk gang's agenda.

Speaking the truth at Brady Lake Village council meetings is not on the clerk gang's agenda.
To see why the BLV clerk gang needs to be told to get F-CKED. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Happy Friday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Friday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
The BLV cops know what you drive,so to see what the BLV reject cops drive. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

Here's the Grue-some Three-some who will be happy to take your money for their own benefit.

Here's the Grue-some Three-some who will be happy to take your money for their own benefit.
To see how BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth operates. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Secret Keeping at Brady Lake Village council meetings has gone on for too many years !

Secret Keeping at Brady Lake Village council meetings has gone on for too many years !
To see more about the main BLV secret keeper. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Will the next law suit against Brady Lake Village be about how open meetings are done at BLV hall ?

Will the next law suit against Brady Lake Village be about how open meetings are done at BLV hall ?
To get an idea about open meetings and the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Joe Nichols was sent links to blog sites showing how things are done in Brady Lake Village.

Joe Nichols was sent links to blog sites showing how things are done in Brady Lake Village.
To see more lies and cover-up by the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- Pal

Looks like a CAMP blog poster has the Brady Lake Village clerk gang's number.

Looks like a CAMP blog poster has the Brady Lake Village clerk gang's number.
To see some BLV clerk gang wrong numbers and/or a wrong doing X-council member . Type on Google Search- Rat Right Attorney

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
To see plenty of BLV cop CRAP. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

If Brady Lake Village does get a mayor's court,Tom T Mullen will be telling the mayor what to do !

If Brady Lake Village does get a mayor's court,Tom T Mullen will be telling the mayor what to do !
To see how Tom Teriffic Mullen operates. Type on Google Search- Tom

If Brady Lake Village does get a mayor's court,will it be another BLV Cluster F-ck ?

If Brady Lake Village does get a mayor's court,will it be another BLV Cluster F-ck ?
To see the head BLV Cluster F-cker. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village police chief John Subway Marra needs to be locked up !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Subway Marra needs to be locked up !
To see why John Marra is a f-cking ass hole. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Here's some helpful hints from some CAMP blog posters.

Here's some helpful hints from some CAMP blog posters.
To see why helpful hints are needed with BLV police chief John Marra. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver has a way with the hot chicks !

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver has a way with the hot chicks !
BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson thinks Little Tyler is just the Bees Knees. To see how, Little Tyler operates. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler And Little

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang is actually talking about having a mayor's court,NO SHIT !

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang is actually talking about having a mayor's court,NO SHIT !
To see who will be in charge at a BLV mayor's court. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

This is the 1st half of the real 7/9/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

This is the 1st half of the real 7/9/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
Te see the complete 7/9/14 BLV council meeting minutes type on Google Search- Nuts=Not Us They -then click on comments.

This is the 2nd half of the real 7/9/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

This is the 2nd half of the real 7/9/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
The complete 7/9/14 BLV council meeting minutes can be seen by typing on Google Search- Nuts=Not Us They spot .com -and then click on comments.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra makes the whole village look bad !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra makes the whole village look bad !
To see another person who makes BLV look bad. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Looks like BLVPD chief John Marra and BLV mayor Hal Lehman have something they both like ?

Looks like BLVPD chief John Marra and BLV mayor Hal Lehman have something they both like ?
If the above anonymous post about Hal Lehman is true that would explain some Hal Lehman decisions. To see more about bad BLV decisions. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Looks like there's more to be learned about Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra.

Looks like there's more to be learned about Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra.
The above CAMP post is about the below CAMP picture. To see what kind of officials BLV has (mayor). Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is NOT liked by the Uniontown PD !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is NOT liked by the Uniontown PD !
To see why John Marra is Not like any-place he goes. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

This is the 1st half of an internet add to get more Brady Lake Village reject cops.

This is the 1st half of an internet add to get more Brady Lake Village reject cops.
To see how the BLV reject cops opertate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

This is the 2nd half of an internet add to get more Brady Lake Village reject cops.

This is the 2nd half of an internet add to get more Brady Lake Village reject cops.
To see how the chief reject BLV cop operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The blog cam dog Buddy L guarding at Boyle's Automotive in Franklin Township Ohio.

The blog cam dog Buddy L guarding at Boyle's Automotive in Franklin Township Ohio.
To see more of Buddy L and Buddy L's Brady Lake Village guarding. Type on Google Search- Poop Pictures Of Official

Here's how things are done Brady Lake Village clerk gang style.

Here's how things are done Brady Lake Village clerk gang style.
To see how most things are done BLV clerk gang style at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth does what she pleases when she pleases.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth does what she pleases when she pleases.
To see more about BLV clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Don't miss the next thrill packed episode of Brady Lake Village council meetings !

Don't miss the next thrill packed episode of Brady Lake Village council meetings !
To see other 2014 BLV council meetings. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Words to live by done by the Blog Cam Guy !

Words to live by done by the Blog Cam Guy !
To see some words to NOT live by. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Here's what CAMP blog posters think about Brady Lake Village and BLV's reject cops.

Here's what CAMP blog posters think about Brady Lake Village and BLV's reject cops.
To see how the BLV reject police chief John Marra operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Boyle's Automotive has been a NAPA autocare center since the first of 2014.

Boyle's Automotive has been a NAPA autocare center since the first of 2014.
To see some NAPA records as it concerns the BLV police department. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little Legs -and then click on the TALL blog site and then scroll down the page of the TALL blog.

Brady Lake Village councilwoman Ruth Carlson is a big part of the BLV clerk gang problem.

Brady Lake Village councilwoman Ruth Carlson is a big part of the BLV clerk gang problem.
To see more about the BLV clerk gang problems. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

When your a member of the Brady Lake Village clerk gang you can do what you please when you please.

When your a member of the Brady Lake Village clerk gang you can do what you please when you please.
The above email was sent about 70 places. To see more proof of the BLV clerk gang doing what they please. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Is the new movie-Let's Be Cops-about Brady Lake Village reject cops ?

Is the new movie-Let's Be Cops-about Brady Lake Village reject cops ?
To see the head reject BLV cop. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village councilwoman Ruth Carlson is a wide load of shit !

Brady Lake Village councilwoman Ruth Carlson is a wide load of shit !
To see why Ruth Carlson fits in so well with the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village councilwoman Ruth Carlson is a self-serving idiot.

Brady Lake Village councilwoman Ruth Carlson is a self-serving idiot.
To see BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson's 2 BLV houses. Go to the bottom half of this CAMP blog site.

Brady Lake Village has refused to answer public record requests about BLV tax money !

Brady Lake Village has refused to answer public record requests about BLV tax money !
To see more about the person who refuses to give up BLV public records about BLV tax dollars. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

This is the subject of the July-August 2014 Ohio Ethics Commision's news letter.

This is the subject of the July-August 2014 Ohio Ethics Commision's news letter.
To see why the Ohio Ethics Commission was sent information about Brady Lake Village. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth.
To see more Ethel Nemeth dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth is a LIAR !

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth is a LIAR !
To see some of the dirty tricks pulled by Honest Ethel. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Here's how Brady Lake Village is listed with the Portage County District Library.

Here's how Brady Lake Village is listed with the Portage County District Library.
Just like all BLV records the above record is f-cked and 4 years behind the times. To see how BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth runs BLV hall. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

X - Brady Lake Village council president Ted Holland is full of shit and himself.

X - Brady Lake Village council president Ted Holland is full of shit and himself.
To see how BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's mentor Ted Holland operates. Type on Google Search- Rat Right Attorney

Inquiring minds smell a Wanna'be Attorney at Brady Lake Village hall.

Inquiring minds smell a Wanna'be Attorney at Brady Lake Village hall.
To see more about X-BLV councilman Ted Holland. Type on Google Search- Rat Right Attorney

Can a Cheap Ass Plastic Santa Party save Broke Ass Brady Lake Village ?

Can a Cheap Ass Plastic Santa Party save Broke Ass Brady Lake Village ?
See what you think about the Santa Situation at 6482 Lakeview Drive in BLV by typing on Google Search- Camps Caring About More Plastic

Laurel Archer working with the State Police will be solving the Brady Lake reject cop problems.

Laurel Archer working with the State Police will be solving the Brady Lake reject cop problems.
To see more of Laurel Archer's work. Type on Google Search- Two The Weird

Here's the real boss of Brady Lake Village hall,Honest Ethel Nemeth.

Here's the real boss of Brady Lake Village hall,Honest Ethel Nemeth.
To see just some of the shit pulled by BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth will tell BLV residents what they need to know.

Brady Lake Village clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth will tell BLV residents what they need to know.
To see what really goes on in BLV and at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Blog Cam Guy with a Rogers flea market find who said her name was Tiger the sales-girl.

The Blog Cam Guy with a Rogers flea market find who said her name was Tiger the sales-girl.
To see more Rogers flea market finds. Type on Google Search- Two The Weird

Here's something the Brady Lake Village clerk gang does NOT understand.

Here's something the Brady Lake Village clerk gang does NOT understand.
To see proof the BLV clerk gang has their heads up their ass. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The 7/4/14 word of the day will take place at the 7/9/14 BLV council meeting.

The 7/4/14 word of the day will take place at the 7/9/14 BLV council meeting.
To see how BLV council meetings operate. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

The Brady Lake Village cops do what they please when they please.

The Brady Lake Village cops do what they please when they please.
To see how the BLVPD reject cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Does the BLV clerk's husband Richard Smokey Nemeth have hearing trouble too ?

Does the BLV clerk's husband Richard Smokey Nemeth have hearing trouble too ?
See what you think about Smokey Nemeth's ranting issues by typing on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

This is the BLV clerk's husband Richard Smokey Nemeth at the 5/14/14 BLV council meeting.

This is the BLV clerk's husband Richard Smokey Nemeth at the 5/14/14 BLV council meeting.
To see more about Smokey's problems. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

Happy 4th of July 2014 from 6482 Lakeview Drive in Brady Lake Village.

Happy 4th of July 2014 from 6482 Lakeview Drive in Brady Lake Village.
To see more Cheap Ass plastic santas and/or Christmas in July. Type on Google Search- Camps Caring About More Plastic

Here's something the Brady Lake Village cops Do Not understand.

Here's something the Brady Lake Village cops Do Not understand.
To see other things the BLVPD chief does Not understand. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Tyler McClamroch is the new,do anything for BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel,boy.

Tyler McClamroch is the new,do anything for BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel,boy.
To see what BLV cop Tyler McClamroch is trying to save. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.

The Merriam-Webster word of the day is done every day on comments on this CAMP blog site.
Ignatz is Laurel (Sis) Archer. Krazy Kat is Dan Boyle. Buddy L is Sis and Dan's dog Buddy L

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are a Misbegotten bunch.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are a Misbegotten bunch.
To see how the BLVPD rejects operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Happy almost 4th of July from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLVPD rejects.

Happy almost 4th of July from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLVPD rejects.
To see what the BLVFD is really about. Type on Google Search- Spit Some Police Is

The Brady Lake Village police department is serving and protecting it's own rejects.

The Brady Lake Village police department is serving and protecting it's own rejects.
To see what;s really going on at the BLVPD. Type onn Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Looks like the voice of the Brady Lake Village cops is gone ?

Looks like the voice of the Brady Lake Village cops is gone ?
We're going to miss Skitzo Sean but you can still remember Sean Ahlegian by typing on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

Sean Ahlegain aka LM Shaffer used to speak for the BLV police department & almost anybody.

Sean Ahlegain aka LM Shaffer used to speak for the BLV police department & almost anybody.
To see why BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer aka Skitzo fit in so well at the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has been seen in Kent doing his brand of BLV profiling.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has been seen in Kent doing his brand of BLV profiling.
To see how other BLV reject cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

It's no wonder Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch loves driving V/8 powered BLV cop cars !

It's no wonder Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch loves driving V/8 powered BLV cop cars !
To see how Little Tyler drives a V/8 powered car. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has some serious picture taking issues.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has some serious picture taking issues.
The 7/2/14 incident should be the 7/1/14 incident. To see how other BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver is the new BLV council meeting guard.

Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver is the new BLV council meeting guard.
To see how Little Tyler operates. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Brady Lake Village officials do as they please when they please.

Brady Lake Village officials do as they please when they please.
To see more about BLV council meetings. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

To raise money the Brady Lake Village clerk gang has decided to farm out the BLV ball-field !

To raise money the Brady Lake Village clerk gang has decided to farm out the BLV ball-field !
To see other BLV clerk gang ideas. Type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

An Anonymous CAMP blog poster has some good and very bad points about the BLV clerk gang.

An Anonymous CAMP blog poster has some good and very bad points about the BLV clerk gang.
To see why if you live in and pay taxes to Brady Lake Village your ass and wallet are Sore. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

This has nothing to do with Brady Lake Village but seems right ?

This has nothing to do with Brady Lake Village but seems right ?
To see some BLV info that will make you shit your pants. Type on Google Search- Turd The Unpaid Real

Is Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth still trying to raise money for the BLV reject cops ?

Is Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth still trying to raise money for the BLV reject cops ?
To see why nobody is going to donate to the BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Can the BLV clerk's new pet,BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver keep the BLV lie alive ?

Can the BLV clerk's new pet,BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver keep the BLV lie alive ?
To see how Little Tyler operates. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

If you think this is a joke,go to a Brady Lake Village council meeting and ask questions.

If you think this is a joke,go to a Brady Lake Village council meeting and ask questions.
To see more about the BLV joke Hal Lehman. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman really doesn't have a clue.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman really doesn't have a clue.
To see more BLV bad decisions. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver is the new BLV clerk gang genius.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver is the new BLV clerk gang genius.
To see some genius moves by Little Tyler. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Having a minus I.Q. along with lying is the Brady Lake Village clerk gang story.

Having a minus I.Q. along with lying is the Brady Lake Village clerk gang story.
To some very low I.Q. decisions. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra needs some serious I.Q. help !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra needs some serious I.Q. help !
BLV police chief John Marra was fired and/or resigned from the Uniontown PD for having Sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD,not much in the I.Q. department. To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Has Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver gone and shit his cop pants AGAIN ?

Has Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver gone and shit his cop pants AGAIN ?
To see some of the things that make Little Tyler shit himself. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

How much longer can the Brady Lake Village reject cops get away with the shit they're pulling ?

How much longer can the Brady Lake Village reject cops get away with the shit they're pulling ?
To see why the BLVPD needs to end. Type on Google Search- Camp 2 Catch All Mad

Could this be the new Brady Lake Village blog cam Swat Pinto ?

Could this be the new Brady Lake Village blog cam Swat Pinto ?
To see why something is needed for a new BLV reject cop. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

You can scroll down this page to the comment box to comment or view the posts.

You can scroll down this page to the comment box to comment or view the posts.
You can also use the above contacts to learn why BLV should have been dissolved.

Will Brady Lake Village set a record for having the most reject cops in such a small area ?

Will Brady Lake Village set a record for having the most reject cops in such a small area ?
To see some of the dirty tricks pulled by the BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth will rip a heart out for a $ buck or $ 2.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth will rip a heart out for a $ buck or $ 2.
To see more about the clerk-mayor-queen-bitch of BLV hall. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

If you think Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth is not a cold hearted bitch,guess again !

If you think Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth is not a cold hearted bitch,guess again !
If you would like to see more than a guess about Honest Ethel Nemeth. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Buddy L's jobs at Boyle's Automotive are guarding his green rug and his dog snacks.

Buddy L's jobs at Boyle's Automotive are guarding his green rug and his dog snacks.
Would Buddy L be the smartest thing to happen to the BLVPD ? See what you think about fixing stupid by typing on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Why would Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman keep a jerkoff like John Marra for BLV police chief ?

Why would Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman keep a jerkoff like John Marra for BLV police chief ?
To see how other BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

1 of the reasons Brady Lake Village gets sued is RT Mansfield's way of not doing things.

1 of the reasons Brady Lake Village gets sued is RT Mansfield's way of not doing things.
To see who RT Mansfield thinks he is. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield is full of shit and hot air.

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield is full of shit and hot air.
To see how BLV zoning Czar RT Mansfield does BLV zoning. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

This BLV cop drives from Geauga County with No front plate on his white Impala.

This BLV cop drives from Geauga County with No front plate on his white Impala.
Since BLV won't give up any public records,this BLV cop is unknown,but does hang out with known BLV reject cops. To see just 1 of Mr. No Name's pals. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

The unknown BLV cop driving this Impala has been seen writing BLV traffic tickets.

The unknown BLV cop driving this Impala has been seen writing BLV traffic tickets.
To see how some known BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The TourdeCure needed to alert it's riders about streets in Brady Lake Village.

The TourdeCure needed to alert it's riders about streets in Brady Lake Village.
The TourdeCure is for the American Diabetes Association. No where in Franklin Township is this Caution Rough Road sign found. To see where BLV tax money went besides the BLVFD and BLV streets. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

What's the chances the Brady Lake Village cops know what this means ?

What's the chances the Brady Lake Village cops know what this means ?
To see what having BLV reject cops means. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Will Brady Lake Village tax payers get the short end of the BLV shit stick once again ?

Will Brady Lake Village tax payers get the short end of the BLV shit stick once again ?
To see more about BLV cop Tyler McClamroch's way of doing things. Follow the directions at the top of this page or,type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

The Brady Lake Village clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth way of operating BLV hall.

The Brady Lake Village clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth way of operating BLV hall.
To see more about how Honest Ethel operates. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Here's another way Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth keeps the BLV clerk gang lie alive.

Here's another way Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth keeps the BLV clerk gang lie alive.
To see more Honest Ethel Nemeth dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer is not sure who he is !

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer is not sure who he is !
To see more about Skitzo Sean and his BLV cop pals. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver doing yet another Selfie.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver doing yet another Selfie.
To see more of what Little Tyler thinks of himself. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

What is wrong with Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver ?

What is wrong with Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver ?
To see more about Little Tyler. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth trying to keep the the clerk gang lie alive.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth trying to keep the the clerk gang lie alive.
To see more BLV clerk gang lies. Type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

Yes blog viewers it's the Brady Lake Village reject cop circus at action packed BLV hall.

Yes blog viewers it's the Brady Lake Village reject cop circus at action packed BLV hall.
To see the BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver show. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Here's just how Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth goes about public record requests.

Here's just how Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth goes about public record requests.
To see how Honest Ethel Nemeth does other things at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

This is the 1st half of the 6/25/14 real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

This is the 1st half of the 6/25/14 real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
To see the minutes as 1 part,go to the comment section of the NUTS blog site by typing on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

This is the 2nd half of the 6/25/14 real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

This is the 2nd half of the 6/25/14 real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
To see the minutes as 1 part,go to the comment section of the NUTS blog site by typing on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Here's BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer who speaks for the BLV police department.

Here's BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer who speaks for the BLV police department.
The BLVPD Face Book site and the BLVPD blog sites are No more thanks to Skitzo Sean. To see how this nut ball operates. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

This would be a good day at Brady Lake Village hall for BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth !

This would be a good day at Brady Lake Village hall for BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth !
Could too many solitaire games on the BLV computer be why BLV was Un-auditable for 1 year ? To see other Ethel Nemeth games. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Looks like Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver has a life style problem ?

Looks like Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver has a life style problem ?
To see how Little Tyler operates. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer should not be a cop and not be in BLV.

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer should not be a cop and not be in BLV.
To see more BLV cop problems. Type on Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer looking like Uncle Fester from the Addams Family.

BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer looking like Uncle Fester from the Addams Family.
To see more Skitzo Sean Ahlegian help type on Google Search this info -

Sean Ahlegian was fired from the Holden Arboretum in Lake County for his illegal use of OHLEG !

Sean Ahlegian was fired from the Holden Arboretum in Lake County for his illegal use of OHLEG !
To see more about BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

If you've ever been to a Brady Lake Village council meeting you know this is Not a joke.

If you've ever been to a Brady Lake Village council meeting you know this is Not a joke.
BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth doing what she does,running the BLV hall show. To see more about the joke of a BLV clerk. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth was the driving force behind the new BLV hall purchase.

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth was the driving force behind the new BLV hall purchase.
To see other things and/or stunts done by BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Will little Tyler get excited and run into those steel posts,denting another BLV cop car door ?

Will little Tyler get excited and run into those steel posts,denting another BLV cop car door ?
To see just how excited BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka Tyler McBeaver gets. Type On Google Search- Tall Tyler and Little

Those who voted for Hal Lehman to be mayor of Brady Lake Village need to Re - Think their mistake.

Those who voted for Hal Lehman to be mayor of Brady Lake Village need to Re - Think their mistake.
To see more about Hal noballs Lehman. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village officials don't have a clue what honesty in government really means.

Brady Lake Village officials don't have a clue what honesty in government really means.
To see plenty of reasons to NOT have the BLV cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

More Brady Lake Village residents are seeing issue 10 to dissolve BLV needed to pass !

More Brady Lake Village residents are seeing issue 10 to dissolve BLV needed to pass !
To see plenty of reasons to dissolve BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The BLVFD can't even take care of a car in the lake 2 blocks from the BLVFD.

The BLVFD can't even take care of a car in the lake 2 blocks from the BLVFD.
To see how the BLVFD and the BLVPD did things when this car went in Brady Lake . Type on Google Search- Turd The Unpaid Real

For the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax Brady Lake residents get this shit.

For the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax Brady Lake residents get this shit.
To see more about what the BLVFD deosn't do. Type on Google Search- Fat Forget Any

The 6/25/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting should be more fun than a sharp stick in the eye !

The 6/25/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting should be more fun than a sharp stick in the eye !
To see how the BLVFD got the way it is. Type on Google Search- Fat

If you would like to donate to the Brady Lake Village PD,try this !

If you would like to donate to the Brady Lake Village PD,try this !
To see why the BLV Blog Cam people are going to get these to wear to BLV council meetings. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Secrets being kept by Brady Lake Village officials never ends !

Secrets being kept by Brady Lake Village officials never ends !
To see more BLV official secrets- Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

THANKS all you Brady Lake Village concerned residents for your help and info !

THANKS all you Brady Lake Village concerned residents for your help and info !
To see just some of what's wrong at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Poor Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman trying to keep yet another BLV secrect.

Poor Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman trying to keep yet another BLV secrect.
To see more about some BLVFD secrets. Type on Google Search- Fat

The lies and cover up by the Brady Lake Village officials (clerk gang) never ends !

The lies and cover up by the Brady Lake Village officials (clerk gang) never ends !
To see more BLV clerk gang lies. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The blog cam guy was trying to make a deal on a new Brady Lake Village FD rescue boat !

The blog cam guy was trying to make a deal on a new Brady Lake Village FD rescue boat !
Since the BLVFD can't seem to get the BLVFD boat in the lake,maybe this would be quicker ? To see some other BLVFD problems. Type on Google Search- Fat

How far up their selfish asses can the Brady Lake Village officials fit their heads ?

How far up their selfish asses can the Brady Lake Village officials fit their heads ?
To see why BLV can not go on like it is. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

It's no wonder fund raising for the Brady Lake Village Police Department hasn't gone to well.

It's no wonder fund raising for the Brady Lake Village Police Department hasn't gone to well.
To see other reasons Not to donate to the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The new and improved Brady Lake Village council meeting Blog Cam helper.

The new and improved Brady Lake Village council meeting Blog Cam helper.
When the BLV clerk gang won't answer questions at BLV council meetings,this will be held up. To see why this new helper is needed. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Is They

Should more people have voted Yes on issue 10 to dissolve Brady Lake Village ?

Should more people have voted Yes on issue 10 to dissolve Brady Lake Village ?
See what you think by typing on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Is Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth going to start her own Dan Boyle blog site ?

Is Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth going to start her own Dan Boyle blog site ?
To see a blog site started by Dan Boyle about Honest Ethel Nemeth. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

The Brady Lake Village officials aka the clerk gang must think public records are a joke ?

The Brady Lake Village officials aka the clerk gang must think public records are a joke ?
To see more BLV clerk gang lies and/or jokes. Type on Google Search- Low lots Of

Thanks Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth for the way BLV public records are kept.

Thanks Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth for the way BLV public records are kept.
To see how Honest Ethel Nemeth runs BLV council meetings. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

No matter how hard you try,you just can't fix stupid at Brady Lake Village hall !

No matter how hard you try,you just can't fix stupid at Brady Lake Village hall !
To see just how stupid things are at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Here's life in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with John Marra law.

Here's life in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with John Marra law.
To see more about the clerk,mayor,bitch,queen of BLV hall. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

The hiding of Brady Lake Village public records never ends !

The hiding of Brady Lake Village public records never ends !
To see more Brady Lake Village clerk gang lies. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake police chief John Marra has more problems than having sex with 16 year old girls.

Brady Lake police chief John Marra has more problems than having sex with 16 year old girls.
To see more John Crash'em Marra problems. Type on Google Search- MESS Marra Emits Steering

Here's the dumb and dumb-er of the Brady Lake Village clerk gang !

Here's the dumb and dumb-er of the Brady Lake Village clerk gang !
To see just how dumb BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth is. Type on Google Search- PEE Please Exit

Help from the Attorney General's Office for the Brady Lake Village public record requestors.

Help from the Attorney General's Office for the Brady Lake Village public record requestors.
To see why the Attorney General is interested in BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

If you tell the truth about Brady Lake Village officals or cops,beware they get pissed off !

If you tell the truth about Brady Lake Village officals or cops,beware they get pissed off !
To see the BLV cop problems that started it all. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

Looks like more people are learning about the Brady Lake Village reject cops.

Looks like more people are learning about the Brady Lake Village reject cops.
To see how the BLVPD rejects operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Here's 2 Brady Lake Village reject cops directing traffic from a BLV cop car ?

Here's 2 Brady Lake Village reject cops directing traffic from a BLV cop car ?
This must be the reject leading the reject. To see how BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville in Portage County Ohio is reject cop land !

Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville in Portage County Ohio is reject cop land !
To see how BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch all Mad

Thanks CAMP blog posters for all your help in the last 4 years !

Thanks CAMP blog posters for all your help in the last 4 years !
To see why all BLV residents need to get help because of the BLV clerk gang . Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Happy Wednesday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Wednesday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
To see who might be in this BLVPD car. Type on Google Search- Lie

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth's dirty tricks never end.

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth's dirty tricks never end.
To see more Honest Ethel Nemeth dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Here's how things really work in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law.

Here's how things really work in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law.
After more than 4 years of requesting BLV public records less than 1/2 have been answered by the above BLV clerk-mayor-queen-bitch Honest Ethel Nemeth. To see more about Honest Ethel. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth needs some public records training-SOON !

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth needs some public records training-SOON  !
To see more about how BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth runs BLV and BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Brady Lake Village PD is really located at 6500 Lakeview Drive in BLV - nice going BLV !

The Brady Lake Village PD is really located at 6500 Lakeview Drive in BLV - nice going BLV !
When looking for the BLV police department on the internet,this is what you usually find. This is how the rest of the world sees Brady Lake Village and the BLVPD. To see more BLV clerk gang f-ck ups. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver has alot to learn about the BLV clerk gang.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver has alot to learn about the BLV clerk gang.
To see more about the kind of people Tyler is working for. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch trying to get somebody to listen to his Boyle tale.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch trying to get somebody to listen to his Boyle tale.
To see how Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver operates. Type on Google Search- Tall

Can Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch save Broke Ass BLV ?

Can Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch save Broke Ass BLV ?
To see the kind of people Tyler is trying to save. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Happy Monday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.

Happy Monday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLV reject cops.
The BLV cops have gone to hiding their own vehicles,so who knows who's lurking here. To see more BLV cop dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Why are 3 Brady Lake Village cops following people around BLV in this car from Geauga County ?

Why are 3 Brady Lake Village cops following people around BLV in this car from Geauga County ?
To see how the BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has been seen near Lake Rockwell making traffic stops.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has been seen near Lake Rockwell making traffic stops.
This picture was taken on 6/14/14 on Ravenna Road beside Lake Rockwell. To see more about BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver and traffic stops outside Brady Lake Village. Type on Google Search- Tall

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch's driving records suits him to be a BLV reject cop.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch's driving records suits him to be a BLV reject cop.
To see more about Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver. Type on Google Search- Tall

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver at a 6/11/14 BLV council meeting.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver at a 6/11/14 BLV council meeting.
To see more BLV drunk decisions. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver has some gnawing mental issues.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver has some gnawing mental issues.
To see how The Beaver and other BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

A new Brady Lake Village cop being trained by BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver.

A new Brady Lake Village cop being trained by BLV cop Tyler McClamroch aka The Beaver.
To see how The Beaver gnaws through BLV crime. Type On Google Search- Tall

I wonder if answers like this piss off the Brady Lake Village reject cops ?

I wonder if answers like this piss off the Brady Lake Village reject cops ?
To see some things that really piss off the BLV cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad Police.

Hey BLVPD reject cops. Dan Boyle didn't spend the weekend in jail,so go f-ck yourselves !

Hey BLVPD reject cops. Dan Boyle didn't spend the weekend in jail,so go f-ck yourselves !
This email was from Laurel Archer to attorney Warner Mendenhall. To see how the BLV reject cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are up to more dirty tricks.

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are up to more dirty tricks.
To see some BLV cop Tyler McClamroch dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Tall

Brady Lake Village cops are now using an Impala with no front plate,but has an Ohio rear plate ?

Brady Lake Village cops are now using an Impala with no front plate,but has an Ohio rear plate ?
This White Chevy Impala had BLV cops Jeff Lyle and John Delillo as passengers with an unkown BLV cop driver. After this car followed Dan Boyle and Laurel Archer through BLV,Laurel Archer called 911,then called the Portage County Sheriff. There will be more to this story in the coming weeks. After talking to the PCSO it seems the BLVPD is on their shit list.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law !

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law !
To see how other things are done in Clerksville. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

On 2/11/13 Brady Lake Village cop John Marra was hiding from the blog cam-WHY ?

On 2/11/13 Brady Lake Village cop John Marra was hiding from the blog cam-WHY ?
On 6/11/14 - BLV police chief John Marra could care less about having his picture taken-WHY ? To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV- Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is laughing at all of Brady Lake Village !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is laughing at all of Brady Lake Village !
To see the kind of reject cops John Marra is leading. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra posing with BLV cop Tyler McClamroch.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra posing with BLV cop Tyler McClamroch.
BLV police chief John Marra was fired and/or resigned from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Marra Emits Steering

It's too bad Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield's hot air can't be put to good use.

It's too bad Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield's hot air can't be put to good use.
To be able to click on the Mustang. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield is full of shit and a BLV clerk gang member.

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield is full of shit and a BLV clerk gang member.
To see how RT operates. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

Is Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman sick of Dan Boyle's BLV police chief John Marra jokes ?

Is Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman sick of Dan Boyle's BLV police chief John Marra jokes ?
To see why BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra is a Joke and 1/2. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village & the BLV reject cops.

Happy Thursday from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village & the BLV reject cops.
To see what this woman BLV cop is driving. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield should be made to do his job or Fired !

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield should be made to do his job or Fired !
To see the 2 above blog sites. Scroll down this page to the comment box and follow the directions.

The BLVFD can't get to a fire in BLV or a car in the lake in BLV,but does have 24/7 lites !

The BLVFD can't get to a fire in BLV or a car in the lake in BLV,but does have 24/7 lites !
To see more about the Brady Lake Village fire department. Type on Google Search- Fat

Is Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra handing out Subway menus to BLV council ?

Is Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra handing out  Subway  menus to BLV council ?
BLV police chief John Marra was fired and/or resigned from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

This is the first 1/2 of the 6/11/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.

This is the first 1/2 of the 6/11/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.
To see the above minutes in 1 part. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They -then go to comments on the NUTS blog.

This is the second 1/2 of the 6/11/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.

This is the second 1/2 of the 6/11/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.
To see the above minutes in 1 part. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They -then go to comments on the NUTS blog.

Give to the BLVPD fund so the BLVPD can write more tickets to keep the BLV joke alive ?

Give to the BLVPD fund so the BLVPD can write more tickets to keep the BLV joke alive ?
To see why nobody wants to donate to the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village public record requests do not happen because of BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth !

Brady Lake Village public record requests do not happen because of BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth !
To see more BLV clerk gang dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

Brady Lake Village and/or BLV hall has No Email address-WHY ?

Brady Lake Village and/or BLV hall has No Email address-WHY ?
To see more BLV clerk gang dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- WARR Wont Answer Record

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is being thanked for his BLV police chief choice John Marra.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is being thanked for his BLV police chief choice John Marra.
To see why Hal Lehman needs no thanks. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

A Brady Lake Village reject cop guarding Dan Boyle's driveway in BLV ?

A Brady Lake Village reject cop guarding Dan Boyle's driveway in BLV ?
To see other things and/or people the BLV cops guard in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 2 Catch All Mad

A CAMP blog poster's idea for Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman.

A CAMP blog poster's idea for Brady Lake  Village mayor Hal Lehman.
To see who has the Balls at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision -Or type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman really needs to get a set of Balls !

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman really needs to get a set of Balls !
To see what Hal Lehman having No Balls gets BLV for a police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is a lying sack of shit !

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is a lying sack of shit !
To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

When will Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman get the balls to do his BLV mayor's job correctly ?

When will Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman get the balls to do his BLV mayor's job correctly ?
To see how BLV police chief John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

It's a good thing Brady Lake Village has real fire departments in the area.

It's a good thing Brady Lake Village has real fire departments in the area.
To see more about the BLV fire department. Type on Google Search- Fat

Brady Lake Village has way to many reject cops using BLV to keep their police commission.

Brady Lake Village has way to many reject cops using BLV to keep their police commission.
To see how the BLVPD head ticket writer Tyler McClamroch operates. Type on Google Search- Tall

When will 19 Action News be back to Brady Lake Village for some straight answers ?

When will 19 Action News be back to Brady Lake Village for some straight answers ?
To see how BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Is Brady Lake Village in Portage County Ohio a bad record maker !

Is Brady Lake Village in Portage County Ohio a bad record maker !
To see some BLV clerk gang records. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has been Clerkafied by the BLV clerk gang.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch has been Clerkafied by the BLV clerk gang.
See if you think Tyler McClamroch has been Double Clerkafied by typing on Google Search- Scum

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth has Clerkafied the BLV cops.

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth has Clerkafied the BLV cops.
To see other things Honest Ethel Nemeth has Clerkafied. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vsion

Is the BLVPD getting much needed help from X-BLV councilman Joshua Moore aka Commander Paranoid ?

Is the BLVPD getting much needed help from X-BLV councilman Joshua Moore aka Commander Paranoid ?
To see how Joshua Moore aka Commander Paranoid operates. Type on Google Search- Hot Hombre On

Donations to the BLVPD haven't gone too well,so here's the new BLVPD communication device.

Donations to the BLVPD haven't gone too well,so here's the new BLVPD communication device.
To see why donations to the BLVPD suck. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch needs much more driver training !

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch needs much more driver training !
To see more about Demo Driver Tyler McClamroch. Type on Google Search- Scum

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch more worried about the blog cam than on-coming traffic.

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch more worried about the blog cam than on-coming traffic.
To see how Tyler and his pal Jeff do things. Type on Google Search- Scum

After chasing the blog cam around Brady Lake Village Tyler McClamroch did a U-turn !

After chasing the blog cam around Brady Lake Village Tyler McClamroch did a U-turn !
To see more about Tyler McClamroch and his BLV cop pal Jeff Lyle. Type on Google Search- Scum

In honor of National Donut Day we salute X-BLV police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe !

In honor of National Donut Day we salute X-BLV police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe !
To see why Dirty Dave Donut Dude was called Toe 2 Toe. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang will be more than happy to TAKE your donations.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang will be more than happy to TAKE your donations.
To see what happens to BLV donations. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Happy Friday Afternoon from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village in Portage County Ohio.

Happy Friday Afternoon from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village in Portage County Ohio.
To see a picture of the BLV cop's Gray Ford pickup who's driving this BLV cop car. Type on Google Search- Lie Liars Is

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang will never get things done correctly !

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang will never get things done correctly !
To see more BLV clerk gang mess. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey aka Mow Money in money action.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey aka Mow Money in money action.
BLV has a large mower and tractor that should be used here but that would cut mowing time at least in 1/2. To see more BLV nepotism. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Looks like a CAMP blog poster must have driven through Brady Lake Village.

Looks like a CAMP blog poster must have driven through Brady Lake Village.
To see more BLV dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo doesn't know right from wrong being a reject cop !

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo doesn't know right  from wrong being a reject cop  !
John Delillo blocking the view at Lakeview and Brady Lake Road in BLV. To see how John Delillo operates. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

The Brady Lake Village cops are serving and protecting who ?

The Brady Lake Village cops are serving and protecting who ?
To see more about how BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 2 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo stopped a car looking for more donuts.

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo stopped a car looking for more donuts.
To see how John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

This is a Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch dirty trick to get BLV ticket money.

This is a Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch dirty trick to get BLV ticket money.
To see more about Dirty Trick Tyler McClamroch. Type on Google Search-

BLV cops will be going to Hardees instead of Subway or Sheetz for their cop snacks.

BLV cops will be going to Hardees instead of Subway or Sheetz for their cop snacks.
To see how BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

This is BLV cop Tyler McClamroch at the Kent NAPA,a mile from BLV,yelling No Pictures !

This is BLV cop Tyler McClamroch at the Kent NAPA,a mile from BLV,yelling No Pictures !
To see how the BLV cops operate in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad -Or type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village zoning inspector RT Mansfield is bad for BLV and BLV residents.

Brady Lake Village zoning inspector RT Mansfield is bad for BLV and BLV residents.
Here's how RT Mansfield treats a public record request. To see how RT does other things in BLV. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

The Brady Lake Village officials seem to be blind to BLV fire-trap shit-hole rentals !

The Brady Lake Village officials seem to be blind to BLV fire-trap shit-hole rentals !
To see the worst problem with BLV zoning. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch on 6/3/14 in Kent on Face Book.

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch on 6/3/14 in Kent on Face Book.
To see this on Face Book type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Face Book -Somebody besides the blog cam is taking pictures of the BLV cops. To see how the BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch on Face Book being a sawed off ass hole.

BLV cop Tyler McClamroch on Face Book being a sawed off ass hole.
To see this on Face Book type on Google Search- Dan Boyle of Brady Lake on Face Book -To see more about BLV cop Tyler McClamroch. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village residents are being cheated by the BLV officials. (clerk gang)

Brady Lake Village residents are being cheated by the BLV officials. (clerk gang)
To see more about the BLVFD. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village officials have Not provided BLV residents a safe place to live.

Brady Lake Village officials have Not provided BLV residents a safe place to live.
To see more about the 5/30/14 BLV fire. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village fire chief Aaron Flynt wearing his cool fire gear at the BLV fire on Lakeview.

Brady Lake Village fire chief Aaron Flynt wearing his cool fire gear at the BLV fire on Lakeview.
All the other firemen at the 6290 Lakeview Drive in BLV fire had fire suits on. To see more about this BLV fire. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle aka Jeff Slapnicker is know-it-all-ass-hole.

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle aka Jeff Slapnicker is know-it-all-ass-hole.
To see how other BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch needs much more cop training !

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch needs much more cop training !
This is BLV cop Tyler McClamroch telling the blog cam no picutres. To see how Tyler's pal BLV cop Jeff Lyle operates. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is a 5 foot pile of lying shit.

Brady Lake Village cop Tyler McClamroch is a 5 foot pile of lying shit.
To see how other BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The Brady Lake Village PD has some bad driving issues.

The Brady Lake Village PD has some bad driving issues.
This picture is from the Now Defunct BLVPD face-book site. To see more BLV reject cop issues. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village cops should really take some kind of driver training course !

Brady Lake Village cops should really take some kind of driver training course !
To see how the BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

A Brady Lake Village cop on his phone while driving in BLV on Lakeview Dr.

A Brady Lake Village cop on his phone while driving in BLV on Lakeview Dr.
Could the smashed in rear door be from not paying attention ? Will BLV mayor Hal Lehman give this BLV cop a ticket beacuse BLV is broke ? To see how the BLV reject cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Why won't the Brady Lake Village officials do BLV cop record and/or back-ground checks ?

Why won't the Brady Lake Village officials do BLV cop record and/or back-ground checks ?
To see the latest BLV cop record check and blog site. Type on Google Search- Scum

Has anybody kept a count on just how many reject cops Brady Lake Village has ?

Has anybody kept a count on just how many reject cops Brady Lake Village has ?
To see this new BLV blog site. Go to comments and/or posts on this CAMP blog site. Then click on the picture of a Mustang and then click on- SCUM=Some Cops Use Mouth !

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle must think he's a bad ass ?

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle must think he's a bad ass ?
To see how other BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle told Dan Boyle he was going to take Dan's camera.

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle told Dan Boyle he was going to take Dan's camera.
Dan still has his camera. To see how BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

BLV cop Jeff Lyle sets off many red flags.

BLV cop Jeff Lyle sets off many red flags.
To see more BLV red flags. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village must be a reject cop magnet ?

Brady Lake Village must be a reject cop magnet ?
To see why shit attracts shit at the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Ravenna Township was first on the scene at a fire in Brady Lake Village at 6290 Lakeview dr.

Ravenna Township was first on the scene at a fire in Brady Lake Village at 6290 Lakeview dr.
The blog cam took about 150 pictures and some will be shown. That's a Rootstown fire department red hose. Kent fire was also involved. BLV never did get hooked up. That's BLV cop Tyler McClamroch telling the blog cam No Pictures. Typical BLV reject cop that doesn't like pictures. Hey Tyler Too F'in Bad ! To see how the BLVFD got where it is today. Type on Google Search- Fat

The Brady Lake Village fire department is Un-safe,but BLV grass is mowed.

The Brady Lake Village fire department is Un-safe,but BLV grass is mowed.
Brady Lake Village has a large mower that is pulled behind the BLV tractor,but BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey aka Mow Money uses a small mower to mow the BLV ballfield-WHY ? To see more BLV clerk gang wasted and/or missing money. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Local Dispatch did not call Brady Lake Village for a car in Brady Lake 2 blocks from the BLVFD.

Local Dispatch did not call Brady Lake Village for a car in Brady Lake 2 blocks from the BLVFD.
To see why the BLVFD is in such sad shape. Type on Google Search-

Kent Parks & Rec use the Brady Lake Village ballfield,but BLV residents pay to have it mowed.

Kent Parks & Rec use the Brady Lake Village ballfield,but BLV residents pay to have it mowed.
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey aka Mow Money is mowing something BLV doesn't even use. To see more BLV dirty money tricks. (nepotism) Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Brady Lake Village fire department never was nor will it ever be safe !

The Brady Lake Village fire department never was nor will it ever be safe !
To see how X-BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe operates. Type on Google Search-

Could it be the Hot Air from the Brady Lake Village zoning Czar that stinks at BLV hall ?

Could it be the Hot Air from the Brady Lake Village zoning Czar that stinks at BLV hall ?
Rt Mansfield loves to use big words and talk down to others. To see how RT Mansfield operates. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village at the Clerksville No-Tell-Hotel.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village at the Clerksville No-Tell-Hotel.
To see more of how BLV clerk Honest Ethel operates. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

This Un-announced Brady Lake Village meeting had 4 BLV council members there.

This Un-announced Brady Lake Village meeting had 4 BLV council members there.
BLV council meetings start at 7:00 PM,so this was an Un-announced and/or illegal BLV meeting,but that's BLV. To see more illegal BLV clerk gang doings. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Here's the Real 5/28/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

Here's the Real 5/28/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
To see other BLV council meeting Real minutes and pictures. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Here's the real problem with Brady Lake Village cops beating the bushes for ticket money.

Here's the real problem with Brady Lake Village cops beating the bushes for ticket money.
BLV mayor Hal Lehman and the clerk gang think more tickets will save broke ass BLV. To see how things really are in BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village officials seem to think traffic tickets are the way to save a broke BLV !

Brady Lake Village officials seem to think traffic tickets are the way to save a broke BLV !
To see how the BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Hal Lehman & Dan Boyle on the 11/5/13-KSU-TV2-debate about dissolving Brady Lake Village.

Hal Lehman & Dan Boyle on the 11/5/13-KSU-TV2-debate about dissolving Brady Lake Village.
To see why BLV mayor Hal Lehman needs to wear the above Mickey Mouse tie. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville reject cops do as they please !

Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville reject cops do as they please !
To see how the BLV reject cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village residents are being f-cked in a way that doesn't feel good,like in the wallet.

Brady Lake Village residents are being f-cked in a way that doesn't feel good,like in the wallet.
To see just some of the BLV f-cking. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The official Brady Lake Village Blog Cam driving kit !

The official Brady Lake Village Blog Cam driving kit !
To see why the above kit is needed for the BLV cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

This is what the post and/or comment box looks like down this page of this CAMP blog site.

This is what the post and/or comment box looks like down this page of this CAMP blog site.
To see some of the shit pulled by the BLV cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad -Or follow the above directions.

Brady Lake Village (BLV) is broke with no staight answers coming from BLV officials. -NICE !

Brady Lake Village (BLV) is broke with no staight answers coming from BLV officials. -NICE !
You can go the the post and/or comment section of this CAMP blog to view any of the many BLV blog sites.

The Brady Lake Village residents against Drunk Driving poster boy-Joshua Moore.

The Brady Lake Village residents against Drunk Driving poster boy-Joshua Moore.
This is BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore aka Commander Paranoid stopped in front of Dan Boyle's house in BLV,yelling stupid shit. To see more and/or Moore about drinking tequila. Type on Google Search- Hot Hombre On

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville Ohio.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville Ohio.
To see more BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth nepotism tricks. Type on Google Search- Toe The Other -Or type on Google Search- None No Other Nemeths

Joshua Moore aka Comander Paraniod stopped in front of Dan Boyle's house yelling stupid shit.

Joshua Moore aka Comander Paraniod stopped in front of Dan Boyle's house yelling stupid shit.
Joshua Moore is the grandson of BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth and an X-BLV councilman. To see how Cammader Paranoid's grandma operates. Type on google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman said it wasn't his job to do BLV cop record checks - NICE !

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman said it wasn't his job to do BLV cop record checks - NICE !
BLV mayor Hal Lehman doesn't give a shit who does BLV cop record and/or back-ground checks. The cop in question is Michael Ohl. Ohl's Lake County record can be seen by typing on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has no straight and/or good answers for any BLV problem.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has no straight and/or good answers for any BLV problem.
To see how BLV mayor Hal Lehman operates. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Good and/or decent cops never stay long in Brady Lake Village.

Good and/or decent cops never stay long in Brady Lake Village.
To see what kind of cops BLV now has. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Who should be allowed in the Brady Lake Village clerk's office with BLV personal information ?

Who should be allowed in the Brady Lake Village clerk's office with BLV personal information ?
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey aka Mow Money gets paid to clean BLV hall-WHY ? Mow Money has also been in the clerk's office by herself. To see more BLV clerk gang dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Who should be allowed in the Brady Lake Village clerk's office with BLV personal information ?

Who should be allowed in the Brady Lake Village clerk's office with BLV personal information ?
X - BLV councilman Ted Holland and his wife Louise Holland are inside BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's BLV hall office many times each month. To see how Ted Holland operates. Type on Google Search- Rat Right Attorney

Grass mowing in Brady Lake Village is a BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth family affair !

Grass mowing in Brady Lake Village is a BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth family affair !
To see more about Debbie Stacey aka Mow Money. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Mow Money is full of shit just like her mother.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Mow Money is full of shit just like her mother.
To see how the BLV clerk gang operates. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

It's never too late for Brady Lake Village to go back,from where it came,Franklin Township.

It's never too late for Brady Lake Village to go back,from where it came,Franklin Township.
To see many reasons for BLV to go back to Franklin Township. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Nepotism is alive and well in Brady Lake Village in Portage County Ohio !

Nepotism is alive and well in Brady Lake Village in Portage County Ohio !
In the above picture Nemth's should be Nemeth's but Ethel is a Nemth. Brady Lake Village is broke but has enough money to pay Mow Money every month. To see more BLV problems. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are dangerous on and off duty !

The Brady Lake Village reject cops are dangerous on and off duty !
To see how some BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Off duty Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo yelling stupid shit at Dan Boyle at Kent Sheetz.

Off duty Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo yelling stupid shit at Dan Boyle at Kent Sheetz.
To see how BLV cop John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Here's how things are done in and around Brady Lake Village by the BLVPD reject cops.

Here's how things are done in and around Brady Lake Village by the BLVPD reject cops.
To see how much of a reject Dud,John Delillo really is. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo chasing the blog cam to get the license number.

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo chasing the blog cam to get the license number.
To see what John Delillo does with blog cam license numbers. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid -Then scroll down the page of the DUD blog site.

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo giving the fine points of being an Ass Hole to a BLV cop !

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo giving the fine points of being an Ass Hole to a BLV cop !
To see just what kind and/or how big of an Ass hole John Delillo is. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Things at Brady Lake Village hall stink so bad,you can smell it in other parts of Portage County.

Things at Brady Lake Village hall stink so bad,you can smell it in other parts of Portage County.
To see what the BLV clerk gang has done to BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

This email was sent to Dan Boyle from some concerned Brady Lake Village residents.

This email was sent to Dan Boyle from some concerned Brady Lake Village residents.
It's way past time for BLV to go back to Franklin Township. To see why this needs to happen. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake -Then read the whole blog site.

Looks like Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster has more than just camera shy problems.

Looks like Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster has more than just camera shy problems.
To see more about Marvelous Marlon Webster. Type on Google Search- Turd The Unpaid Real

Brady Lake Village cop Marvelous Marlon Webster never did get the blog cam !

Brady Lake Village cop Marvelous Marlon Webster never did get the blog cam !
Why did Marlon Webster get so angry over his picture being taken ? Marlon Webster has been known to hide from the blog cam. To see some possible reason Marvelous Marlon doesn't like cameras. Type on Google Search- Turd The Unpaid Real

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster finally gets his own BLV blog site !

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster finally gets his own BLV blog site !
To see how BLV cop Marlon Webster operates. Type on Google Search- Turd The Unpaid Real

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster has a real problem about his picture being taken-WHY ?

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster has a real problem about his picture being taken-WHY ?
To see how BLV cop Marlon Webster treats BLV area residents. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster is out of control but BLV officials don't give a shit .

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster is out of control but BLV officials don't give a shit .
To see how other BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Another Brady Lake Village reject cop driving from Cuyahoga County to work in BLV for free.

Another Brady Lake Village reject cop driving from Cuyahoga County to work in BLV for free.
To see how other BLV recject cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Even the blog cam dog Buddy L knows Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is full of shit.

Even the blog cam dog Buddy L knows Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is full of shit.
To see some BLV official pictures. Type on Google Search- Poop Pictures Of Official

Even the Brady Lake Village clerk gang now knows BLV mayor Hal Lehman is lying.

Even the Brady Lake Village clerk gang now knows BLV mayor Hal Lehman is lying.
To see a big old Hal Lehman lie or 2 or 3. Type on Google Search- New Brady Lake Police Chief Has A Checkered Past -Or type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Even Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth knows BLV mayor Hal Lehman's John Marra story stinks.

Even Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth knows BLV mayor Hal Lehman's John Marra story stinks.
To see who and/or what BLV mayor Hal Lehman picked for BLV police chief and why it smells bad. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman knows nothing about BLV cop record and/or back-ground checks.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman knows nothing about BLV cop record and/or back-ground checks.
To see what doing No BLV cop record checks has done for BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

How safe are Brady Lake Village residents with BLV cop John Delillo on the case ?

How safe are Brady Lake Village residents with BLV cop John Delillo on the case ?
BLV cop John Delillo used BLV cop John Marra on his BLVPD job application. To see how BLV cop John Marra operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo doing the Fat Ass Shuffle.

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo doing the Fat Ass Shuffle.
BLV cop John Delillo is a lying sack of shit. To see the proof. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Voted most likely to steal someone's lunch by the Brady Lake Village reject cops.

Voted most likely to steal someone's lunch by the Brady Lake Village reject cops.
To see what else BLV cop John Delillo will do that's illegal. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

This email was sent about 80 places so they'll know how things are done in Brady Lake Village.

This email was sent about 80 places so they'll know how things are done in Brady Lake Village.
To see why an email like this should be done. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering -Or type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

It's not Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's job to worry about BLV cop back-ground checks !

It's not Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's job to worry about BLV cop back-ground checks !
At the 5/14/14 BLV council meeting when ask about BLV cop record checks Hal Lehman said it wasn't his job,it was up to the BLV police chief. To see who and/or what BLV has for a police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

A - 4:56 pm - CAMP blog post said - BLVPD - Island of Misfit Toys.

A -  4:56 pm - CAMP blog post said - BLVPD - Island of Misfit Toys.
To see just how Misfit the BLV reject cops really are. Type on Google Search- Camp 2 Catch All Mad

The Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield finally gets an ear full.

The Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield finally gets an ear full.
Finally BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth and X-fire chief Ken Bescoe tell RT Mansfield what they've been saying behind RT's back for years. To see how the BLV zoning Czar RT Mansfield operates. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass

News-Flash ! Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth does know how to smile after all !

News-Flash ! Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth does know how to smile after all !
Take a look at all the Ethel Nemeth pictures and you'll see No smile except when she thinks traffic ticket money will save the BLV lie. To see how Honest Ethel operates. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit -Or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo works in BLV for free but will accept snacks !

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo works in BLV for free but will accept snacks !
To see how Snack Boy John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Brady Lake Village area drivers beware ! Because Brady Lake Village is Broke !

Brady Lake Village area drivers beware ! Because Brady Lake Village is Broke !
To see more about this lurking BLV cop and dirty tricks. Type on Google Search-

Yes that's 9 yes 9 Brady Lake Village cops at the 5/14/14 BLV council meeting.

Yes that's 9 yes 9 Brady Lake Village cops at the 5/14/14 BLV council meeting.
9 cops in the BLV council room,but no chief cop and no cop at the council table to give a police report. To see how BLV reject cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

This is the 1st part of the 5/14/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.

This is the 1st part of the 5/14/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.
To see the whole 5/14/14 BLV council meeting minutes. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They -Then go to comments.

This is the 2nd part of the 5/14/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.

This is the 2nd part of the 5/14/14 Brady Lake Village real council meeting minutes.
To see the whole 5/14/14 BLV council meeting minutes. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They -Then go to comments.

The Brady Lake Village cops are a bunch of out of control liars.

The Brady Lake Village cops are a bunch of out of control liars.
To see this You Tube info. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe was the reason the Blog Cam started.

Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe was the reason the Blog Cam started.
To see why the Blog Cam started. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

Dan Boyle & Hal Lehman talking about Brady Lake Village council meetings.

Dan Boyle & Hal Lehman talking about Brady Lake Village council meetings.
To see how BLV council meetings operate. Type on Google Search- Nuts not Us They

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman picks police chiefs like he does his ties.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman picks police chiefs like he does his ties.
To see why Hal Lehman needs to do record checks. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has been known to talk out both sides of his lying mouth.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has been known to talk out both sides of his lying mouth.
To see Hal Lehman's choice for BLV police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village officials could give a shit less about BLV area flooding.

The Brady Lake  Village officials could give a shit less about BLV area flooding.
To see what the BLV officials (clerk gang) has NOT done about BLV area flooding. Type on Google Search- Wet We Enable

Is Brady Lake Village getting the long over-due Web Site Rebate from the clerk's grandaughter ?

Is Brady Lake Village getting the long over-due Web Site Rebate from the clerk's grandaughter ?
In 2008 BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandaughter Sarra Hoffman was paid over $600 to do the BLV Web Site that never worked correctly and is No more. To see records of this Web Site joke and/or stealing BLV money. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision -Then scroll down the page on this BLV blog site to see the records.

Could this be why Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is hardly ever in BLV ?

Could this be why Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is hardly ever in BLV ?
This black Suzuki belongs to BLV police chief John Marra with a 50 sticker on the plate. To see why John Marra keeps changing his place to live. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village council meetings are starting to be more fun than a sharp stick in the eye !

Brady Lake Village council meetings are starting to be more fun than a sharp stick in the eye !
To see the 2014 BLV council meeting real minutes and fun pictures. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Is this the new Brady Lake Village police chief who likes girls who are at least 30 years old ?

Is this the new Brady Lake Village police chief who likes girls who are at least 30 years old ?
To see how old the girls are that BLV police chief John Marra likes. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth & mayor Hal Lehman seem to be confused about who to Love ?

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth & mayor Hal Lehman seem to be confused about who to Love ?
To see who Ethel Nemeth and Hal Lehman really like for BLV police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Blog Cam could use some help with all these out-of-county plates at the Brady Lake Village PD.

The Blog Cam could use some help with all these out-of-county plates at the Brady Lake Village PD.
Why would any cop drive a long distance to work in BLV for free ? To see more about the BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth needs to give it up !

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth needs to give it up !
To see plenty of Ethel Nemeth dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

A concerned Brady Lake Village resident wanted to know about BLV's Integrity.

A concerned Brady Lake Village resident wanted to know about BLV's Integrity.
This is an email sent to a concerned BLV resident from Dan Boyle. To see more Lack of Integrity on the part of the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Is Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman so stupid as to not see the red flags with BLV reject cops ?

Is Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman so stupid as to not see the red flags with BLV reject cops ?
To see how the last BLV police chief did things to help the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

Happy Friday morning from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLVPD !

Happy Friday morning from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village and the BLVPD !
To see how the BLVPD does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo takes shit fits when his picture is taken-WHY ?

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo takes shit fits when his picture is taken-WHY ?
To see some BLV cop John Delillo records and stupid stunts. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle seems to think the blog cam can't take his picture !

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle seems to think the blog cam can't take his picture !
To see how other BLV cops feel about their picture being taken and/or their past records being looked at. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

It takes 2 yes 2 Brady Lake Village cop cameras to watch the blog cam at BLV council meetings.

It  takes 2 yes 2 Brady Lake Village cop cameras to watch the blog cam at BLV council meetings.
This is BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer aka Skitzo. To see how Skitzo operates. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra had sex with a 16 year old girl while on cop duty.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra had sex with a 16 year old girl while on cop duty.
Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra was fired and/or resigned from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Here's Brady Lake Village reject cop Michael Ohl's Mentor Ohio court records.

Here's Brady Lake Village reject cop Michael Ohl's Mentor Ohio court records.
To see how other BLV reject cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village cop Michael Ohl is a reject cop,just like many other BLV cops.

Brady Lake Village cop Michael Ohl is a reject cop,just like many other BLV cops.
To see more about the BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Michael Ohl is a Brady Lake Village reject cop using BLV to keep his police commission.

Michael Ohl is a Brady Lake Village reject cop using BLV to keep his police commission.
To see more BLV cop problems. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Here's another Un-answered Brady Lake Village public records request.

Here's another Un-answered Brady Lake Village public records request.
To see more BLV public record problems. Type on Google Search- Warr Wont Answer Record

Brady Lake Village has a bad habit of NOT answering public record requests.

Brady Lake Village has a bad habit of NOT answering public record requests.
To see more BLV record problems. Type on Google Search- Low Lots Of

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is having trouble with his lying trouble.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is having trouble with his lying trouble.
To see more BLV clerk gang lies and trouble. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

We all now know why John Crash'em Marra hated having his picture taken by the Blog Cam.

We all now know why John Crash'em Marra hated having his picture taken by the Blog Cam.
To see why other BLV cops hate having their picture taken by the Blog Cam. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Another lost contest by Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra.

Another lost contest by Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra.
If you would like to see other things John Crash'em Marra has lost. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Would John Marra's background check have been done by Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney ?

Would John Marra's background check have been done by Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney ?
To see how former BLV police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe operated. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

John Marra does as he pleases because Hal Lehman has no balls !

John Marra does as he pleases because Hal Lehman has no balls !
BLV mayor Hal Lehman doesn't have enough balls to step in and run the BLV cops like he is supposed to do. To see what some BLV cops do. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is a Sneak a Liar and Scum.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is a Sneak a Liar and Scum.
If you would like to see how John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang loves those work for free reject cops.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang loves those work for free reject cops.
To see how BLV reject cop John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo is an accident looking for a place to happen.

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo is an accident looking for a place to happen.
To see more about other BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village is Broke so BLV area drivers beware of Lurking BLV cops.

Brady Lake Village is Broke so BLV area drivers beware of Lurking BLV cops.
To see the 4/27/14 pictures of the 2 BLV lurking cop cars scroll down this page. To see how the BLV cops operate. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman can't remember what lie goes where !

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman can't remember what lie goes where !
BLV mayor Hal Lehman was sent time dated emails about John Marra's Uniontown PD record 1 month before John Marra was sworn on as BLV police chief. To see how the new BLV police chief operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Not so high standards of Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra & BLV mayor Hal Lehman.

The Not so high standards of Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra & BLV mayor Hal Lehman.
John Marra on the left and Hal Lehman on the right have No standards as proved by typing on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Strange ? Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra had No comment for yet another news reporter.

Strange ?  Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra had No comment for yet another news reporter.
To see how Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth is the head BLV hall secret keeper.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth is the head BLV hall secret keeper.
To see how Honest Ethel Nemeth operates. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang needs to stop all secret keeping from BLV residents.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang needs to stop all secret keeping from BLV residents.
To see lot-o-secrets being kept by the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village reject cops supervising other BLV reject cops is Not working !

Brady Lake Village reject cops supervising other BLV reject cops is Not working !
To see how things are done in and around BLV by the BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size,has 500 residents,3 cop cars and 20 cops !

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size,has 500 residents,3 cop cars and 20 cops !
Is that BLV cop Jeff Lyle on his cell phone bitching about the blog cam ? When you have as many reject cops as BLV does with No supervision you get this. To see who is supposed to be chief of the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Cameras and videos can make even dishonest cops like Dave Kinney get honest.

Cameras and videos can make even dishonest cops like Dave Kinney get honest.
To see what former Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe left behind in BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Here's a good reason for Brady Lake Village to use the PC Sheriff for police protection.

Here's a good reason for Brady Lake Village to use the PC Sheriff for police protection.
To see how BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer operates. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman can't remember what lies went where.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman can't remember what lies went where.
To see BLV mayor Hal Lehman's latest lies. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Rachel Volkar is another Brady Lake Village reject cop still working in BLV.

Rachel Volkar is another Brady Lake Village reject cop still working in BLV.
To see more BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village officials do No record checks on BLV reject cops.

Brady Lake Village officials do No record checks on BLV reject cops.
To see who or what BLV has for a new police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Some Brady Lake Village cops will try anything to stop BLV picture taking.

Some Brady Lake Village cops will try anything to stop BLV picture taking.
To see more shit pulled by BLV cop Kenny Ray. Type on Google Search- Kray Keep Really Alert

The Brady Lake Police department and it's reject cops need to be shut down.

The Brady Lake Police department and it's reject cops need to be shut down.
Ignatz is Laurel Archer,Krazy Kat is Dan Boyle and Buddy L is Buddy L their dog. To see some reasons the BLV cops need to be stopped. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Why does Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman refuse to do Record Checks ?

Why does Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman refuse to do Record Checks ?
To see what doing No record checks has done for the BLV police department. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville doesn't understand record checks or job applications.

Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville doesn't understand record checks or job applications.
To see what no record checks and no job applications has done for BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Let's find out who the Brady Lake Village cops really are !

Let's find out who the Brady Lake Village cops really are !
To see who and/or what BLV has for a police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Waving at Brady Lake Village cops on Sunday mornings is more fun than a sharp stick in the eye.

Waving at Brady Lake Village cops on Sunday mornings is more fun than a sharp stick in the eye.
To see how the BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

The long over-due Brady Lake Village law suit and/or law suits were filed on 4/25/14.

The long over-due Brady Lake Village law suit and/or law suits were filed on 4/25/14.
To see how Brady Lake Village cop Kenny Ray does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Kray Keep Really Alert

Happy Sunday morning from all 0.3 square miles of Brady Lake Village !

Happy Sunday morning from all 0.3 square miles of Brady Lake Village !
To see how the BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Happy Sunday morning from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village !

Happy Sunday morning from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village !
To see how the BLV cops do things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman threw BLV attorney Tom Mullen under the BLV bus.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman threw BLV attorney Tom Mullen under the BLV bus.
At the 4/9/14 BLV council meeting BLV mayor Hal Lehman took off when Scott Taylor of 19 Action News tried to ask Hal about BLV police chief John Marra. To see how the new BLV attorney operates. Type on Google Search-

Can you pick the Brady Lake official who tells the most lies ?

Can you pick the Brady Lake official who tells the most lies ?
Taking bets on BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth left or BLV mayor Hal Lehman right. To see lots of BLV official lies. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1 .com

Minutes from the 10/10/13 Portage County Commissioner's Meeting about Brady Lake Village.

Minutes from the 10/10/13 Portage County Commissioner's Meeting about Brady Lake Village.
Instead of BLV officials trying to help figure out how to dissolve BLV,they tell more lies. To see some reasons why BLV should have been dissolved. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Visiion

The law suit and/or law suits against Brady Lake Village have been filed.

The law suit and/or law suits against Brady Lake Village have been filed.
To see why law suits against BLV officials and BLV cops were needed. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision -Or type on Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

Happy Saturday moring from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village !

Happy Saturday moring from Broke Ass Brady Lake Village !
To see how the Brady Lake Village cops do things in and around BLV. Type On Google Search- Camp 5 Catch All Mad

This is Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra with his BLV red police uniform.

This is Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra with his BLV red police uniform.
This is how BLV police chief John Marra shows up at a BLV council meeting. To see how the Zero on John Marra's shirt seems right. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Here's how council meetings in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville go.

Here's how council meetings in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville go.
To see more about BLV council meetings in 2014. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Should the Brady Lake Village clerk take the BLV mayor's gavel ?

Should the Brady Lake Village clerk take the BLV mayor's gavel ?
To see why BLV mayor Hal Lehman might want to give up his gavel. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville with Marra law.
To see more about BLV donated money. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision -Then scroll down near the bottom of the main page on BLV=Brady Lake Vision 1

Never a straight answer from Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman.

Never a straight answer from Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman.
Poor Hal Lehman afraid to tell the clerk he farted. To see more about Poor Hal. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Who will win the Brady Lake Village hall,Tall Tale Contest ?

Who will win the Brady Lake Village hall,Tall Tale Contest ?
Will the winner be BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth on the left or BLV mayor Hal Lehman on the right ? To see some BLV Tall Tales. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has lied to 19 Action News and the Record Couier.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has lied to 19 Action News and the Record Couier.
To see what Hal Lehman has been lying about. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Viilage residents can't get answers at BLV council meetings so try these places.

Brady Lake Viilage residents can't get answers at BLV council meetings so try these places.
You would think somebody in this group should,could,or would tell BLV residents the truth about BLV money or the BLV police and fire departments.

Looks like Brady Lake Village has yet another Reject Cop ?

Looks like Brady Lake Village has yet another Reject Cop ?
This email was sent to Dan Boyle at- -To see how Jeffy Lyle's pal BLV attorneny Tom Mullen operates. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle thinks people shouldn't take pictures of cops.

Brady Lake Village cop Jeff Lyle thinks people shouldn't take pictures of cops.
Jeff Lyle is an ass hole with a badge. To see more about Jeffy's pals. Type on Google Search-

Maybe Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has told 1 too many lies ?

Maybe Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has told 1 too many lies ?
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth on the left. Ex BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe on the right. To see more about the goof in the middle. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

The real 4/23/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

The real 4/23/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
To see more of how BLV officials operate. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra being questioned by the blog cam.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra being questioned by the blog cam.
To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

More proof Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is lying about BLV police chief John Marra.

More proof Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is lying about BLV police chief John Marra.
To see more lies about the new BLV police chief John Marra. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

If Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman and clerk Ethel Nemeth took I.Q. tests.

If Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman and clerk Ethel Nemeth took I.Q. tests.
If you would like to see Hal Lehman's and Ethel Nemeth's I.Q. in action. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

How much longer will Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman listen to Richard Nemeth's crazy shit ?

How much longer will Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman listen to Richard Nemeth's crazy shit ?
To see how Richard Smokey Nemeth does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

The Brady Lake Village clerk's husband backs up his Red Ranger like he backs up the BLV dump truck.

The Brady Lake Village clerk's husband backs up his Red Ranger like he backs up the BLV dump truck.
Richard Smokey Nemeth is a BLV employee and BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's huband and can't back up for shit. To see more about Smokey Nemeth's driving and maintenance skills. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Nemeth on the wrong side of Park Ave.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Nemeth on the wrong side of Park Ave.
Richard Smokey Nemeth drives the BLV dump truck the same way. To see more about how Richard Smokey Nemeth operates. Type On Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore needs help but not Nepotism help.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore needs help but not Nepotism help.
To see how Drunk Ex-BLV councilman Joshua Moore does things in BLV. Type on Google Search- Hot Hombre On

Here's Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore doing the 1 finger wave.

Here's Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandson Joshua Moore doing the 1 finger wave.
Joshua Moore aka Commander Paranoid Was a BLV councilman. Commader Paranoid gets drunk and yells at passing cars. To see more about Commander Paranoid or his grandma. Type on Google Search- Hot Hombre On -Or type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

How many more Lies can Brady Lake Mayor Hal Lehman possibly tell ?

How many more Lies can Brady Lake Mayor Hal Lehman possibly tell ?
To see the real 2014 -- BLV council meeting minutes plus pictures. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman tells 2 lies to cover the first lie.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman tells 2 lies to cover the first lie.
To see how BLV mayor Hal Lehman treated questions by Scott Taylor of 19 Action News at the 4/9/14 BLV council meeting. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Police Chief Keeps His Job

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang loves to blame other people for their f-ck ups !

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang loves to blame other people for their f-ck ups !
BLV mayor Hal Lehman is trying to blame other people for his mistakes. Hal Lehman was sent time-dated emails about John Marra's Uniontown PD record 1 month before John Marra was sworn in as BLV police chief. To see how John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Hated by the Brady Lake Village cops but loved by Blog Cam Fans,the 650 HP Mustang.

Hated by the Brady Lake Village cops but loved by Blog Cam Fans,the 650 HP Mustang.
To see more about the hateful BLV cops. Type on Google Search-

Is this Brady Lake Village cop LM Shaffer or Sean Ahlegian ?

Is this Brady Lake Village cop LM Shaffer or Sean Ahlegian ?
To see how Sean Ahlegian and LM Shaffer operate. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

Can the Brady Lake Village cops and their lurking for dollars save Broke BLV ?

Can the Brady Lake Village cops and their lurking for dollars save Broke BLV ?
To see how the former BLV police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe ran the Brady Lake Village Police Department. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang will never be able to deal with the truth.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang will never be able to deal with the truth.
To see why BLV police chief John Marra won't talk to Scott Taylor of 19 Action News. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang has f-cked up again with attorney Tom Mullen.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang has f-cked up again with attorney Tom Mullen.
To see more about BLV attorney Tom Mullen. Type on Google Search-

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang is job security for a bottom feeder attorney.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang is job security for a bottom feeder attorney.
To see more about BLV attorney Tom Terrific Mullen. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village attorney Tom Mullen trying to get away from Scott Taylor of 19 Action News.

Brady Lake Village attorney Tom Mullen trying to get away from Scott Taylor of 19 Action News.
This picture was taken at the 4/9/14 BLV council meeting where Scott Taylor was asking Tom Mullen about BLV police chief John Marra. To see more about the new BLV attorney Tom Mullen- Type on Google Search-

Could this be Dan Boyle's long lost grade school photo ?

Could this be Dan Boyle's long lost grade school photo ?
To see more Weird photos. Type on Google Search- Two The Weird

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth thinks higher taxes is the answer to BLV problems.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth thinks higher taxes is the answer to BLV problems.
This is Laurel Archer's comments in Sound Off. When Laurel (Sis) Archer was at BLV hall for a public records request Sis mentioned the horrible BLV streets and BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's answer was higher BLV taxes. To see how BLV clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth operates. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

This is an email sent to Dan Boyle at- -about John Marra.

This is an email sent to Dan Boyle at- -about John Marra.
To see more about how BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has a bad case of Stupid-Lies !

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has a bad case of Stupid-Lies !
To see BLV mayor Hal Lehman's pick for BLV police chief. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

When 19 Action News interviewed Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman he knew nothing.

When 19 Action News interviewed Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman he knew nothing.
To see more about Mr. Know Nothing. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

To see more about John Crash'em Marra type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

To see more about John Crash'em Marra type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering
To see this 19 Action News story. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Police Chief Keeps His Job

Thanks Scott Taylor of 19 Action News for your help with the BLV clerk gang.

Thanks Scott Taylor of 19 Action News for your help with the BLV clerk gang.
To see why BLV is in the shape it is. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake village attorney Tom Mullen trying to get away from Scott Taylor of 19 Action News.

Brady Lake village attorney Tom Mullen trying to get away from Scott Taylor of 19 Action News.
At the 4/9/14 BLV council meeting Tom Mullen was being ask questions about BLV police chief John Marra. To see how Tom Mullen operates. Type on Google Search-

The real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes from the 4/9/14 meeting.

The real Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes from the 4/9/14 meeting.
To see other 2014 BLV council meeting minutes and pictures. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

Brady Lake Village has way too many reject cops like John Delillo.

Brady Lake Village has way too many reject cops like John Delillo.
To see how BLV cop John Delillo does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Dud Dangerous Unpaid

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo is out of control but BLV officials don't care.

Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo is out of control but BLV officials don't care.
To see more problems with BLV officials. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

This is Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo's BLVPD job application.

This is Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo's BLVPD job application.
Look who John Delillo uses for cop friends in BLV. To see what Delillo's pal John Crash'em Marra does in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop Rachel Volkar should not be a cop in BLV.

Brady Lake Village cop Rachel Volkar should not be a cop in BLV.
To see more about BLV cop Rachel Volkar. Type on Google Search- Rachel Volkar

The Record Couier's Sound Off knows about Brady Lake Village and dysfuntional BLV officials.

The Record Couier's Sound Off knows about Brady Lake Village and dysfuntional BLV officials.
To see the latest BLV clerk gang major f-ck up.Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village officials (clerk gang) don't seem to understand anything but a law suit.

The Brady Lake Village officials (clerk gang) don't seem to understand anything but a law suit.
To see any of the above blog sites. Type them on Google Search.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has a problem telling the truth when ask BLV questions.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman has a problem telling the truth when ask BLV questions.
To see how BLV mayor Hal Noballs Lehman operates. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

The new Brady Lake Village attorney Tom Mullen watching the new BLV police chief being sworn in.

The new Brady Lake Village attorney Tom Mullen watching the new BLV police chief being sworn in.
BLV clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth taking pictures of the new BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra. To see how BLV attorney Tom Mullen does things. Type on Google Search-

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville.
To see some of the threats and retaliation. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering -Or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Thanks to the Brady Lake Village clerk gang the lake overflow is still caved in as of 4/4/14.

Thanks to the Brady Lake Village clerk gang the lake overflow is still caved in as of 4/4/14.
To see why some BLV area residents should sue BLV. Type on Google Search- Wet We Enable

This is Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer who speaks for the BLVPD.

This is Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer who speaks for the BLVPD.
Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer also did the BLVPD Facebook site that is no more. To see how Skitzo Sean operates. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

BLV police chief Dave Kinney once said he was against corruption but then changed his mind.

BLV police chief Dave Kinney once said he was against corruption but then changed his mind.
In April of 2006 Dave Kinney spoke at a CAMP meeting at BLV hall. In 2006 Kinney said he was against corruption but then when Kinney was hired as BLV police chief Kinney became part of the problem. To see how BLV police chief Dave Kinney did things as police chief. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe

Brady Lake Village officials got pay raises & a new BLV hall while BLV residents get SHIT streets !

Brady Lake Village officials got pay raises & a new BLV hall while BLV residents get SHIT streets !
To what else BLV residents get the shit end of the stick on. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth has been deciding for too long who gets told what.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth has been deciding for too long who gets told what.
To see some real BLV council meeting minutes and pictures. Type on Google Search-

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield won't even answer certified mail record requests.

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield won't even answer certified mail record requests.
To see how this load of shit BLV zoning inspector RT Mansfield does things in BLV. Type on google Search- Fart Fake Ass

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra needs to do us all a favor and leave BLV.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra needs to do us all a favor and leave BLV.
To see how BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra totaled this BLV cop car while delivering papers.

Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra totaled this BLV cop car while delivering papers.
John Crash'em Marra was Not on an emergency call when this wreck happened. To see how the new BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village Grue-some Two-some at the 3/17/14 BLV council meeting.

The Brady Lake Village Grue-some Two-some at the 3/17/14 BLV council meeting.
The new BLV attorney Tom Mullen trying to stay awake while BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth takes pictures of the new BLV police chief John Marra. To see how the new BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Looks like Brady Lake Village is going to be more than the laughing stock of Portage County.

Looks like Brady Lake Village is going to be more than the laughing stock of Portage County.
BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra must have left his balls at Subway. Speaking of laughing stock. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville.
These are posts from the- Nuts Not Us They Said -blog site. To see what BLV residents will be paying for. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer is not sure who he is.

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer is not sure who he is.
To see more of how Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer operates. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

This is Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer trying to get the blog cam guy.

This is Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer trying to get the blog cam guy.
This is BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer at the 3/17/14 BLV council meeting being Skitzo. To see just how Skitzo Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer is. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Police Sean Ahlegian

Brady Lake Village has a Wanna'be attorney and a Wanna'be police chief.

Brady Lake Village has a Wanna'be attorney and a Wanna'be police chief.
To see how Ted Holland and John Marra operate. Type on Google Search- Rat Right Attorney -Or type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village Wanna'be Attorney Ted Holland visiting BLV police chief John Marra.

Brady Lake Village Wanna'be Attorney Ted Holland visiting BLV police chief John Marra.
This picture was taken on 2/19/14 at the BLVPD. To see what stunts Ted Holland and John Marra pull. Type on Google Search- Rat Right Attorney -Or type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

BLV attorney Tom Mullen knows BLV police sergeant Jeff Lyle from Boston Heights.

BLV attorney Tom Mullen knows BLV police sergeant Jeff Lyle from Boston Heights.
This is why no Poratge County attorney was hired by BLV. To see more about BLV attorney Tom Mullen. Type on Google Search-

This is the new know-it-all Brady Lake Village police sergeant Jeff Lyle.

This is the new know-it-all Brady Lake Village police sergeant Jeff Lyle.
Jeff Photobug Lyle has the tuff guy syndrome plus. To see who Jeff Lyle's mentor is. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

These are NUTS blog posts about BLV mayor Hal Lehman & BLV police chief John Marra.

These are NUTS blog posts about BLV mayor Hal Lehman & BLV police chief John Marra.
To see how BLV police chief John Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

A 3/24/14 Brady Lake Village public records request.

A 3/24/14 Brady Lake Village public records request.
At the 3/17/14 BLV council meeting BLV mayor Hal Lehman would Not answer the above questions.

A 3/24/14 Brady Lake Village public records request.

A 3/24/14 Brady Lake Village public records request.
To see why BLV residents need answers. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

A message from the Brady Lake Village clerk gang to BLV tax payers.

A message from the Brady Lake Village clerk gang to BLV tax payers.
This is the BLV clerk's husband and BLV employee Richard Smokey Nemeth. To see how Nepotism works in BLV and at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman can't manage to ever tell the truth about BLV !

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman can't manage to ever tell the truth about BLV !
To see more BLV lies and cover-up. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

BLV mayor Hal Lehman was sent emails about John Marra's record then Hal lied to 19 News.

BLV mayor Hal Lehman was sent emails about John Marra's record then Hal lied to 19 News.
To see this BLV police chief John Marra video. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Muskrats Community

This was sent to Dan Boyle about BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer.

This was sent to Dan Boyle about BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer.
To see what Skitzo Sean Ahlegain has learned from BLV. Type on Google Search- Skitzo Sean Kinda Is The Zombie

Brady Lake Village has a new attorney named Tom Mullen of Fairlawn Ohio.

Brady Lake Village has a new attorney named Tom Mullen of Fairlawn Ohio.
To see Tom Terrific Mullen's BLV blog site. Type on Google Search-

The new BLV attorney Tom Mull'em Mullen trying to ignore BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's camera trouble.

The new BLV attorney Tom Mull'em Mullen trying to ignore BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's camera trouble.
This picture was taken at the 3/17/14 BLV council meeting. Looks like another match made in hell. To see how BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth does other things. Type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

It looks like the Brady Lake Village clerk gang has themselves another team player for a while.

It looks like the Brady Lake Village clerk gang has themselves another team player for a while.
To see how the last BLV attorney team player did things before he Quit. Type on Google Search- Can Call A Numb

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's No Balls way of doing things has put BLV where it is today.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's No Balls way of doing things has put BLV where it is today.
To see how things are done at BLV hall and in BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

The Real 3/17/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

The Real 3/17/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
Going to BLV council meetings is like watching the Twilite Zone gone bad. To see more about how BLV really operates. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Crash a Brady Lake Village cop car beyond repair and get a BLV promotion.

Crash a Brady Lake Village cop car beyond repair and get a BLV promotion.
Not only did BLV cop John Marra crash a BLV cop car beyond repair. John Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway reataurant while on duty for the Uniontwon PD. To see how John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Here's a Face Book site about Brady Lake Village and the lying BLV officials.

Here's a Face Book site about Brady Lake Village and the lying BLV officials.
To see this BLV Face Book site. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Muskrats Community

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville.

Here's how things are done in Brady Lake Village aka Clerksville.
To see more about the BLV clerk gang's way of doing things. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Brady Lake Village employee Allen Mathes is a Bully with a Bobcat !

Brady Lake Village employee Allen Mathes is a Bully with a Bobcat  !
BLV employee Allen Mathes tried to run Dan Boyle off Merrill Road in BLV with Allen's bobcat while working for BLV doing gas lines. A BLV police report was made out with BLV cop John Marra but Nothing was done. To see how BLV employee Allen Billy Bully Mathes does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Balls Bullies Are Lovely Lying

Is the for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra still pulling shit ?

Is the for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra still pulling shit ?
The for now BLV police chief Jonh Crash'em Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Why would the Brady Lake Village police department Not answer this public records request ?

Why would the Brady Lake Village police department Not answer this public records request ?
As of 3/12/14 this BLV public records request has Not been answered. To see how BLV mayor Hal Lehman does things. Type on Google Search- Hal Have A

The Brady Lake Village police department must have things to hide ?

The Brady Lake Village police department must have things to hide ?
As of 3/12/14 this BLV public records request has Not been answered. To see more about BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth and how things are done at BLV hall. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision

Shouldn't the Brady Lake Village road crew wait until the BLV streets are dry ?

Shouldn't the Brady Lake Village road crew wait until the BLV streets are dry ?
Here's some fresh BLV road patch work on Leonard done on wet chuck holes. If you would like to see a BLV road crew member Richard Nemeth and how he does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Shit Smokey Has Irritable

These are You Tube posts about Brady Lake cops Marlon Webster and Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer.

These are You Tube posts about Brady Lake cops Marlon Webster and Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer.
To see this Webster-Ward video. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

Buddy L the blog cam dog on the case of the missing Brady Lake Village public records !

Buddy L the blog cam dog on the case of the missing Brady Lake Village public records !
Is it just me or could Buddy L probably do a better job of BLV record keeping than the BLV record keeper Honest Ethel ?

Brady Lake Village is going to set the RC's Sound Off record of most times in Sound Off.

Brady Lake Village is going to set the RC's Sound Off record of most times in Sound Off.
The for now BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex witha 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra needs some kind of Help but Not from BLV !

The for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra needs some kind of Help but Not from BLV  !
To see how John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop John Crash'em Marra is a Dumb-F-ck !

Brady Lake Village cop John Crash'em Marra is a Dumb-F-ck !
This is BLV cop John Crash'em Marra's Black Suzuki Sidekick parked at the BLV cop car garage. John Marra can't even get a license plate sticker correct and he's the for now BLV police chief ?

The real 3/3/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.

The real 3/3/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes.
To see pictures of the 3/3/14 BLV council meeting. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

RC's Sound Off has helped expose the Brady Lake Village clerk gang's dirty tricks !

RC's Sound Off has helped expose the Brady Lake Village clerk gang's dirty tricks !
To view the real BLV council meeting minutes and other BLV facts. Type on Google Search-

Why does Brady Lake Village get so many reject cops with bad attitudes ?

Why does Brady Lake Village get so many reject cops with bad attitudes ?
The for now BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how BLV cop John Crash'em Marra gets away with the illegal shit he pulls in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village cop John Marra will always approach a vehilcle with girls in it !

Brady Lake Village cop John Marra will always approach a vehilcle with girls in it !
The for now BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how Crash'em Marra approaches vehicles in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village official's choice for BLV police chief- John Crash'em Marra.

The Brady Lake Village official's choice for BLV police chief- John Crash'em Marra.
BLV cop John Crash'em Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how John Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra's wanted by none poster.

The for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra's wanted by none poster.
The for now BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra was fired by the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how Crash'em Marra does things in and around BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village officials must think public records mean nothing !

Brady Lake Village officials must think public records mean nothing !
The for now BLV police chief John Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty for the Uniontown PD. To see how John Marra does things while working for BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Has Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman found a solution to the BLV cop John Marra problem ?

Has Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman found a solution to the BLV cop John Marra problem ?
The for now BLV police chief John Crash'em Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty. To see how Crash'em Marra does things while working for BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Yet another Dysfunctional Brady Lake Village council meeting and why BLV is Broke !

Yet another Dysfunctional Brady Lake Village council meeting and why BLV is Broke !
At this 2/24/14 BLV council meeting the NO shows were. The BLV attorney. The BLV fire chief. The BLV zoning inspector. The for now BLV police chief. The BLV council meeting guard and 2 BLV council people. Here's how things are done BLV clerk gang style.

The real 2/24/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes,not what BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth wants.

The real 2/24/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting minutes,not what BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth wants.
If you would like to see other Dysfunctional BLV council meetings. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

The for now Brady Lake Village PD chief John Marra should not work on BLV cop cars.

The for now Brady Lake Village PD chief John Marra should not work on BLV cop cars.
John Crash'em Marra could f-ck up an empty room. To see some Crash'em Marra f-ck-ups. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The for now Brady Lake Village PD chief John Marra is as dysfunctional as the BLV clerk gang !

The for now Brady Lake Village PD chief John Marra is as dysfunctional as the BLV clerk gang !
BLV cop John Crash'em Marra was fired from the Uniontown PD for having sex with a 16 year old girl at a Subway restaurant while on duty. To see how Crash'em Marra does things in BLV. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Blog Cam dog Buddy L has been doing Brady Lake Village PD under-cover work,for dog snacks !

The Blog Cam dog Buddy L has been doing Brady Lake Village PD under-cover work,for dog snacks  !
To see what BLV cop we're Roasting today. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

The Brady Lake Village for now police chief John Crash'em Marra is a Uniontown PD reject.

The Brady Lake Village for now police chief John Crash'em Marra is a Uniontown PD reject.
To see why BLV cop John Crash'em Marra should ( LEAVE -BLV) Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

No wonder Brady Lake Village cop John Crash'em Marra didn't want his picture taken.

No wonder Brady Lake Village cop John Crash'em Marra didn't want his picture taken.
To get more info about John Crash'em Marra. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering

Brady Lake Village is Broke,but the BLV clerk's family got paid and the grass is mowed.

Brady Lake Village is Broke,but the BLV clerk's family got paid and the grass is mowed.
To see what NEPOTISM has done for BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision -Or type on Google Search- Pee Please Exit

With No real boss Brady Lake Village police do as they please when they please.

With No real boss Brady Lake Village police do as they please when they please.
To see just how the BLV cops do things. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube -Or type on Google Search- Brady Lake Police Sean Ahlegian

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth looks out for # 1 only.

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Honest Ethel  Nemeth looks out for #  1 only.
To see more BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village is Broke and in Deep Shit because of the BLV clerk and her gang.

Brady Lake Village is Broke and in Deep Shit because of the BLV clerk and her gang.
If you would like to see more BLV clerk gang tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village is being run by a mayor who doesn't have a clue.

Brady Lake Village is being run by a mayor who doesn't have a clue.
BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer drives from Lake County to work in BLV for free. The BLV mayor Hal Lehman isn't aware of what job applications actually mean.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's lack of leadership (balls) put BLV where it is today-BROKE !

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's lack of leadership (balls) put BLV where it is today-BROKE !
If you would like to see what BLV employees and cops do while BLV mayor Hal Lehman has been in charge. Type On Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

The Blog Cam guy at the Holden Arboretum in Lake County Ohio.

The Blog Cam guy at the Holden Arboretum in Lake County Ohio.
It seems Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer who used to work at the Holden Arboretum is not very well liked. To see more about Sean Skitzo Ahlegian. Type on Google Search- -Or type on Google Search-

Yes this is 1 of many Brady Lake Village terrible streets. 25 MPH ? How about left of center ?

Yes this is 1 of many Brady Lake Village terrible streets. 25 MPH ? How about left of center ?
This is Washington in BLV. For the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax BLV residents get this kind of streets but the BLV officials got a new BLV hall and pay raises.

Former Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney never did follow through with the cage match.

Former Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney never did follow through with the cage match.
To see what former BLV police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe did follow through on. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe Cop

There's still unanswered Brady Lake Village donated money questions.

There's still unanswered Brady Lake Village donated money questions.
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's record keeping is infamous to the Ohio Ethics Commission.

BLV has way too many reject cops,let's see why.

BLV has way too many reject cops,let's see why.
To see more about BLV reject cops. Type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

BLV in the past has not provided many public records that were requested.

BLV in the past has not provided many public records that were requested.
Will BLV comply or will BLV pay a fine ?

At least 2 law suits against Brady Lake Village are in the works.

At least 2 law suits against Brady Lake Village are in the works.
The BLVPD needs to be stopped ! To see why type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

Here's the Brady Lake Village cop who threatened to take the blog cam and then couldn't do it.

Here's the Brady Lake Village cop who threatened to take the blog cam and then couldn't do it.
This BLV cop is pals with BLV cop Sean Ahlegian aka LM Shaffer who threatened a guy named Ryan Ward on You Tube. To see the You Tube video about a BLV cop. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube -Or to see how the Nuts at BLV hall operate type on Google Search- Nuts Not Us They

The new for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra's handy work.

The new for now Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra's handy work.
To see how the new for now BLVPD chief John Crash'em Marra operates. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering Story

Who would make the best guard for Brady Lake Village council meetings ?

Who would make the best guard for Brady Lake Village council meetings ?
You get 2 choices here. Dan Boyle's dog Buddy L or BLV cop Marlon Webster. To see why Buddy L would be the better choice. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

The 1/20/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting was a typical No straight answers meeting.

The 1/20/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting was a typical No straight answers meeting.
If you would like to see more pictures of the Bogus 1/20/14 BLV council meeting. Type on Google Search-

The new Not improved Brady Lake Village police department wants crashed cop cars kept a secret.

The new Not improved Brady Lake Village police department wants crashed cop cars kept a secret.
This was put on the BLVPD's Face Book page by Dan Boyle. To see how things are done at the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube -Or type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On Face Book

This picture was put on the Brady Lake Village police department's Face Book page.

This picture was put on the Brady Lake Village police department's Face Book page.
If you would like to see how the new for now BLVPD chief John Crash'em Marra drives. Type on Google Search- MESS Marra Emits Steering Story

Here's how things are done at the Brady Lake Village Police Department.

Here's how things are done at the Brady Lake Village Police Department.
BLVPD cops do as they please when they please. To see just some of the BLVPD cop's dirty tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Could this be the new guard for Brady Lake Village council meetings ?

Could this be the new guard for Brady Lake Village council meetings ?
My dog Buddy L has never really liked any member of the BLV clerk gang especially gang leader Honest Ethel.

More than just Dan Boyle is suing Brady Lake Village.

More than just Dan Boyle is suing Brady Lake Village.
To see who else is suing BLV. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

Brady Lake Village officials do what they please when they please with BLV tax dollars.

Brady Lake Village officials do what they please when they please with BLV tax dollars.
BLV is now broke ! To see this Ken Bescoe story and other BLV clerk gang f-ck-ups. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

The real minutes from the 1/6/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting.

The real minutes from the 1/6/14 Brady Lake Village council meeting.
For too many years BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth put what she wanted in the written BLV council meeting minutes.

Here's how Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth takes care of a BLV public records request.

Here's how Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth takes care of a BLV public records request.
If you would like to see how Ethel Nemeth does other things at BLV hall. Type On Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1 -or type on Google Search- PEE Please Exit

Buddy L wishing everbody but the Brady Lake Village clerk gang a happy new year.

Buddy L wishing everbody but the Brady Lake Village clerk gang a happy new year.
Buddy L's the Bad Ass guard dog at Boyle's Automotive and goes on Blog Cam Missions.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang leaves people with no choice but to sue.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang leaves people with no choice but to sue.
If you would like to see some reasons BLV is being sued. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

X Brady Lake Village fire chief Ken Bescoe as the 2013 BLVFD No Smoking Poster Boy.

X Brady Lake Village fire chief Ken Bescoe as the 2013 BLVFD No Smoking Poster Boy.
Yes that's a Smoke in Bescoe's left hand. To see some Bigot Bescoe tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1 -Or type on Google Search- LUMP Look Under My

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian is LM Shaffer and full of shit.

Brady Lake Village cop Sean Ahlegian is LM Shaffer and full of shit.
Ryan Ward was assaulted by BLV cop Marlon Webster and there's a You Tube Video of this incident. BLV cop Sean Ahlegian thinking he was smart,was going to fix things by Lying. To see more about the Ryan Ward-Marlon Webster incident. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

The new Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra can at least use a camera.

The new Brady Lake Village police chief John Crash'em Marra can at least use a camera.
John Crash'em Marra has a problem about his picture being taken but has no problem taking pictures of others. To see more about Crash'em. Type on Google Search- MESS Marra Emits Steering Story

The new Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is a real piece of work. (ass hole)

The new Brady Lake Village police chief John Marra is a real piece of work. (ass hole)
To see how BLV police chief John Marra treats a BLVPD report. Type on Google Search- BALLS Bullies Are Lovely Lying Shits

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size but BLV police chief D. Kinney thought this was OK.

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size but BLV police chief D. Kinney thought this was OK.
Could this be why the BLVPD is the laughing stock of the county ? To see more of how Dave Kinney ran the BLVPD. Type on Google Search- JOKE Justice Or Kinney Echo

1 way or another we WILL get Brady Lake Village public records despite BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth.

1 way or another we WILL get Brady Lake Village public records despite BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth.
This email was sent to Attorney Warner Mendenhall. Less than 1/2 of the BLV public records that have been requested in the last 3 years have been given to the record requestors. To see just some of the BLV public record problems. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Memories of 3/1/11 when Dave Kinney was in Dan Boyle's driveway yelling stupid shit.

Memories of 3/1/11 when Dave Kinney was in Dan Boyle's driveway yelling stupid shit.
The Blog Cam and Blog Cam Guy are going to miss BLV police chief Dave Kinney,aka,Toe 2 Toe. But we can always type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe Cop -or type on Google Search- SPIT Some Police Is

Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney,aka,Toe 2 Toe is BLV history.

Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney,aka,Toe 2 Toe is BLV history.
If you would like to see why Dave Kinney should be BLV history. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe Cop -or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

The Brady Lake Village Most NOT Wanted Cop-Marlon Scott Webster.

The Brady Lake Village Most NOT Wanted Cop-Marlon Scott Webster.
Yes folks if you have no front license plate and Marvelous Marlon stops you,you might get assaulted like Ryan Ward did. See below You Tube and Live Leak internet sites.

Here's how things are done at Brady Lake Village hall with the BLV clerk gang.

Here's how things are done at Brady Lake Village hall with the BLV clerk gang.
If you would like to see more of how the BLV clerk gang does things. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman likes to keep his old pals on the BLV payroll.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman likes to keep his old pals on the BLV payroll.
Ken Bescoe should have Never been BLV fire chief but BLV mayor Hal Lehman doesn't give a shit as long as his old pals are happy. Things at the BLV fire deaprtment were so Unsafe when Bescoe was chief somebody could have been seriously hurt.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang do what they please when they please.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang do what they please when they please.
To see the whole Ken Bescoe party story and records. Type on Goggle Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1 -then go to the bottom of the BLV=Brady Lake Vision 1-blog site main page.

Why Should BLV tax payers pay for the BLV clerk gang parties ?

Why Should BLV tax payers pay for the BLV clerk gang parties ?
This kind of clerk gang shit has been going on for too many years. Just more reasons for BLV to go back to Franklin Township.

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield and refused certified mail.

Brady Lake Village zoning Czar RT Mansfield and refused certified mail.
RT Mansfield enforces BLV zoning on a who you are basis and is a big word using ass-hole.

Happy Holidays from the blog cam people and their dog Buddy L !

Happy Holidays from the blog cam people and their dog Buddy L !
For more photos,type on Google Search- FLOP Feel Like Other

Instead of Brady Lake Village clerk gang lies,BLV residents need the truth about Dissolving BLV.

Instead of Brady Lake Village clerk gang lies,BLV residents need the truth about Dissolving BLV.
Next on the list of things to do about the BLV clerk gang is a couple of long over-due law suits. BLV is broke and on high risk insurance from past BLV clerk gang skrew-ups,just more reasons for BLV to go back to Franklin Township. Trying to get the BLV clerk gang to listen to reason is like telling BLV police chief Dave Kinney Not to Lie.

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size,with sometimes 3 cop cars out at once.

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size,with sometimes 3 cop cars out at once.
If you would like to see why the BLVPD is so Dysfunctional. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe Cop -or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

2 of Brady Lake's worst,Boasting about traffic tickets at Kent Court.

2 of Brady Lake's worst,Boasting about traffic tickets at Kent Court.
Left to Right- BLV cop Jonn Shorty Delillo and BLV cop Marvelous Marlon Webster. If you would like to see how 2 of BLV's worst do things. Type on Google Search- DUD Dangerous Unpaid Delillo -or type on Google Search- -or type on Google Search- pictures of BLV cop Marlon Webster

Brady Lake cop Marlon Webster giving the evil eye to the blog cam.

Brady Lake cop Marlon Webster giving the evil eye to the blog cam.
Maybe Marvelous Marlon's pissed off because he can't assault the blog cam people like Marlon does to people Marlon puts in hand-cuffs for having no front license plate. (Ryan Ward on Rt. 59) To see Marvelous Marlon in action. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops On You Tube

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster should not have a badge,let alone a gun.

Brady Lake Village cop Marlon Webster should not have a badge,let alone a gun.
Who's worse BLV cop Marlon Webster for being a jerk-off,or BLV police chief Dave Kinney for doing Nothing about it ? If you would like to see what BLV police chief Dave Kinney does do something about. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe Cop

Here's how Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney always takes care of a complaint.

Here's how Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney always takes care of a complaint.
To see the whole BLV cop video. Type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops on You Tube -or type on Google Search- Brady Lake Cops on Live Leak

Brady Lake Village has some reject cops,Marlon Webster is at the top of the list.

Brady Lake Village has some reject cops,Marlon Webster is at the top of the list.
BLV cop Marlon Webster is only doing what Marvelous Marlon learned from BLV police chief Dave Kinney. To see how Dave Kinney does things. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe Cop

If you need a woman escorted from a Brady Lake Village council meeting,here's your ass-hole.

If you need a woman escorted from a Brady Lake Village council meeting,here's your ass-hole.
If you would like to see more about BLV cop Marlon Webster. Type on Google Search-

At least 2 Brady Lake Village clerk gang members deserve the Middle Finger Salute.

At least 2 Brady Lake Village clerk gang members deserve the Middle Finger Salute.
You would think with BLV having 2 mayors,1 of the dip-shits could get it right ?

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth does exactly what she pleases,when she pleases.

Brady Lake Village clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth does exactly what she pleases,when she pleases.
If you would like to see just some of the shit pulled by BLV clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1 -or type on Google Search- LOW Lots Of Wrongs

The Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey does the BLV mowing & remowing.

The Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey does the BLV mowing & remowing.
BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth's daughter Debbie Stacey,aka,Mow Money was hired by BLV with No job posting and NO job application. If you would like to see more about Mow Money. Type on Google Search- PEE Please Exit Ethel -or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village public records are supposed to be for the public.

Brady Lake Village public records are supposed to be for the public.
BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth seems to NOT understand what public records mean,so the blog cam people plus an attorney are going to help Honest Ethel Nemeth get it right.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth is going to answer public record requests 1 way or another.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth is going to answer public record requests 1 way or another.
Yes Dan Boyle put the picture of Honest Ethel Nemeth and Sound Off on this Warner Mendenhall record request. And Yes the law suit against the BLV clerk gang is in works.

Did you ever sometimes wonder who should be leaving Brady Lake Village ?

Did you ever sometimes wonder who should be leaving Brady Lake Village ?
If you would like to see who should leave BLV. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

This how things are done in Brady Lake Village,aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.

This how things are done in Brady Lake Village,aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.
If you would like to see more of how BLV police chief Dave Kinney and BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth do things. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

2 Brady Lake Village cops guarding the outside furnace beside BLV hall.

2 Brady Lake Village cops guarding the outside furnace beside BLV hall.
If you would like see how BLV cop John Marra,the BLV cop car crasher does things. Type on Google Search- MESS Marra Emits Steering Story

Are the Brady Lake Village cops having driver training every Tuesday nite ?

Are the Brady Lake Village cops having driver training every Tuesday nite ?
This is a BLV cop sideways in the road,after being in the ditch,at Leonard and Washington in BLV. Maybe some good tires plus a good driver would help this situtation ?

If you tell the truth about the Brady Lake Village clerk gang,threats will happen.

If you tell the truth about the Brady Lake Village clerk gang,threats will happen.
If you would like to see more of what happens if you tell the truth about the BLV clerk and her nepotism gang. Type on Goggle Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is full of shit and himself.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman is full of shit and himself.
This is what BLV residents get for the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax.

A car in Brady Lake in Brady Lake Village,2 blocks from the BLV fire department.

A car in Brady Lake in Brady Lake Village,2 blocks from the BLV fire department.
BLV residents are paying for a fire department that couldn't even show up for a car in the lake 2 blocks from the BLV fire department. This is how things are done in BLV,aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.

Ravenna Township and the Highway Patrol showed up for the car in the lake in BLV.

Ravenna Township and the Highway Patrol showed up for the car in the lake in BLV.
The BLV fire department never did show up and 1 BLV cop showed up 2 hours after this accident happened.

The Brady Lake Village rescue boat,after 3 years,has never been used for an emergency.

The Brady Lake Village rescue boat,after 3 years,has never been used for an emergency.
The top of the picture is where the car went in the lake in BLV. BLV residents paid for this boat,but who will ever use it ?

Santa's cute Helper,aka,Blog Cam Guy doesn't like the Brady Lake Village clerk gang !

Santa's cute Helper,aka,Blog Cam Guy doesn't like the Brady Lake Village clerk gang !
Merry Something or Another from the Blog Cam Persons ! For more holiday fun. Type on Google Search- POOP Pictures Of Official People -Or for some Un holiday fun. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

This is Lakeview Drive In Brady Lake Village beside Brady Lake.

This is Lakeview Drive In Brady Lake Village beside Brady Lake.
For the highest taxes in the county plus and income tax,this is what BLV residents get.

This is West Shore Drive in Franklin Township beside Brady Lake.

This is West Shore Drive in Franklin Township beside Brady Lake.
For Lower taxes and No income tax,this is what Franklin Township residents get.

Dan Boyle's dog Buddy L having second thoughts about joining the BLV clerk gang.

Dan Boyle's dog Buddy L having second thoughts about joining the BLV clerk gang.
If you would like to see how some BLV officials look in the official BLV Mickey Mouse tie. Type on Google Search-

This is how things are done in Brady Lake Village,aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.

This is how things are done in Brady Lake Village,aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.
At 1 time BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth had 6 family members getting BLV money with NO BLV job applications used. If you would like to see more Ethel Nemeth tricks. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter mowing the front yard of BLV councilman Ted Holland .

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's daughter mowing the front yard of BLV councilman Ted Holland .
Debbie Stacey,aka,Mow Money mows the front yard of Some BLV residents while on the BLV tax payers dime. To see more Mow Money tricks. Type on Google Search- PEE Please Exit Ethel

Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney answers to the BLV pay check signer,Ethel Nemeth.

Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney answers to the BLV pay check signer,Ethel Nemeth.
On 3/1/11 Dave Kinney pulled over Dan Boyle for having no front license plate on a customer's Pontiac van. Kinney turned no front plate into a major problem. Instead of Kinney going to the old BLV police department on Merrill Road,Kinney went to BLV hall to BOAST about trying to get Dan Boyle to go Toe 2 Toe. Kinney is at the top of the list on the Retaliation Law Suit being filed by Dan Boyle. Kinney's lies never stop. To see how Dave Kinney,aka,Toe 2 Toe really is. Type on Google Search- Toe 2 Toe Cop

When will Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman accept Responsibility for his actions ?

When will Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman accept Responsibility for his actions ?
BLV mayor Hal Lehman has NOT been doing his job as BLV mayor for too many years. BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth and her gang of Nepotismers has taken over BLV hall and Now BLV is Broke ! To see how the BLV clerk gang treats truth telling. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village did not pass. Look Out BLV residents ! !

Issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village did not pass. Look Out BLV residents !  !
Let's keep track of where this Carson's Park money goes. My money is on it will go to pay the BLV clerk gang not go towards the BLV debt.

When a Brady Lake Village Wanna'be Attorney creates BLV ordinances,there's trouble.

When a Brady Lake Village Wanna'be Attorney creates BLV ordinances,there's trouble.
For a short while BLV had a real attorney who found 96 items wrong with BLV ordinances,but when Ted Holland was Re-elected to council and made council president,Ted Holland got rid of the real attorney and replaced the real attorney with an old friend attorney. If you would like to see more of how Ted the Wanna'be Attorney does things. Type on Google Search- RAT Right Attorney Ted -or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1 -or type on Google Search- LOW Lots Of Wrongs

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth has been in charge of the money,now BLV is Broke,go figure.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth has been in charge of the money,now BLV is Broke,go figure.
If you would like to see how BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth treats your tax dollars and people who tell on her record keeping. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Questions still remain about Brady Lake Village hall and money.

Questions still remain about Brady Lake Village hall and money.
If you would like to see some of the reasons for BLV money questions concerning BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Here's just the kind of leadership Brady Lake Village had and/or has.

Here's just the kind of leadership Brady Lake Village had and/or has.
If you would like to see just some of the stunts pulled by the BLV Gruesome Threesome. Type on Google Search- RAT Right Attorney Ted- or type on Google search- Hal Have A Laugh- or type on Google Search- PEE Please Exit Ethel

More meetings about Brady Lake Village going back to Franklin Township are needed.

More meetings about Brady Lake Village going back to Franklin Township are needed.
The petition to Dissolve Brady Lake Village had Twice as many signatures as needed to be on the November 2013 ballot. What's that tell us ?

Brady Lake Village officials have no straight answers,just more clerk gang excuses.

Brady Lake Village officials have no straight answers,just more clerk gang excuses.
This is an email to Akron Attorney Warner Mendenhall from Laurel Archer about the BLV mess. If you would like to see why BLV is in the mess it is. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Please Vote YES on issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village and the BLV clerk gang.

Please Vote YES on issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village and the BLV clerk gang.
This kind of Unethical Shit at BLV hall has gone on for way too long. If you would like to see how the BLV clerk gang treats truth telling. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Yes It Is Un-Ethical for Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth to be in her office on Election Day.

Yes It Is Un-Ethical for Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth to be in her office on Election Day.
The Portage County Board of Elections has told BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth it's Un-Ethical to be in her BLV hall office on Election Day,but like always Ethel Nemeth does what she pleases. If you would like to see more of Ethel Nemeth doing as she pleases with BLV tax dollars. Type On Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Dan Boyle,aka,Blog Cam Guy voting YES to Dissolve Brady Lake Village.

Dan Boyle,aka,Blog Cam Guy voting YES to Dissolve Brady Lake Village.
The sign on the front door of BLV hall is a Neighborhood Watch sign,so Dan Boyle and Laurel (Sis) Archer in the reflection are Watching BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth talk to BLV voters.

If Brady Lake Village is not dissolved,BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth still needs to go.

If Brady Lake Village is not dissolved,BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth still needs to go.
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's bad record keeping and nepotism have helped put BLV where it is today,BROKE !

More reasons to Vote Yes on Issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village.

More reasons to Vote Yes on Issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village.
Is there actually missing BLV money or is it more bad record keeping by BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth ? See what you think by typing on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Don't you dare to ask questions or give opinions about Brady Lake Village !

Don't you dare to ask questions or give opinions about Brady Lake Village !
The Brady Lake Village clerk gang has been pulling this kind of shit for way too long. If you would like to see more Threats and Retaliation by the BLV clerk gang. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang treats the truth with threats.

The Brady Lake Village clerk gang treats the truth with threats.
What ever happened to freedom of speech ? If you would like to see the other BLV clerk gang sign in BLV. Type on Google Search- BALLS Bullies Are Lovely Lying Shits

Here's what can happen if you speak up about the Brady Lake Village Clerk Gang !

Here's what can happen if you speak up about the Brady Lake Village Clerk Gang !
Threats and Retaliation have been on-going for about 3 years by the BLV clerk gang,because the truth is finally being told about how BLV was and/or is being operated. If you would like to see how the BLV reacts to truth telling. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Under No Circumstances Trust What the Brady Lake Village Officials Want You to Hear.

Under No Circumstances Trust What the Brady Lake Village Officials Want You to Hear.
With the Brady Lake Village officials (clerk gang) it's 1 dirty trick after another. Please vote Yes on issue 10 to Dissolve Brady Lake Village and end being lied to by the people who are paid by the tax payers.

It's way past time for Brady Lake Village residents to know the truth about their tax dollars.

It's way past time for Brady Lake Village residents to know the truth about their tax dollars.
Telling the truth about the BLV fire department is the reason Dan Boyle's unpaid services were no longer needed. If you would like to see more of how BLV officials (clerk gang) reacts to truth telling. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village hall was purchased because the BLV clerk gang wanted it.

Brady Lake Village hall was purchased because the BLV clerk gang wanted it.
The money paid for the new BLV hall should have gone to the BLV fire department to make BLV safer.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman like always needs to get his facts straight.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman like always needs to get his facts straight.
POOR mayor Hal Lehman never seems to get it right.

Brady Lake Village voters NEVER voted on the new BLV hall.

Brady Lake Village voters NEVER voted on the new BLV hall.
When the Brady Lake Village clerk and her gang want something done,they just create an ordinance using the same clerk gang players-Ethel Nemeth-Hal Lehman-Ted Holland-Ruth Carlson.

BLV cops must Not have to turn their lites on in the rain because it's Clerksville with Kinneylaw ?

BLV cops must Not have to turn their lites on in the rain because it's Clerksville with Kinneylaw ?
The blog cam vehicle turned off the headlites and left the parking lites on so it would show BLV cop Dumb-Ass did not have the BLV cop car lites on in the rain.(reflection) This is the same BLV cop who had to mouth off about how great he is,at the 10/5/13 meeting at BLV hall about Dissolving BLV. If you would like to see more about BLV cop Dumb-Ass and why he would drive from Lake County Ohio to work in BLV for free. Type on Google Search- Spit Some Police Is Tense

Everyone is invited to the Tuesday 10/29/13 meeting at BLV hall at 7:00 pm.

Everyone is invited to the Tuesday 10/29/13 meeting at BLV hall at 7:00 pm.
Brady Lake Village residents deserve answers from a good attorney,not what the BLV clerk gang wants you to hear.

Carson's Park in Brady Lake Village was donated to ALL BLV residents,not just the BLV officials !

Carson's Park in Brady Lake Village was donated to ALL BLV residents,not just the BLV officials !
The for sale sign on Carson's park is just like the BLV officials(clerk gang) Ass-Backwards. If you would like to see more Ass-Backwards BLV clerk gang stuff. Type On Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

This Brady Lake Village (BLV) fire truck was not safe for the road,but was in service.

This Brady Lake Village (BLV) fire truck was not safe for the road,but was in service.
This picture was taken at Boyle's Automotive by Dan Boyle's dad Glenn Boyle. The date on the picture is wrong because it's a picture of a picture. This 1968 Ford BLV fire truck would Not pass a safety inspection or a pump test,while the BLV officials went in Debt for a new BLV hall. If you would like to see more BLFD info. Type on Google Search- Camp Caring About More Progress -Or type on Google Search- Camp Calling All Malcontent People

Here's the proof Dan Boyle was fixing the BLV fire trucks for free.

Here's the proof Dan Boyle was fixing the BLV fire trucks for free.
Too bad telling the Truth about the BLV fire department is against the law in BLV,aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.

Former BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe is a f-cking liar.

Former BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe is a f-cking liar.
Should be fun looking at old records at the BLV fire depatment.

BLV officials will do just about anything to get free help.

BLV officials will do just about anything to get free help.
This piece of BLV paper is ILLEGAL !

BLV officials will create an ordinance or letter to suit their needs.

BLV officials will create an ordinance or letter to suit their needs.
You would think the BLV officials would know how to spell the name of the guy who fixed the BLV fire trucks for free.

Brady Lake Village resident Dick Fresch ran for BLV clerk and Buried tires in his front yard.

Brady Lake Village resident Dick Fresch ran for BLV clerk and Buried tires in his front yard.
The Ohio EPA has said dismounted tires are illegal to bury. If you would like to see more about why some BLV residents would want BLV to stay the same. Type on Google Search- Camp Calling All Malcontent People -or Type on Google Search- Camp Caring About More Progress

There are about 20 half buried tires on this Brady Lake Village resident Dick Fresch property.

There are about 20 half buried tires on this Brady Lake Village resident Dick Fresch property.
Dick Fresch ran for BLV clerk,but can't clean up his BLV property on Lakeview Drive near the intersection of Park Avenue. Here's more of the mind set that wants to keep Brady Lake Village the same. Skroll down this page to the bottom half to see more about the Dick Fresch property in BLV.

This is the Brady Lake Village employee Allen Mathes house at 2164 Erie in Brady Lake Village.

This is the Brady Lake Village employee Allen Mathes house at 2164 Erie in Brady Lake Village.
This is the mind set of the people who want Brady Lake Village to stay the same. Note the DB sign,as in Dan Boyle ? If you would like to see how BLV employee Allen Mathes has threatened Dan Boyle. Type on Google Search- Balls Bullies Are Lovely Lying Shits

This mess is behind the Allen Mathes house at 2164 Erie in Brady Lake Village.

This mess is behind the Allen Mathes house at 2164 Erie in Brady Lake Village.
This mess plus more,can be seen by the people who live on Onadaga. This Allen Mathes mess was reported,with pictures over 2 years ago,to the BLV officials,but Allen Mathes is a BLV employee.

A letter to the Editor of the Record Couier about Dissolving Brady Lake Village.

A letter to the Editor of the Record Couier about Dissolving Brady Lake Village.
Brady Lake Village CAN go back to Franklin Township. If you would like to see more reasons to Dissolve Brady Lake Village. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

The Brady Lake Village officials have managed to spend,until Brady Lake Village is BROKE !

The Brady Lake Village officials have managed to spend,until Brady Lake Village is BROKE !
The above and below pictures are going to be part of the flyers being passed out to Brady Lake Village residents.

Brady Lake Village should have been dissolved many years ago !

Brady Lake Village should have been dissolved many years ago !
If you would like to see more reasons Brady Lake Village Should Be Dissolved. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

This Brady Lake Village fire truck would Not pass a pump test or safety inspection.

This Brady Lake Village fire truck would Not pass a pump test or safety inspection.
This 1968 Ford BLV fire truck is at Boyle's Automotive being repaired for Free. Those are spark plug wires on the front tire. The water tank on this truck leaked so bad it would be empty in a few days. The date on this picture is wrong,because it's a picture of a picture. If you want to see more about this and other BLV stuff. Type on Google Search- Camp Caring About More Progress -Or type on Google Search- Camp Calling All Malcontent People

Brady Lake Village fire chief Ken Bescoe resigned-retired beacuse Dan Boyle told on his lying ass.

Brady Lake Village fire chief Ken Bescoe resigned-retired beacuse Dan Boyle told on his lying ass.
If BLV residents would have known the Truth about the Brady Lake Village fire department,they would have Never voted to buy the BLV ballfield. To see more BLV official's bad mistakes. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

L to R-Laurel Archer,Pat Swauger,Dan Boyle meeting with the Portage County Commissioners.

L to R-Laurel Archer,Pat Swauger,Dan Boyle meeting with the Portage County Commissioners.
Pat Swauger is the former clerk of Brady Lake Village.(BLV) Laurel Archer and Dan Boyle started the petition to Dissolve BLV. The Portage County Commissioners full well know things in BLV aren't working and something like Dissolving BLV is long overdue. Laurel Archer and Dan Boyle on Tuesday-10/8/13 talked to the Franklin Township Trustees and BLV (CAN and Should) go back to being part of Franklin Township.

Former BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe did nothing about this Meth house mess.

Former BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe did nothing about this Meth house mess.
BLV police chief Dave Kinney full well knows about this Meth house mess,but has done nothing.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman needs to learn how to close his Pie Hole.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman needs to learn how to close his Pie Hole.
In the next month your going to see and hear lot's of stories from BLV mayor Hal Lehman. I doubt any will be the truth. To see more of how Brady Lake Village is being run. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village Mayor Hal Lehman had No straight answers,just more bull-shit.

Brady Lake Village Mayor Hal Lehman had No straight answers,just more bull-shit.
Brady Lake Village tax paying residents deserve better than what they've been getting from BLV officials. Let's Dissolve BLV and get some real officials,like say Franklin Township officials.

Brady Lake Village Wann'be attorney and police advisor Ted Holland in action.

Brady Lake Village Wann'be attorney and police advisor Ted Holland in action.
Former BLV council president Ted Holland is 1 of the main reasons BLV is in the money mess it is. Ted Holland has been acting as a BLV attorney for way too long. Is Ted Holland advising BLV cop John Marra about driving BLV cop cars. Marra is the BLV cop who crashed the BLV cop car beyond repair,as seen on down this page. If you would like to see more about the BLV cop car crash. Type on Google Search- Mess Marra Emits Steering Story - or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Instead of a Save The Village Committee shouldn't it be Save The Lake Overflow Committee ?

Instead of a Save The Village Committee shouldn't it be Save The Lake Overflow Committee ?
The Brady Lake officilas had plenty of chances in 2008 to fix the lake overflow,but they dropped the ball. If you would like to see more ball dropping by the BLV officials. Type on Google Search- Wet We Enable Truth

Another reason to Dissolve BLV. RT Mansfield is the Brady Lake Village (BLV) zoning Czar.

Another reason to Dissolve BLV. RT Mansfield is the Brady Lake Village (BLV) zoning Czar.
RT Mansfield does BLV zoning on a who you are basis if and when he does do BLV zoning. If you would like to see how the BLV Zoning Czar really does BLV zoning. Type on Google Search- Fart Fake Ass RT

Maybe Dick Fresch will hold special BLV clerk meetings in his shack on stilts ?

Maybe Dick Fresch will hold special BLV clerk meetings in his shack on stilts ?
This is known as the Dick Fresch Mess on Hillside in Brady Lake Village. Some things never change when your friends with the Village Officials. (clerk gang)

Dick Fresch the owner of this BLV property wants BLV to stay BLV.

Dick Fresch the owner of this BLV property wants BLV to stay BLV.
Maybe BLV resident Dick Fresch is worried about BLV being Dissolved and a real zoning inspector will take his ass to court. If you would like to see more about the Dick Fresch mess and the BLV mess. Type on Google Search- CAMP Caring About More Progress

This letter from Laurel (Sis) Archer is going to the Record Couier editor.

This letter from Laurel (Sis) Archer is going to the Record Couier editor.
If anybody has questions and/or answers call Dan Boyle-330-673-5891-Laurel Archer-330-322-7912- Attorney Warner Mendenhall-330-535-9160 If you would like to see more of how the Brady Lake officials do things. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Being cut off at Brady Lake Village council meetings for asking questions is nothing new in BLV.

Being cut off at Brady Lake Village council meetings for asking questions is nothing new in BLV.
Dan Boyle was told to shut up by BLV zoning inspector RT Mansfield for asking about the 25 year old serious health and safety hazards at the Richard Fresch property in BLV. Richard Fresch is friends with RT Mansfield and former BLV council president Ted Holland. Richard Fresch and his wife already signed the petition to Dissolve BLV,but now Fresch has sided with his old pals by writing a letter to the editor of the Record Couier with Fresch's wrong imformation.

Here's what happens when you tell how the Brady Lake Village Fire Department actually works.

Here's what happens when you tell how the Brady Lake Village Fire Department actually works.
If you would like to see more about the Mathes Bullies. Type on Google Search- Balls Bullies Are Lovely Lying Shits Or type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size,but has 3 cop cars and about 20 cops doing what ?

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size,but has 3 cop cars and about 20 cops doing what ?
Brady Lake Village is listed on the internet as a speed trap. BLV should be listed as the most ass-holes in charge of what goes on in the village and at village hall. If you would like to see how the village cops do things. Type on Google Search- Spit Some Police Is Tense

This opinion is from the Ohio Auditor's Office to Brady Lake Village officials.

This opinion is from the Ohio Auditor's Office to Brady Lake Village officials.
It sure seems like the Brady Lake Village clerk gang (officials) can't take a hint. To see how the Brady Lake Village clerk gang does things. Type on Google Search- BLV Brady Lake Vision 1

This is how things are done in Brady Lake Village(BLV),aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.

This is how things are done in Brady Lake Village(BLV),aka,Clerksville with Kinneylaw.
Why would telling the truth about BLV make the BLV officials so angry ?

This is the ass-backwards way BLV zoning is done by RT Mansfield.

This is the ass-backwards way BLV zoning is done by RT Mansfield.
If the Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman had any stones,he would fire RT Mansfield.

This is how things are done in Brady Lake Village to keep zoning secrets.

This is how things are done in Brady Lake Village to keep zoning secrets.
Now you can see why BLV zoning inspector RT Mansfield is called RT Weaselass.

Here's more reasons to Dissolve Brady Lake Village (BLV) and pay lower taxes.

Here's more reasons to Dissolve Brady Lake Village (BLV) and pay lower taxes.
If you would like to see pictures of the car in brady lake and what happened,Type on Google Search- cancallanumbskull -The BLV fire department equipment including the trucks are in sad shape because instead of taking care of BLV emergency services the BLV clerk and her gang had to have a new BLV hall. BLV had a village hall that was paid for and would have done the job.

Dan Boyle finally found somebody to help him with the Brady Lake Village cop problems.

Dan Boyle finally found somebody to help him with the Brady Lake Village cop  problems.
Barney Fife said,you drive Dan,I don't know where Brady Lake is. Type on Google Search, Spit Some Police Is Tense

Laurel Archer and Dan Boyle have been left with No choice except legal action against LIARS.

Laurel Archer and Dan Boyle have been left with No choice except legal action against LIARS.
The retaliation and threats by the above people is what happens when the Truth is told about how Brady Lake Village (BLV) actually operates.

Of course BLV police chief Dave Kinney when given this request REFUSED to sign.

Of course BLV police chief Dave Kinney when given this request REFUSED to sign.
Along with BLV police chief Dave Kinney Refusing to sign,BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth had a line of Bull-Shit about how she's looking out for BLV residents.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth had to have this truck for her daughter to do BLV mowing.

Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth had to have this truck for her daughter to do BLV mowing.
Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney lied about the condition and/or maintenance on his 1996 Ford Ranger 4x4 Pickup,so BLV tax payers got the shaft like usual.

Former BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe should have been fired for lying to BLV council.

Former BLV fire chief Ken Bescoe should have been fired for lying to BLV council.
Instead of Ken Bescoe being fired for lying to BLV council about the condition of the BLV fire trucks,BLV officials let Bescoe retire,then spent BLV tax payer money on a party for Bescoe,plus put Bescoe on BLV council. Sara Hoffman is BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's grandaughter who was paid by BLV to do a BLV web site,but the web site never worked correctly and is no more.

Dan Boyle giving the petition to dissolve Brady Lake Village to BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth.

Dan Boyle giving the petition to dissolve Brady Lake Village to BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth.
BLV clerk-mayor Ethel Nemeth,aka,Honest Ethel had losts of excuses about why BLV is in the sad shape it is,but like always NO straight answers.

The petition to dissolve Brady Lake Village(BLV)had 139 signatures.

The petition to dissolve Brady Lake Village(BLV)had 139 signatures.
The question about the dissolving of Brady Lake Village (BLV) will be on the November 2013 BLV ballot.

Under the Leadership of BLV police chief Dave Kinney,this is how things are done.

Under the Leadership of BLV police chief Dave Kinney,this is how things are done.
BLV police chief Dave Kinney,aka,Toe 2 Toe doesn't have a Clue,so why should Some(most)of the BLV reject cops who work in BLV for Free? Try these blog sites for more BLV Cop Crap-:-Toe 2 Toe Cop-:-SPIT=Some Police Is Tense-:-CAN=Call A Numb Skull-:-DUD=Dangerous Unpaid Delillo-:-MESS=Marra Emits Steering Story-:-K RAY=Keep Really Alert & Yelp.

The BLV clerk and her gang have used up any extra money BLV had in the general fund.

The BLV clerk and her gang have used up any extra money BLV had in the general fund.
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,aka,Honest Ethel and her Nepotism gang got what they wanted,so skrew the BLV tax payers.

After looking at BLV public records,questions came up. Imagine that !

After looking at BLV public records,questions came up. Imagine that !
When BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,aka,Honest Ethel was given this BLV public record request,Ethel said she wasn't sure if she had these records. Imagine that !

Under the leadership of BLV police chief Dave Kinney,the BLV cops do as they please.

Under the leadership of BLV police chief Dave Kinney,the BLV cops do as they please.
This is yet another reason to DISSOLVE--Brady Lake Village(BLV) and go back to Franklin Township. You don't see the Portage County Sheriff pulling this shit on Brady Lake Road in Franklin Township.

This is from the Ohio State Auditor's -SIU- Special Investigations Unit about BLV.

This is from the Ohio State Auditor's -SIU- Special Investigations Unit about BLV.
It's a real shame a 37 year BLV resident has to hire an attorney to do things the Brady Lake Village officials have been paid to do.

1 last Brady Lake Village public records request before the law suit is filed.

1 last Brady Lake Village public records request before the law suit is filed.
Brady Lake Village clerk Ethel Nemeth acted like she didn't want to sign for this public records request and then made excuses. Just life in Clerksville with Kinneylaw,that needs to end. If you would like to see more BLV clerk Honest Ethel info,go to the. PEE=Please Exit Ethel ! blog site.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth is why BLV is Broke and Unauditable.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth is why BLV is Broke and Unauditable.
If anybody has rented BLV hall or donated money to BLV and would like to know where your money went. Call Dan Boyle at-330-673-589,or email at,or post on this blog.

Here's how things are done by the BLV officials,aka,the BLV clerk gang.

Here's how things are done by the BLV officials,aka,the BLV clerk gang.
The small group of people known as the BLV clerk gang have managed to get BLV where it is today,BROKE and UNAUDITABLE,plus possibly without a wooded park. To see a picture of Carson's Park and the FOR SALE sign,go to the,CAN=Call A Numb-Skull !,blog site.

This should answer the question of BLV being Unaudited or UNAUDITABLE !

This should answer the question of BLV being Unaudited or UNAUDITABLE !
BLV is Broke and Unauditable ! BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,aka,Honest Ethel was in charge of BLV tax money,and BLV records.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth signing for the petition to dissolve BLV and Dan Boyle being happy.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth signing for the petition to dissolve BLV and Dan Boyle being happy.
This is it folks,the office and the clerk that made Brady Lake Village UNAUDITABLE for almost 1 year.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth and former BLV councilman Ted Holland's wife IN the clerk's office.

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth and former BLV councilman Ted Holland's wife IN the clerk's office.
Ted Holland ducked around the corner and wouldn't come out while the blog cam was at BLV hall.

This is the petition to dissolve Brady Lake Village and do something better for the tax payers.

This is the petition to dissolve Brady Lake Village and do something better for the tax payers.
This petition is done according to the Portage County Board of Elections.

Laurel Archer,Pat Swauger and Dan Boyle are the first signatures needed on this BLV petition.

Laurel Archer,Pat Swauger and Dan Boyle are the first signatures needed on this BLV petition.
Pat Swauger is the former Brady Lake Village clerk and has been very helpful with old BLV public records,unlike the present BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth.

It won't be long and the BLV clerk gang will be finished.

It won't be long and the BLV clerk gang will be finished.
This is done according to the Portage County Board of Elections.

Here's the proof BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth got the petiton to dissolve BLV.

Here's the proof BLV clerk  Ethel Nemeth got the petiton to dissolve BLV.
It's too bad this is way things have to be done with the BLV clerk gang.

Here's how UNAUDITABLE works in the state of Ohio,especially with Auditor David Yost.

Here's how UNAUDITABLE works in the state of Ohio,especially with Auditor David Yost.
Brady Lake Village and the clerk Ethel Nemeth were warned 10 years ago about BLV record keeping and here's what happened.

Brady Lake Village pays the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax to be UNAUDITABLE !

Brady Lake Village pays the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax to be UNAUDITABLE !
Brady Lake Village was warned 10 years ago about record keeping and YES the same clerk was at village hall pulling the same shit. Un-like Brady Lake Village,Franklin Township PASSED the state audit and has lower taxes and NO income tax.

This is exactly how things are done in Brady Lake Village (BLV) by the leaders of BLV.

This is exactly how things are done in Brady Lake Village (BLV) by the leaders of BLV.
BLV needs to be finished for many reasons as you can see. The BLV tax payers deserve better than this. BLV going back to Franklin Township will eventually happen.

Most Brady Lake Village (BLV) residents are never aware of what actually goes on at BLV hall.

Most Brady Lake Village (BLV) residents are never aware of what actually goes on at BLV hall.
Just like saying BLV councilman Joe Pittinger resigned. How about telling Joe Pittinger is-was BLV council Prez,plus Vice Prez of BLV council Ted Holland resigned. This is how things are done in Clerksville with Kinneylaw. If you would like to see a picture of the new BLV council Prez,Ken bigot Bescoe,skroll down to the bottom half of this page.

BLV police chief Dave Kinney has been lying about this impounded boat for almost 2 years.

BLV police chief Dave Kinney has been lying about this impounded boat for almost 2 years.
This is how things are done in Clerksville (BLV) with Kinneylaw. (Toe 2 Toe law)

Brady Lake Village (BLV) clerk Ethel Nemeth always used to get angry when ask about BLV records.

Brady Lake Village (BLV) clerk Ethel Nemeth always used to get angry when ask about BLV records.
It seems when public officials get angry when ask questions about public records and or tax money,something stinks.

Here's how things really are at the Brady Lake Village (BLV) Police Department.

Here's how things really are at the Brady Lake Village (BLV) Police Department.
BLV police chief Dave Kinney,alias,Toe 2 Toe spends so little time at the BLPD,the Unpaid Gun-Ho cops are running things.

It looks like yet another Brady Lake Village resident has tried to deal with the BLV clerk-mayor.

It looks like yet another Brady Lake Village resident has tried to deal with the BLV clerk-mayor.
The person that had the good comment about the Village of Brady Lake must not have been to any Village of Brady Lake council meetings or looked at this blog site.

Brady Lake Village never did nor is it going to have enough tax base to do what's right for all.

Brady Lake Village never did nor is it going to have enough tax base to do what's right for all.
The Brady Lake Village (BLV) clerk gang (officials) is likely to fight BLV going back to Franklin Township,instead of doing what's best for all of BLV and BLV's future.

This is the gas well head in front of BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's house in BLV.

This is the gas well head in front of BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's house in BLV.
Having Ohio Valley Energy put the gas well head here solved 2 things. No noisy,dust raising,sports can be played here,and BLV clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth and her husband Smokey Nemeth get a royalty check. Pretty slick !

BLV police chief Dave Kinney must be afraid of pissing off the BLV paycheck writer,the BLV clerk.

BLV police chief Dave Kinney must be afraid of pissing off the BLV paycheck writer,the BLV clerk.
This is how things are done in Brady Lake Village and or Clerksville with Kinneylaw.

BLV cop John Marra in Dan Boyle's business parking lot,taking Dan's picture.

BLV cop John Marra in Dan Boyle's business parking lot,taking Dan's picture.
John Marra is the BLV cop who crashed the BLV cop car. John Marra and BLV cop Kenny Ray took the picture of Dan Boyle and put it on Facebook calling Dan Boyle a police stalker. Who's stalking who here,and on private property in Franklin Township ? For over 30 years Dan Boyle carried NO camera on his BLV road tests,until BLV police chief Dave Kinney,alias,Toe 2 Toe started to harass and retaliate against Dan Boyle for telling on the BLV clerk gang. This is life in Clerksville with Kinneylaw. Sometimes you just got'ta do what you got'ta do when it comes to lying officials.

This is the BLV clerk's husband Smokey kaboom Nemeth working on something he shouldn't be !

This is the BLV clerk's husband Smokey kaboom Nemeth working on something he shouldn't be !
The BLV leaf vac blew up (Ka Boom) almost seriously injuring 2 BLV employees and 1 was Smokey's daughter. This is a blow-up of an older picture.

When my dog Buddy L wears this hat,his attitude about the truth gets worse.

When my dog Buddy L wears this hat,his attitude about the truth gets worse.
I suspect Buddy L did PEE on the BLV clerk's tires,but Buddy L don't give a shit,so neither does his owners.

It looks like some Brady Lake Village (BLV) residents have had enough of the BLV clerk gang.

It looks like some Brady Lake Village (BLV) residents have had enough of the BLV clerk gang.
For once this is NOT a Dan Boyle comment in Sound Off,just in case any of you BLV clerk gang members were wondering.

Brady Lake Village cop Kenny Ray blocking 1 lane Hartman so he can run up behind area drivers .

Brady Lake Village cop Kenny Ray blocking 1 lane Hartman so he can run up behind area drivers .
BLV cop Kenny Ray Jr. has a habit of lurking in the shadows then running up close behind area drivers trying make them do something wrong. Kenny Ray tried this same shit with Dan Boyle,but Kenny Ray lost in court and is going to lose again. In fact this is the same spot Kenny Ray pulled his Rear-Ender shit on Dan Boyle at about 10:00 PM on 10/07/11.

Here's proof the Brady Lake Village clerk gang needs better and or smarter members.

Here's proof the Brady Lake Village clerk gang needs better and or smarter members.
Ya just gott'a love Sound Off for printing both these comments in Sound Off on the same day. There is hope for the Record Couier.

A Brady Lake Village (BLV) employee's labor meeting at the BLV clerk's house in BLV.

A Brady Lake Village (BLV) employee's labor meeting at the BLV clerk's house in BLV.
All 4 vehicles belong to BLV employees and 3 are the BLV clerk's family. The clerk's huband,the clerk and her 2 daughters are here. Maybe a pay raise like the BLV clerk got is being talked about ? NO job postings,NO job applications,and NO job evaluations were used when BLV hired and paid the BLV clerk's family.

Brady Lake Village residents get this for the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax.

Brady Lake Village residents get this for the highest taxes in the county plus an income tax.
Brady Lake village clerk Ethel Nemeth and her nepoptism bunch need to be stopped from futher use of the BLV tax payers.

Brady Lake Village zoning inspector RT Mansfield,also known as RT Weaselass.

Brady Lake Village zoning inspector RT Mansfield,also known as RT Weaselass.
Not only does RT Weaselass refuse certified mail public record requests. When Weaselass was ask at a BLV council meeting about a 25 year old health hazard property,Weaselass told the 36 year BLV resident who ask,to shut up. RT Weaselass does BLV zoning on a who you are basis. Type on Google Search, Fart Fake Ass RT

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size and has 3 cop cars.

Brady Lake Village is 0.3 square miles in size and has 3 cop cars.
This is beside BLV hall in BLV. The internet has a site that lists BLV ass a speed trap. I wonder if the 1 BLV cop knows the other BLV cop is there ?

Akron Attorney Warner Mendenhall meeting with Dan Boyle.

Akron Attorney Warner Mendenhall meeting with Dan Boyle.
Warner Mendenhall isn't put off by the blog sites and or the BLV clerk gang. As Brady Lake Village clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth would tell BLV police chief Toe 2 Toe this is GOOD GOOD !

This info is from former Brady Lake Village clerk Pat Swauger.

This info is from former Brady Lake Village clerk Pat Swauger.
These are facts the BLV tax payers were never told and the reason Pat Swauger was EX-communicated like Dan Boyle was. This is life in Clerksville with Kinneylaw and or Gooberville.

This prediction was made by former Brady Lake Village clerk Pat Swauger.

This prediction was made by former Brady Lake Village clerk Pat Swauger.
Pat Swauger just like the rest of us BLV residents couldn't get straight answers from BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,so in 2012 Brady Lake Village is BROKE.

72 signatures shouldn't be too tuff to do !

72 signatures shouldn't be too tuff to do !
I'll bet there's more than 72 registered voters in Brady Lake Village who aren't very happy about how things are being done at BLV hall.

Brady Lake Village really is 0.3 square miles in size and really has 3 cop cars,for 500 residents.

Brady Lake Village really is 0.3 square miles in size and really has 3 cop cars,for 500 residents.
The only people this makes sense to is the BLV clerk gang,to be able to keep the BLV joke alive and yes this sound off sure sounds like Dan Boyle. If you would like to see proof of this,go to the TOE 2 TOE COP blog site.

BLV police chief Dave Kinney has some serious honesty issues.

BLV police chief Dave Kinney has some serious honesty issues.
It's no wonder the BLV police department is a cluster of skrew-ups.

This is not going to just go away like Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney wishes it would.

This is not going to just go away like Brady Lake Village police chief Dave Kinney wishes it would.
Under the leadership of BLV police chief Toe 2 Toe (Dave Kinney) this is the kind of shit that goes on and on in Brady Lake Village,if you tell on the Brady Lake Village clerk and her band of merry idiots !

Brady Lake Village cop Kenny Ray Jr. is a GUN-HO ass hole.

Brady Lake Village cop Kenny Ray Jr. is a GUN-HO ass hole.
BLV cop Kenny Ray Jr.'s day is coming and so is BLV police chief Dave Kinney (Toe 2 Toe's) day.

The Brady Lake Police Department knew this car had steering problems,but drove it anyways.

The  Brady Lake Police Department knew this car had steering problems,but drove it anyways.
BLV cop John Marra was driving and riding dumb-gun was BLV cop John Delillo. Other pictures will be shown on the RAT=Right Attorney Ted ? blog site and the Toe 2 Toe Cop blog site. All this took place under the leadership of BLV police chief Dave Kinney,ali-ass,Toe 2 Toe.

A real maintenance program might be a good idea for the Brady Lake Police Department.

A real maintenance program might be a good idea for the Brady Lake Police Department.
When a police department has a chief like Dave Kinney,ali-ass,Toe 2 Toe this shit is bound to happen. The blog cam has lots more pictures of this accident and they WILL be shown.

The BLPD cop car crash report from the OSP.

The BLPD cop car crash report from the OSP.
This is how things are done in Clerksville with Kinneylaw.

The BLPD knew full well about the crashed cop car before the crash.

The BLPD knew full well about the crashed cop car before the crash.
This is what happens with bad BLPD leadership like Chief Toe 2 Toe.

This doesn't match what BLV cop John Marra put in a written report about the crashed BLV cop car.

This doesn't match what BLV cop John Marra put in a written report about the crashed BLV cop car.
Something smells about what BLV cop John Marra said and what really happened. BLV cop John Marra was driving and riding dumb-gun was BLV cop John Delillo.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's responce to a BLV public records request.

Brady Lake Village mayor Hal Lehman's responce to a BLV public records request.
Either BLV mayor Hal Lehman is an f-in liar or he's really more stupid than he looks. Look at the below picture and see what you think.

Brady Lake Village checks have a place for the mayor and clerk to sign,but it doesn't happen.

Brady Lake Village checks have a place for the mayor and clerk to sign,but it doesn't happen.
Just like motion to pay bills at Brady Lake Village council meetings,NO ONE bothers to check who's paying what,where or why,with our tax dollars.

If you want a job or a pay raise in Brady Lake Village, just do it yourself.

If you want a job or a pay raise in Brady Lake Village, just do it yourself.
It's no wonder Brady Lake Village is in the shape it is,plus being UN-auditable.

Pretty slick,Hal Lehman and Ethel Nemeth sign their own pay raise.

Pretty slick,Hal Lehman and Ethel Nemeth sign their own pay raise.
Here's what's really wrong at Brady Lake Village Hall. It needs to end soon !

Payroll in Brady Lake Village is a clerk Ethel Nemeth family affair.

Payroll in Brady Lake Village is a clerk Ethel Nemeth family affair.
Getting BLV pay without using job applications are. BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth's husband Richard Nemeth,her daughter and son-in-law Debbie and Ronnie Stacey,the clerk's grandson Joshua Moore who smoked the trasmission in the BLV plow truck and the clerk's grandaughter Sara Hoffman who was paid to start the BLV web-site that was never any help except to the Nemeth family bank account.

Here's the Zero Tolerance in Brady Lake Village.

Here's the Zero Tolerance in Brady Lake Village.
Is it possible for the BLPD to support the BLV clerk gang and their dysfunctional decision making ?

Here's what the Brady Lake Village officials just won't face up to.

Here's what the Brady Lake  Village officials just won't face up to.
The above are facts,that when ask about at a BLV councul meeting,your either told to shut up,or escorted from the meeting.

The Brady Lake Village leaders have managed to get BLV where it is today.

The Brady Lake Village leaders have managed to get BLV where it is today.
It's always about the few in the BLV clerk gang and skrew the rest of us BLV tax payers,even if it kills us.

Yes Folks this shit really happened at a Brady Lake Village council meeting.

Yes Folks this shit really happened at a Brady Lake Village council meeting.
The only thing I can figure is.The BLV officials need to ajust their medication.

This is from the 7/14/12 Record Couier Sound Off.

This is from the 7/14/12 Record Couier Sound Off.
It's about time the rest of the county knows what BLV residents have been putting up with for way too many years.

The minutes from the 9/1/11 Portage County Commissioner's meeting.

The minutes from the 9/1/11 Portage County Commissioner's meeting.
I Dan Boyle,have a letter from the BLV mayor saying I'm not to be on any BLV committees,and the harassment at BLV council meetings,makes it not worth going to council meetings.

Sis Archer and Dan Boyle's meeting with the Portage County Commissioners.

Sis Archer and Dan Boyle's meeting with the Portage County Commissioners.
After the Commisioners learned of just a few things the BLV idiot officials had done,they said finish it,meaning BLV,how-ever you can.

Friday, June 24, 2011


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A Concerned Muskrat said...

Hey 12:07 PM-Maybe honesty is a requirement for the other jobs. That would explain why he doesn't work at either anymore!
Honesty does not appear to be required to work for Brady Lake Village!
I've had cause to be around Kinney some and I have heard him lie faster than a slippery lizard in Crisco and I have seen him try to impress the clerk and her gang.
That's not saying much for him.
I have known him to gossip with certain individauls. My opinion is that he is trying to cover up some of his actions and he thinks this is the way to do it, again telling untruths. He really should know better.
That alone is scarry in the fact that one would have to go to such lengths.
Most experienced people know that he could be instigating someone right into trouble including himself! This sort of thing always catches up with you!
Other than those things, which should exempt him from the police field of work, he's probably a really nice guy.

A no balls mayor,to a fit taker. said...

Don't worry BLV residents. The new mayor Crazy Joe will straighten everything out,as long as he doesn't take another fit,and have to leave a council meeting,or break his wrist punching a guy at work.

Just a click away. said...

To see the other posts from today 9/10/11 click on Older.

How about a slightly stolen boat,for cheap ? said...

A Concerned Muskrat 9/10/11,12:34 PM,

Since BLV police chief Kinney,has been shown to be a liar,the only thing left for him is to get a job selling used police cars,or stolen impounded boats.
He probably ISN'T a nice guy.

Anonymous said...

9/9/2011 5:27 PM: As far as being bogged down with specifics, specifics are the only things the legal system recognizes. No matter the inconvenience specifics present, you cannot prevail without them.
I understand your frustration, but the reality is courts don't want emotions just indisputable facts.

This blog is a course in reality. said...

One fact about Brady Lake Village is,there's never been enough money to operate the village in a way,that is safe,plus fair to the residents,and now there's less money available. Franklin Township does a much better job,for the residents,while having lower taxes.

BL reality show. said...

Here's two BL facts.Ethel Nemeth thinks she knows how to keep records and Ted Holland thinks he's an attorney.

They're going to need more than a paddle. said...

WELL,it's flea market time again.

Squaw Findabargin and Chief Kicksomeass are off, and going to Beech City Ohio.(maybe)
We or they will be in serach of rare treasures and about a dozen books called,Your Ass Is Grass,or the sequel,Your Up Shit Creek.

These will make for some good reading at BLV council meetings,unless the village idiots already know it,but just won't talk about it with others.

Grin and bear it. said...

A Big Game Hunter,or should I say a Big Lame
Hunter,was just spotted on the Allen Mathes front porch on Erie.
He looked like a Billy Bully Mathes with his Big Game or Big Lame clothes on and bearing his teeth,like some kind of wild nut flipper,when we drove by.
Now there's something for a Mathes to be proud of,right Allen ?
If the Mathes property didn't look like a bunch of Bully Billies lived there before,it sure as hell does when they stand on the front porch and show their teeth.

Anonymous said...

The whole Mathes family are Big Lame Hunters,they jusy love shooting living things,kind of like one of them loves flipping other guys in the balls. Only a bully would act like that.

Rules for some,but nor for others,in Clerksville. said...

BLV employee Allen Mathes is operating a business(see pictures)at his Erie and Onondago Street property in BLV,isn't BLV missing out some taxes,because the business is not actually listed as a business.
OR,is that OK because Mathes is a member of the BLV clerk gang and does favors for them ?

1 guy that full well knows Mathes is operating a business from his home,is,BLV councilman Joe Pittinger,and Joe wants to be mayor.

Joe Pittinger lives 2 houses down Erie from Allen Mathes,and has visited the Mathes property many times,Joe said so.
This is just more of how things are done in Clerksville,with Kinneylaw.

The highest taxes in the county,gets us LIARS. said...

The BLV officials are always trying to find ways to make more money to keep the village going. They always wanted zoning to go after any permit money it could get.

So,now we find out the permit money needs to come from the regular tax payers of BLV,not the clerk gang and friends.

Months ago we asked for a record of the permit for the clerk's daughter,and son-in-laws's large garage they built in BLV. The son-in-law does work there.(like a business)
We of course got NO record of any permit for that building.

Last week we learned that BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson has 2 house on South Plaesant,yet only 1 has a house number on it,or any record of it,yet people are living in both houses.

There are plenty of pictures of the BLV employee Allen Mathes property on the blog. It's very clear Mathes is operating a business in BLV,where it's not zoned for one.
These are just a few places,that BLV could have made money,but chose to look the other way,because of these people being BLV clerk gang members.
Folks this is the reality of living in Clerksville,with the clerk's paid thug BLV police chief Dave Kinney.

The honest Nemeths at work. said...

Hey Smokey,
What happened,did the clerk revoke your BLV hall permit ? I see your back to your front window perch 10:45 AM.
Did she leave you a working computer at home ? After your last couple of rants,she's probably just about had enough of your smoked out ass.(keep your mitts off the key board)

Since your not doing much,maybe you could check on that permit for the large garage your daughter and son-in-law built,you know the one,where he used to skrew up the village equipment.
You don't suppose the permit for the garage is with the lost BLV job applications for you and your family ?

The BLV officials are 1 brick short of a load,or they are a load. said...

Up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site,is a picture of a flea market find,that will finally get the attention of the BLV idiot officials.
If it doesn't get their attention,it will be fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

No chief Wide Load today?

Talk to the real boss,the keeper of the check-book. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/12/11,12:36 PM,

Never fear,the clerk is on duty today,and she tells Chief Wide load what to do,so see her for your village needs. The clerk can also help out with your BLV permit problems,just join her gang,and don't bother to get one.

Anonymous said...

Nice brick, what a find.Dan, ever fine out who is getting the money from the well?
The two houses on not so pleasant ave,do they have two different gas meters? If so they should have two house numbers.
How's court doing? Have they(blv) found a great video hunter yet to find that lying cop's video of your and his great chase?
When is the next court date?
I bet they will move it back again.
It's just not right how the clerk runs everything. Get her out of the office.
Did your Ins. co. tell you if they were charge more for more repairs for the hit with the car into the blv hut and put more stuff on the bill than it should of been?
Sun is out got to go,

Now you see why they're named Queenie and Jackoff. said...

The Hoovers,Jack and Carole,have been involved with BLV government for way too long.
They're old friends with the BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,plus BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson.

SO,here's what old friendships can get you in BLV. The Hoovers always complain about the least little thing that's wrong around their part of BLV,and as you can see by looking at the blog pictures,they always get results,while the rest of us BLV residents put up with what has been shown in the CAMP blog pictures.

When the Hoovers were asked to make a list of all the houses in BLV,so we would know witch houses had no address numbers on them,and witch ones were rentals,they made the list,with one exception.
The Hoovers managed to leave off 1 of Ruth Carlson's houses on South Pleasant. They knew the house with no number on it had people living in it. They also knew it belonged to Ruth Carlson,but never said a word. When there was a fire at the Ruth Carlson house with no address,the fire department didn't know for sure where to go.
The people living in the Ruth Carlson house, that supposedly doesn't exist,were very lucky no one died,but this is what being part of the BLV clerk gang gets you.

Dan,brick thrower,Boyle. said...

Hey EX LAKR 9/12/11,1:36 PM,
Thanks for the brick build-up.

The cool part is I have more than 1,just in case a village idiot official keeps one,I have back-up ammo.
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth is getting gas well money. I guess we all kind'a knew that one.

BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson has been pulling shit with her houses and property for years,and it's finally caught up with her.

As far as BLV chief of police Wide Load,he HASN'T managed to find the lost video of him supposedly chasing me down Lakeview.(Imagine that!)
There is no new court date at this time. Maybe we can get Wide Load a jail date,or a date when he's finished being a lying cop.

About the BLV hall and my insurance company. The insurance company attorneys feel what happened with the BLV hall repairs,were fraud,committed by the clerk. It's up to me as to what to do about it. My opinion is,this is just more ammo for the law suit against the BLV officials.

I hope this answers all your BLV idiot official questions for today,but if you have more just post,I love telling on their stupid asses.

She also keeps a nasty house inside. said...

Not only does Ruth Carlson have a rental with no number on it. Someone should check behind her two houses on South Pleasant Avenue. Ruth has been dumping and burying her trash back there for years,it sometimes smells up the neighborhood. I wonder if her neighbor the zoning inspector RT Weaselfield,will check this out?

SO worried about everyone else,she forgot her own mess. said...

How many of you in the BLV clerk gang have ever been in the house that Ruth Carlson lives in on South Pleasant ?
I'll bet ZERO.
I've been to her house many times for different reasons,(answering zoning questions or doing car repair)but when you knock on the front door,Ruth always answered it,and never let anyone inside.
Ruth would always come out on her tiny front porch to talk,but when she opened the door to come out you could see and SMELL the terrible mess,yet BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson wanted things done about some of the terrible properties in BLV,and she sometimes wanted answers NOW!

Ruth Carlson is just typical of what BLV has for leadership,always worried about someone else's shit while their own is flaky.

Abso-f-in-lutely no favors for Ruth's car repair. said...

I heard Ruth doesn't wear underpants under those big old dresses she wears? What a scary thought and I'm nearly fearless.

Anonymous said...

It just looked like no under pants,because it was a thong.

AND she wants to be clerk again. said...

Honest Ethel and insurance fraud,go together like Crazy Smokey and coffin nails.

Or,they both lost $250,00 down the crapper on a failed business venture.

1 brick over the line,my ass ! said...

Up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,is a picture of BLV police chief Mr.Zero Tolerance,and the new Zero Tolereance Fixer.
This new Fixer should also take care of the Wide Load Lurking problem.

It is possible. said...

Some how BLV managed to make it through a Monday,without any Lurking by the BLV Lurkers Inc.(Wide Load's gang)
SO,driving through BLV today was almost like being in Franklin Township,except for the horrible streets,shit hole rentals,and Smokey at his front window perch,reminding me of the clerk gang.
BUTT then again,Monday's not over.

Anonymous said...

Dan if your your insurance co. Attorney's made findings of fraud in your case, then why would it be up to you to pursue the fraud? That makes no sense. If an insurance co. finds fraud they go after the perpetrator themselves, or turn it over to a prosecutor. Do you have any proof the Attorneys said what you claim, and if you do, lets see it. I support your position's on a lot of matters, but I can't support bullshit.

Things are not always as they appear. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/12/11,9:51 PM,
I said my garage keepers insurance company attorneys,FEEL,that fraud was committed,on the extra repairs done on BLV hall,after I ran into it with my coustomer's Chevy truck. Their opinion was based on what info I had.

I was told If I wanted to persue it,they needed more info. I had a meeting with my insurance company attorneys about other things besides the repairs on BLV hall. I also involved an independant investigator,because the ABS brake failure was a General Motors pattern failure.

I'm not asking anyone to support my position on this clerk fraud matter. It is what it is,and has been posted about many times. It just one more thing the clerk has f-cked up,with her greed,and trying to hang on to BLV as we now know it,witch is not possible,if your honest.

I'll see if I can find the name of the independant investigator,and put it up on the blog,and you can call them. Look for it on Tuesday 9/13/11.

BLV is 0.3 square miles of land ,but has 3 cop cars. said...

Well,I said in my 5:26 PM post,that Monday wasn't over.
Today BLV had no lurking cops,and tonite BLV has 2 cars,and 3 cops lurking. The lurkers must have figured out when they can extract more money.
So that would be peak lurking hours.

The BLV clerk can thank her husband Smokey for this. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/12/11,9:51 PM,

Like I said I would do there is a picture up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site,of the name of the independant investigator,I Dan Boyle called about the damage done to BLV hall by me,and why my,FORMER,insurance company wanted to raise my rates for an accident I wasn't cited for,plus was the fault of a GM pattern ABS brake failure.

My,FORMER,insurance agent was Brimfield Insurance Agency. I said,FORMER,because I no longer use them.
They managed to skrew up the way the accident at BLV hall was taken care of.
I tried to tell my insurance agent that BLV hall at one time was a condemned building. That's why so many cement blocks caved in,when I was only going 3 MPH,when I ran into the building. My agent told me not to worry about it,the real insurance provider had deep pockets,and didn't care how much it cost.

WELL,that was not true. After everything with the BLV hall repair was said and done. I got a letter from the real insurance provider,the one who actually pays,telling me that they were going to raise my rates,because of the BLV hall accident.
That's when I got other people involved to show it wasn't my fault,but the fault of an ABS brake failure,plus the BLV hall was in bad shape before I hit it.
The problem became complicated,because no one wanted to take the blame.
SO,I got a new insurance company who knew about the accident,but also knew who's fault it was.

I kind'a forgot about the whole thing,until the BLV clerk's husband Richard Nemeth started jumping in my shit,about my truth telling.

The bottom line about the BLV hall repairs is. The cost for the repairs would have been alot less,except the BLV hall already had structural problems before I hit it,and the BLV clerk had extra work done,and nobody checked on her.
SO,my old insurance company attorneys said they FEEL fraud was committed,and if I want to persue it I can,but it will probably mean my old insurance agent will lose his agency.

If you Anonymous 9:51 PM would like more details,I can provide them.
Just call 330-673-5891 or will work.

1 beat-to-hell red ranger was spotted. said...

BLV drivers and road testers BEWARE ! Smokey Nemeth is on the loose today,as seen by me while driving from BLV to my shop in Franklin Township.
In fact there's a picture of the problem chaser on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.
Maybe the clerk needs to check on Smokey's medication ajustment ?

Pizza to go will never be the same. said...

If any of you would like to view a strange pussy,take a look on the CAMPS-Caring About more Plastic Santas,blog site.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Boyle it seems you're bullshit lies are about to catch up with you! yes, call Mr.Boyle and he will tell you more lies.

Smokey's medication has gone bad AGAIN today. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/13/11 11:54 AM,

What's that kind'a like going to Smokey's house to get failed business info,or going to BLV hall to see how he's cheating the tax payers ?

There was a picture provided on the CAMP blog, with numbers on it,try it smoked out one.
(independant investigator #'s)

Anonymous said...

It looks like Smokey's close to the edge again. The clerk better keep him at village hall with her again.

Anonymous said...

yes,by all means do call the investigator.

He just keeps proving our point. said...

Bottom line Smokey,you smoked out one.

You and your family have been cheating the tax payers of BLV,with the nepotism and cover-up of you and your families skrew-ups.(leaf vac,plow truck,fraud)
The rest of us have jobs that don't need the tax payers to get us our pay.

It's too bad you and yours got yourselves in such a bind by losing $250,000 in a failed business venture,and now you desparately need your village pay.

Anonymous said...

is that similar to you're(skrewup,you're word)when you did repair? on village equipment.

Nepotism,smoking,and medication don't mix. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/13/11,12:43 PM,

What part of the free repair got skrewed up or are we going back through things that have been talked about months ago ?
You are just so medicated you can't remember. Smokey go lay down before you hurt yourself.

Anonymous said...

ok mister brake-man or should that be (BREAK-man).

Smokey brakes for all deals on coffin-nails. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/13/11,1:04 PM,

With your stupid ass it should be Mister Leaf Vac,The Ranter.
When the leaf vac blew up it almost killed 2 village employees. AND,your clerk-wife said you knew maintenance.
You need to take an outside coffin-nail Break,so you can give others a Break. In other words put the Brakes on the inside smoking of your coffin-nails. Just because your stupid enough to still smoke,doesn't mean others should have to put up with your second hand, smoked out ass.

See what happens when chief Wide Load ain't here. said...

Up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,is a picture of how things work if your a member of the clerk gang,plus live in the Hooverville area. Not like the rest of us regular BLV tax payers.

People who live in Brick houses,live in Brick houses. said...

If your looking for a good Shit Bricks joke,take a look on the CAMPS-Caring About More Plastic Santas,blog site.

Can he save his job with tickets ? said...

Lurking in BLV at 3:45 PM by one of the head lurkers,is up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.

How can I,BEGIN,to tell you who was lurking,and BLV has 3 cop cars for 0.3 square miles of BLV.

The brick thrower's helpful hints. said...

Hey Smokey,
Too much Coffin-nail Puff'in will lead to early Daisy Push'in.

Just A Concerned Citizen said...

I worked at a job for many years which required classes on what to watch for which could mean that you or your community are in danger.
Number one was "be aware of your surroundings".
Of course there was training on signs of drug dealers and drug users.
I see a few signs in Brady Lake Village which could be a problem to my family and myself as well as others, even the clerk gang (thought that that would get your attention Kinney).
However, it seems that Kinney has more important things to do like giving tickets for stop signs, no front plates, speeding in and out of BLV jurisdiction, and who knows what else?
There's a lot of driving in circles both in the village and in Franklin Township and a lot of hiding in the bushes on private property.
Maybe you should go back to police school Kinney and learn how to look for the important problems.
I think a few tickets are merited but your supply of traffic violators are dwindleing because people are taking other routes around where you and your guys are known to be.
My concern would be drug dealers, break-ins, and minors getting into trouble and being at the mercy of some adults.
By the way Kinney, I was looking of an earlier picture of you and I saw you recently, your nose is growing!

BLV drug thugs and their pal Doughnut Boat Boy. said...

Kinney take care of drug thugs ? You got to be kidding.

Kinney's too busy trying to please the clerk gang and get Dan to worry about drug thugs. In fact Kinney himself is a paid thug. He's being paid by the clerk gang to make sure they can continue the life style they're accustom to having,while the rest of Brady Lake Village pays them.

Let's try it for the 5th time. said...

Speaking of paid thug Dave Kinney.

There's a picture of the (5th) pre-trial notice in the Kinney-vs-Boyle case of Failure To Comply,up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.
On 3/1/11 BLV police chief Dave Kinney charged me Dan Boyle,with Failure To Comply. On 3/1/11 Kinney went on a tirade and screamed at Sis Archer and I,that he had a cop car video of him supposedly chasing me on Lakeview Drive.

WELL guess what?

As of today,Kinney has provided,NO,video that shows what he claims. I would love to see the video,because it would prove my point.
You would think after almost 7 months Kinney could find the missing video.
We all know he mysteriously found the impounded,stolen boat.
SO,you would think since the video was in his Black Crown Vic,and Kinney was driving,his fat lying ass could find it.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Kinney didn't leave the missing video in his shirt pocket with his bullet. The laundry people probably took both of them,and gave them to the real police.

You could put an eye out,with stale baked goods. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/14/11,11:19 AM,
You mean Wide Load Kinney is driving in circles and guarding stop signs with NO bullet ?
What's he going to use to get the bad guys,3 week old,hard,jelly doughnuts ?

Do you need a male and female WEASEL to have little WEASELS ? said...

The BLV zoning inspector RT Weaselfield has lived on South Pleasant for more than 35 years. BLV councilwoman Ruth Carlson has also lived on South Pleasant for more then 35 years. Carlson lives 2 houses down South Pleasant from RT Weaselfield's house.

How could Weaselfield never notice Ruth Carlson has 2 houses,but Carlson plays it like she only has 1.
It looks like there are 2 WEASELS living on South,not so,Pleasant Avenue in BLV.

Fat ass sitting,stop sign guarding,and story telling,all for $30,000 a year. said...

If any of you would like to see BLV police chief Mr.Zero Tolerance doing 3 of his favorite things at 1 time.
Take a look at the picture up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.

BLV is 0.3 sqaure miles of BLV,yet BLV has 3 cop cars,and pays a police chief $30,000 a years plus benefits.
Plus for 30 grand a year,his lying ass can't find a missing cop car video.

Just reading is alot easier on your old ass. said...

Hey Smokey,
Good to see you in your garage at 2:30 PM.
That gets you out of the house and away from the computer,where you just keep making yourself look like the smoked out Nepotism Nemeth you are.

Plus it has to make your clerk-wife happy when you don't run-off at the keyboard,and tell stuff like losing $250,000,of your personal wealth,on a failed business venture.
I would imagine it also saves your old ass from those dreaded steel wire beatings.
SO,keep up the garage work,and JUST READ the blog,like a good little Nepotismer.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Smokey was making a new record cabinet for village hall,so the clerk won't lose any more records,if she gets re-elected.

Don't have daddy's money to fall back on. said...

thanks SUE!!

People paid by the BLV tax payers,sure got some nerve. said...

Hey 9/14/11,3:17 PM,
Eat your little nepotism heart out.

I've still got my money and my daddy's money to fall back on,plus I didn't lose $250,000 in a failed business venture,like some dumb f-cks we know of.

AND,I work 6 days a week at a NON village job.

Your wecome Sue. said...

Honest Ethel has those missing BLV job applications for her family and friends.

Smokey really does know leaf vac maintenance. He's just too smoked out to do it,so the leaf vac blew up.

Smokey's reaping what he sowed. said...

Hey Smokey,
A little bit jealous are we ?
You have a beat-to-hell red ranger pickup,live with the clerk,and a village job,plus your smoking habit.

Some of us have nice fast cars,and a real job.

It looks like you Smokey,
might be getting what you really deserve.

Anonymous said...

honest SUE you haven't worked a day in your life!!

Anonymous said...

jealous? of you SUE, jealous of someone who spends his time spying on others or playing on his widdle puter that's the best laugh I've had ever

Are the pictures of problems spying,if so,that's the way it is. said...

I see the jealousy part got a rise out of an Anonymous government employee.
(4:08 and 4:26 PM)

I said employee,not,worker.

Maybe she HONESTLY lost his medication check sheet. said...

It looks like it's time for yet another Smokey,nepotism,Nemeth,medication ajustment.

You would think the clerk would keep a closer watch on Smokey's medication intake,but if she's doing the medication check like she keeps records,you can see the problem.

If you lose a couple fingers,how you going to count to 10 ? said...

Hey Smokey,
As 1 concerned Laker to another.
Should you really be using power tools ?
Do you remember what happened with the leaf vac ?
I know your clerk-wife said you knew when you were OK to work,but she lies.(ALOT)

Smile,your on Candid Lurker. said...

The BLV Lurking Squad,has a new lurking spot.

At 5:30 PM a BLV Lurker was spotted parked in a private driveway,just a few feet off Hartman,facing North.
The Lurker is almost impossible to see when your driving South on Lakeview,and totally impossible to see when your driving North on Lakeview,as you round the blind curve by Hartman.

I would have had a picture,but when I started to raise the camera,the Lurker took off.

Anonymous said...

Smokey needs to chill out,before he blows a gasket.

Push'in up a daisy or 2,could be a new hobby. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/14/11,5:51 PM,

If Smokey isn't able to chill out,maybe a good old fashioned,clerk induced,steel wire beating is in order.
OR,he could quit puff'in those coffin nails.
BUTT,he could become a long term Daisy-Pusher-Upper.
Push'in up a daisy or two usually tends to chill out a guy like Smokey.

Anonymous said...

RE:Sept.14/11,4:26 PM (spying)

As far as taking pictures of the problems in Brady Lake Village,that the Brady Lake officials have failed to take care of in over thirty years,seems like a favor to the residents who try to take care of their homes and property. If you don't like the camera (spying)what is it you have to hide?

Let's call telling the truth,spying,so he'll look bad. said...

It's kind of strange,if the BLV clerk and her husband have nothing to hide,why are they so pissed off about the CAMP blog sites ?

Why would the BLV clerk,with the BLV police chief in tow,go on a Dan rant,and tell Dan to get rid of the blog ?
The BLV clerk having 6 of her family members getting village money is one thing,but to cover for their costly mistakes,is another,plus NO job applications for them.
These were not only costly mistakes,(money)but someone could have been killed. This situation didn't seem to bother the BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,or her husband Richard Nemeth,because they kept doing it,year after year,and now they're pissed about the CAMP blogs,WELL NO SHIT,we're pissed about NEPOTISM.

The BLV officials are just ITCHING for it. said...

If you've been looking at the CAMP blog sites,and the pictures,you have seen way too many places for Mosquitos to breed in BLV,plus these Mosquito breeding areas have been around BLV for many years.(some 30 years)

The BLV officials must have other things they are doing,what I don't know,beacuse this Mosquito breeding has become a West Nile Virus problem in our area.

To see a picture of the Akron Beacon article about Mosquitos and West Nile Virus,look on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.

AND,yes I was SPYING on the Mosquito breeding areas in BLV.

A BLV Taxpayer said...

Just maybe, "IF" the Brady Lake Village Web Site were working correctly or updated, at the very least semi annually, we could view it and know what is going on in the village.
I am very glad that we have this Blog Site and from what I am seeing and other residents are saying, it is giving us honest information and is right about both short and long term problems in BLV. Also the lack of concern from those who are supposed to be looking our for us (not themselves).
Of course, again, the tax payers paid one of the clerk's family members to create a web site which is of no use to us.
Neither is the council person's web site since only the chosen few (not the motorcyle gang) are allowed to view it.
And, since nobody but the clerks friends attend meetings because they are the "in group" at this moment and not treated rudely like some f us. That makes a total of four people plus the so called "officials" attending the meetings.
I'm not complaining because there is no way I could be associated with them because I dispise favortisim, dishonesty, nepotisim, arrogant disregard for the residents and taxpayers, and most of all distruction of our village.
Attending meetings in the village could be hazardous to one's health IE: blood pressure, heart problems, depression, migrains, frustration, ulcers, etc, etc, etc.

Anonymous said...

now,now,calm down Sue!!

Stuck in the house Again, smoked out 1 ? said...

A clerk gang responce by Anonymous 9/15/11,12:13 PM.
Kind'a proves our point about nepotism.

A BLV Taxpayer said...

I am a BLV taxpayer, and I posted at 11:46 PM and I am not Sue and I am not Boil.
I am totally disgusted with the so called clerk, mayor, zoning inspector, council, police chief, and their friends all dysfunctional idiots in my opinion!
And my disgust, is well deserved by the whole lot of them!
Let the Hoovers have a problem and someone will take care of it immediately. The bad housing, lake flooding, serious problems too numerous to mention have gone on for many, many years and they just don't seem to care!
Anonymous 12:13-are you blind?
You are obviously a weak person and unable to think and make decisions for yourself-you fit right in!

BLV, a family owned business. said...

Hey A BLV Taxpayer 9/15/11,11:46 AM,

The BLV web-site,that the BLV tax payers paid the clerk's grand-daughter over $600 to start,works about as well as the clerk's husband doing maintenance on the BLV leaf vac, that blew up.
The list goes on with the clerk gang,and their nepotism and out-right fraud. The clerk's husband needs to be on a short chain,so he can't harm anyone,but himself.
He's an accident looking for a place to happen,AGAIN.
At least 1 of the clerk gang had enough and got out of his grandma's nepotism businesss.

Do them a favor Mr. Maintenance,and put a vent in. said...

Hey Smokey,
I see your back at your front window perch today. Why don't you put a vent in that front window to blow the coffin nail smoke outside,so your non-smoking family won't turn out like you,and be hooked on those coffin nails,or look like your skinny ass.

Another Brady Lake Tax Payer. said...

Are the tax payers of Brady Lake still paying for the Brady Lake Village web site?
It's worthless? The tax information doesn't work.It makes Brady Lake look like a bunch of dysfunctionals. Why wouldn't Brady Lake use a free blog site? If this is our tax dollars at work,let's fire the workers.
The Franklin Township web site looks and works much better,imagine that.

Anonymous said...

in response to 1:11: no, I am not blind, I have spent meany years restoring 4 homes which are assets for the village and I to am distressed by the deplorable condition of some homes, however there is a right and wrong way to accomplish change.I believe initially Mr: Boyle had good intentions. But sadly has degenerated in to nothing more than a personal vendetta.

A Weary BLV Taxpayer said...

Anonymous 3:53 PM
Do you realize that the homes you have restored are losing value because of the bad housing in the area along with other problems, like the lake level (just for starters)?
May I ask what you are personally doing to clean up the problems in the village.
You can knock Mr. Boyle all you want but he is trying.
None of us are really doing much except complaining and continuing to watch present government take us further and further into the hole.
You have to admit, what Boyle says on this Blog is as close to the truth as we're going to get. Try going to a council meeting and try to get the truth or any answers to anything.
We don't even know what bills are being paid and neither do the council people. Every meeting I've attended (and there were many over the years) was "Motion to pay the bills" "second", then "O K!" Never were there any questions asked. (Oh, once there was a question and the people was chastized by the clerk).
What about the rest of us?
What are we going to do to help? I don't think voting is going to get it considering who's running for office. It can only be more of the same.
If people want to live like this then just sit back and say nothing!

There's no reason a Vendetta can't be fun. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/15/11,3:53 PM,

You could be right about the personal vendetta.

I Dan Boyle,my family,friends,my dead parents,my business,and even my dog have been attacked by the BLV clerk gang for no more than me telling the truth about what I learned in the 6 years I donated to helping BLV and the clerk gang,with many things.

I finally had enough of the lies,and cover up. Part of this blog might be a personal vendetta,the other part is the truth about what's wrong with BLV.
Thanks for taking the time to post your opinion. Why don't you start a blog site and do things your way ?

You'll have to admit,the clerk gang sure makes it easy to carry on a good old fashioned VENDETTA.

Look how many fingers I'm holding up. said...

We have found some helpful hints for the BLV clerk. This is not a personal vendetta,just helpful hints.
To see the latest helpful hint,look on the CAMP-Caring About more Progress,blog site.
We hope this hint helps the clerk with her counting of village money.

Ethel and Smokey are both on something. said...

It seems the BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,is still trying to promote the idea,that part of Franklin Township,should be BLV.
She does this every chance she gets at local meetings,with area people.
People talk,and they're saying Ethel makes no sense. I guess Ethel doesn't understand,area residents see how things are in BLV,and don't want to be apart of it.

I can remember Ethel Nemeth asking me Dan Boyle,to talk to the people who live on Brady Lake Road,from my business in Franklin Township,all the way to BLV. Ethel told me since I knew everyone,I should do it.

I told Ethel she must be on something. I've lived in BLV for 35 years,and have been part of a business and property in Franklin Township for 50 years. Franklin Township,while not perfect,is one-hell-of-a-lot better than BLV ever was,or is ever going to be. Plus,in Franklin Township I pay lower taxes,for much better services.
BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth made a big mistake asking me to promote BLV,over Franklin Township. I know about both places,and my neighbors need to know the truth,about both places.

I started telling the truth about BLV when I did the Around Brady Lake article in the Record Couier,but the BLV clerk gang couldn't have that. I was asked by the Record Courier to tone down the article. How do you tone down the truth ?
SO,that's what started the blog. Since the blog has started Ethel and her gang have pulled just about every dirty trick you can think of to try and hang on to the lie,that being part of BLV is better than being part of Franklin Township. If that was true I would want my business to be part of BLV,and there would be NO CAMP blog sites.

What the hell happened to Grandma ? said...

If you would like to see a couple Grandmas From Hell. Take a look on the CAMPS-Caring About More Plastic Santas,blog site.

If your going to tell about Brady Lake,tell it all. said...

I wonder if the Brady Lake clerk Ethel Nemeth, while promoting Brady Lake Village,tells area residents that she had 6 family members getting village money,and she covered for their skrew-ups,with village tax dollars ?

A Frustrated Muskrat said...

I was out earlier this morning and saw that the lake is still there. Whew!
Either they don't have a buyer or they want too much for it or it is impossible to move because they probably would have sold it by now.
At one time (a few years ago) Ethel asked me too, to try to talk people in Franklin Township into becomming part of BLV.
My response was "Why would anyone in in the township, in their right, mind want to become part of Brady Lake?.
I finally figured out that the officials in BLV cannot be in their right mind or that suggestion would never have been made. It gets more obvious with each passing day.

My opinion is based on the following:

BLV has higher real estate taxes than Franklin Township. Think about why, bad decisions!
BLV has a local income tax, Franklin Township doesn't.
Franklin Township has intellegent, caring, professional people conducting business and meetings, BLV does not.
In Franklin Township, every is treated with equality and respect. There is much bias and rudness by BLV officials. How unprofessional can you get?
Franklin Township has concern for the residents and assets of their residents, BLV does not.
BLV is known in the tri county area as a "police state" (it's getting rediculous), Franklin Township utilizes the Sheriff's Department and gets trained, professional police service.
The list goes on and on.
My vote is to become part of Franklin Township if indeed, they want us. I sincerly hope that they do!

Not too many ways out of this mess. said...

BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth has been acting as BLV mayor for many years,because the real mayor Hal Lehman,just doesn't have what it takes to run a business like BLV,plus he has no back-bone to be able to manage bad employees.

BUT,neither does Ethel Nemeth.
If Ethel and her husband could run a business,they wouldn't have lost $250,000,in a failed business venture.
SO,along with BLV not having enough tax base,and really bad management,here we are,in the mess we're in.

Hey Mr. Zero Tolerance,look past lurking and tickets. said...

A BLV Lurker Alert,
At 2:00 PM eastern lurker time,in BLV,the chief lurker was lurking in circles,while the drug thugs do business as usual.
If the chief lurker gets any wider,he's going to need more than tilt-wheel to get in and out of his Lurkmobile.
He's going to need Wide-boost or Jelly-doughnut-extractor.

Anonymous said...

If there's drug thugs doing business in Brady Lake call the real police,they'll know what to do.

BLV needs good cops,not lurkers for money. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/16/11,2:52 PM,

Is that why we don't see the Sheriff lurking around stop signs and hiding in the bushes ?
The Sheriff has more important things to do,than Lurking For Dollars.
BLV is listed on the internet as a speed trap. BLV should be listed as a stop sign trap also. This kind of lurking by the cops,doesn't go on in Franklin Township,unless a resident complains about a bad traffic situation.
BLV needs GOOD cops,not cops lurking at every hiding spot they can find,just to get the money.

Anonymous said...

I may be mistaken but I'm seeing that black Crown Vic Sherlock (not to mention any names), seems to gravitate to the people I would be inclined to suspect may be dealing drugs and contributing to the deliquency of minors.
In other words, I think he may have befriended some people who are not quite on the up and up!
Be vewwey careful Sherlock! You seem to be good at making bad choices!

An Inquiring Muskrat Wants To Know said...

What amount of money is worth selling out your neighbors and community?
What amount is worth destroying a village?
What amount of money is worth going beyond moral and legal boundries to make an impression on the wrong people because you (and they) think they are in control?
There is no future in wrong!

You are what you eat,SO,if it's jelly doughnuts ? said...

Hey Anonymous 9/16/11,3:23 PM,

I've also seen Black Crown Vic Sherlock gravitate to the kind of people who might be drug thugs and liars.
Maybe he's smarter than he looks,and he's playing undercover drug thug,but I doubt it.
He seems to be very aware of who's running stop signs,and who has no front license plate,but UN-AWARE of who's being the neighborhood drug thugs.

It could be Black Crown Vic Sherlock lost his honest information source,when it comes to BLV drug thugs,and now has to rely on liars.

A mind like a steel trap,OR, jelly doughnut mush ? said...

Wasn't Black Crown Vic Sherlock pretty good at mysteriously locating a stolen boat,that was impounded by him and RT Weaselfield,and then stolen from near the BLV Lurking Station ?

What kind of undercover work did the boat case take ?

With that kind of Hi-Tech boat work,you would think Black Crown Vic Sherlock could locate the missing cop car video of him supposedly chasing the NO Front Plate Bandit on Lakeview Drive.

Whir-r-r-r-r-Look Out! said...

Ain't no Hi-Tech about it!
Actually, Black Crown Vic Sherlock knew right where to go for the stolen boat, in which case he knows who stole it but is covering for them.
So, since, in his own words, when it was taken from BL property it was a felony.
So does that mean he's covering a felony?
I can't see it any other way.
Now on the other issue of the police car video, again, he is lying one way or another because he said he had it and now he doesn't, possibly because it would show he lied!
See what happens when you tell the first lie?!
How can you ever trust such a person?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Brady Lake and impounded boats. I've noticed around the lake about six boats that don't have the proper registration on them,yet the Brady Lake zoning inspector and chief of police impounded a boat near the zoning inspector's house on South Pleasant. If this is the kind of leadership Brady Lake has,we're all in over our heads.

Where's Elliott Ness When You Need Him said...

5:42-I don't see how anyone could ever trust a person such as you mentioned. They are not worthy.
And 5:47-most everyone knows why the boat was impounded on South Pleasant. I just wonder how Kinney feels about Mansfield for getting him into that mess? I guess birds of a feather!

Who's on first ? said...

It looks like as of 10:00 PM tonite BLV has NO Lurkers what so ever,on duty.
Is it just me or is the BLV Lurking Force,a hit or miss situation ?

Some days you have 2 Lurkers in 2 cars out,and about.
Other days you have 1 Lurker in 1 car out,and about.
Other days you have Zero Lurkers.

Some nites you have 2 cars and 3 Lurkers out.
Other nites you have 1 car with 2 Lurkers out. Then some nites you have Zero Lurkers out,and about.

Here'a the deal.

BLV doesn't need Lurkers,it needs good police protection. It looks like who-ever is in charge of the BLV police department has their head up their fat ass.
The total blame doesn't go to just the chief of police. The BLV mayor is supposed to over-see ALL BLV operations,including who's working on what day or nite.
SO,it's a good thing BLV has the real police(the sheriff)when they really need help.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,
Read the RC paper today.Aurora people want to ride their golf carts in town, but the councilman has doubts about passing the legislation.THEY THINK IT WOULD CAUSE CERTAIN ROADS HAZARDS.
It's so nice to hear some towns and cities go by the book.
Not so like the like of the scumbags that controll BLV.
Lying cops, worthless clerk,and the KLANS people who are doing what they please.
Yep, the village has it's own group,BLV(BULLSHIT,LYING,VILLAGERS).
I think you should have some t- shirts made up like that!
Dan, I try to go 80 from the hut to your house two days ago--I didn't get my ride up that fast.
I'll have to try the VETT on the next run!
I hope this will PISS OFF that ass-hole lying cop.
I have to say fucking around with that cop is more FUN than skinny dippy!!!!!
Must go--may be a nice day to see that Ravenna hot air thing. At lease Ravenna can have stuff for their people to enjoy, not so much as the shitty little village of BRADY LAKE!!!
ex laker

If the Clerk and Chief Wide Load say it's OK ,it's OK. said...

Hey ex laker 9/17/11,7:45 AM.
Thanks for the info about the Record Couier golf cart article.
I took a picture of it,and put it up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.

In a BLV public records request we ask for the ordinance that allows golf carts to be driven on the streets of BLV. The answer was,there is NO ordinance.(see pictures)

SO,if your a member in good standing of the BLV clerk gang,you can do as you please in BLV, Queenie and Jackoff Hoover are proof of that.

Just 2 spoiled bratt-ass-holes,getting their own way,AGAIN. said...

There's a neat picture of Jackoff Hoover and his golf cart,up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent,blog site.
This picture is above the picture of the Record Courier article about golf carts,and ordinances.
Queenie and Jackoff Hoover pretty much do as they please in BLV,plus if the grass is too long in the Hooverville part of BLV,they get something done about it.

You guess witch way the Lurker is turning. said...

Past 10:00 PM on a Friday nite 9/16/11,last nite,there were no BLV cop cars out,and about,yet today 9/17/11,at 10:30 AM there are 2 count'em 2 cops cars out,driving in circles. The only thing we can figure is,someone in BLV leadership has their head up their ass,or the BLV cops make their own rules just like they see the BLV officials do things.

There's also a picture up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,of a BLV Lurker,making his own rules.

SUNDAY ! SUNDAY ! at raceway Lakeview dr. said...

Hey EX LAKER 9/17/11,7:45 AM,
Why don't you bring that VETTE over to 6482 Lakeview Drive,the drag capital of BLV,and we'll line'em up and see if the VETTE and a STANG,can piss off BLV police chief Slow Load. If that don't work,I'll bring out the 10 second SS.

If I hadn't lost $250,000 I wouldn't have to fix the f-in roof myself. said...

Hey Smokey,
I see your doing roof repair today 2:30 PM,AGAIN,on your rental house on Lakeview drive. It has looked like the roof repair has been going on for more than a month,or did you just leave your ladder set up that long ?

I hope the roof repair works out better than you doing maintenance on the BLV leaf vac,that blew up,or your backing up the BLV dump truck,and almost backing over a BLV employee.

BUT,like your clerk-wife has said,you know when your OK to work,just look before you step is my best advice.
If you get hurt working on your rental roof,do the BLV tax payers have top pay,like they paid for the leaf vac that blew up,because it was not maintained properly,by you ?

I hope he's not as big a liar. said...

I see the BLV second in command at the Lurking Department was on lurking duty tonite at 8:30 PM.
The word around the council table is,he's going to be the next Chief of Lurkers in BLV.
This is the same guy president of council,wanna-be an attorney Teddy wanted for chief in the first place.
I can't,BEGIN,to tell you,how this makes me feel.

Cheap socks and helmets should fix everything. said...

Since BLV will probably be getting a new police chief,along with a new mayor.
There ought to be something Squaw Findabargin,and Chief Kicksomeass could find at the flea market today to help out the new BLV heads,in charge of the other idiots.

We will be looking for some cheap socks for the new police chief Al Begin to put in his mouth when he gets around Black People,because he managed to get BLV sued a few years ago,for some Black People he arrested,and ran off at the mouth.(arrested the wrong people,he said they all looked alike)

We will also be looking for some cheap Helmets for the idiots who sit at the BLV council table.
Unlike the mayor BLV now has Hal Lehman,who has NO BALLS,the new mayor Crazy Joe Pittinger has more balls than any 3 guys should have.(crazy)Joe has been known to take fits at council meetings and have to leave,but when he's mayor he can't leave,so who-ever is sitting at the BLV council table is going to need some kind of head protection.

With BLV being short on money,Squaw Findabargin,and Chief Kicksomeass would love to help,plus sit back and watch the fun.

We also found more pepper spray. said...

We found the cheap helmets and socks.
Let the new REGIME-BEGIN !

7 months and 5 pre-trials. said...

This week on 9/21/11,is my Dan Boyle's 5th pre- trial,for the charge of failure to comply. I was charged with this on 3/1/11,by BLV police chief Dave Kinney,after he spotted who was driving the van with no front plate.
The first time Kinney saw the van in BLV on 3/1/11 he didn't know who was driving it. After Kinney spotted who was driving the van and his lites came on,I drove a little more than a block down Lakeview dr.and turned in my driveway at 6482 Lakeview dr. Kinney got out and went on a tirade. Kinney screamed at me that he had chased me a mile,and was going to charge me with fleeing and eluding,plus shoot me if I wasn't careful.
Kinney was having such a shit-fit he never asked me for proof of insurance or the registration for the van.
My girl friend Sis Archer showed up and heard Kinney go on another tirade of how he chased me a mile,plus he had me on his car camera Fleeing and Eluding him.

Kinney,in almost 7 months,has never produced this video. Either the video doesn't exist,or Kinney knows it shows what really happened. I've never heard of 5 pre-trials for some lying crap like Kinney has pulled.

This is not the first time Kinney has lied about me. There are pictures on the CAMP blog sites of his lying. I also have people he tried to stir up,with his lies.
I now understand why the Portage County Sheriff's Department wouldn't let Kinney go on road patrol,he'd shoot someone for nothing.

SO,where does a cop go when they can't pull their Zero Tolerance bull-shit,BLV of course.

Who-ever dies with the most STUFF wins. said...

If you would like to see a STUFF collection,one of the largest I've ever seen,go to the CAMPS-Caring About More Plastic Santas,blog site.
If you think you're a STUFF collector just wait till you see the ultimate STUFF collector's place.

Does the mayor actually have NO balls,or is he just afraid of the clerk ? said...

I see Smokey Nemeth is on the village clock again this week.
Today at 11:30 AM his beat-to-hell red ranger pickup was at BLV hall.
I wonder what job,that BLV should have taken bids on,Smokey is doing ?

I guess when you lose $250,000 on a failed business venture like Smokey did,you grab village jobs,even if you can't handle them,because who's going to do anything. Certainly not any of the clerk gang,who happens to be running BLV at this time,plus the no- balls mayor certainly isn't going to say anything.

They're also called Cancer Sticks. said...

Maybe nobody has heard of the,Ciggies For Smokey Fund,that all BLV residents are supporting,with their tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Dan if you look at the Portage County Court Case Search, you will see that your Attorney has requested a continence for your pretrial hearing at least two of the five times you reported.

Anonymous said...

hey Stupid,alias,Boyle,I repeat he(Nemeth)is NOT on the clock,stop by and he will show you.

Put the blame-slash-lies, where they belong. said...

Hey Anonymous 12:56 PM,
Your right,but the continuance was asked for because BLV police chief Dave Kinney has not provided the video he went on a tirade and said he had.
At some point the prosecutor's office will see the truth. We have given Mr.Zero Tolerance Kinney,evey chance to back up his story,but he seems unable to do it. Kinney also has lied in his written report,witch has caused more problems,and delays.

250,000 reasons to stay home. said...

Hey Anonymous 1:01 PM,alias,Coffin Nail Smokey,

I'll pass on going to BLV hall,but take pictures and e-mail them to,Alias Boyle.
Even if your not on the clock,your so smoked out,should you be doing anything that involes a public building of equipment that people have to be around or in ?
I've seen your work or should I say lack of it, that alomost killed 2 BLV employees,and 1 was your daughter.(leaf vac)

Like your clerk-wife once said,you know when your OK to work,and I told her,shouldn't a doctor say when your OK to work ?

Free legal help is out there. said...

Up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site,is a picture of some info from AARP about free legal help,if your over 60,and I qualify.

Anonymous, but you know who said...

WOW!!! all that from some idiot that almost killed someone by running into a building with a vehicle with known brake issues,oh yeah, I forgot about the ABS, my memory is pretty smoked up.

I said your memory was smoked out,not smoked up,you dumb ass. said...

Hey Anonymous 2:45 PM,

If the BLV idiot officials,you included,hadn't tried to make a village hall out of a condemned building,the Chevy truck that hit BLV hall going 3 mph,wouldn't have caved in the whole corner of BLV hall. That's why the forensic engineer was called.(see pictures)

The alomst killed part is when your clerk-wife's desk got pushed a few inches,by rotten cement blocks.
Not a scratch on her bitch ass.

Right after the leaf vac blew up,you brought it to Boyle's. Large chunks of the blades on the leaf vac almost hit 2 village employees,because you smoked out Smokey,didn't maintain it,even after you were told that the cause of the vibration might be the blades.

Plus,you were on the BLV clock.

When Alias Boyle ran into BLV hall he was doing FREE zoning work,and went to BLV hall to see the clerk.

SO,what does an ABS brake failure by the un-paid BLV zoning inspector,have to do with you being paid by the tax payers of BLV,and your clerk-wife covering for your stupid ass ? (NEPOTISM)

Train rides are for big kids too. said...

On a happier note,there's a picture of Sis Archer at the Jonny Apple-Seed Festival in Lisbon Ohio,up on the CAMPS-Caring About More Plastic Santas,blog site.

Hey Smokey,
What did you do yesterday,besides smoke coffin nails,or can't you remember ?

Does smoking coffin nails,make you go in circles along with killing you ? said...

If Smokey Nemeth had any memory left at all,he would remember when we post about the BLV hall being run into,we MUST,talk about insurance fraud,AGAIN.

When you stop getting tax payer money,then you'll have room to bitch. said...

Hey Smokey,
I'll bet your done for today on your little puter,because I see the clerk-wife is home,but since your memory is the way it is,you can start-up again on Tuesday 9/20/11.

Weaselfield's in this one. said...

Type in on Yahoo,

The BLV clerk and no balls Hal.

Who cares,it's not Nemeth money. said...

RT Weaselfield's famous last words,about the clerk's family tearing up village equipment and the clerk coverning it up.

Well,that's nepotism for you.

Anonymous said...

Why is all the grass that was planted around the gas well area in the ballfield dying.
Was there some sort of spill or contamination done?

Duck Smokey! said...

Hey Smokey, you might want to check and see exactly what's killing the grass in the ballfield around the gas well, across from your house, before you lite up again.
Depending on what it is, it could be hazardous to your health along with everybody else who didn't want the gas well.
Just looking our for you since the clerk gang obviously isn't looking out for the rest of us!

Be careful of who's ass you climb up. said...

If I'm not mistaken BLV has an ordinance about vehicles being parked in a front yard.

Well,tonite 9/19/11 from about 6:00 PM until 11:00 PM,BLV had 2 lurkers on duty in 1 white crown vic,lurker car.
There is a house in BLV that has had as many as 7 vehicles parked in front of it in 1 evening,and 3 of them parked in the yard.
Tonite was NO exception,because the whole time BLV had 2 lurkers on duty,this house had 6 vehicles parked out front,with 2 in the yard,not in the driveway.

If this is not a BLV ordinance violation,it's at least a red flag as to something going on besides a Happy Fizzy Party.
Plus it kind'a pisses me off,that BLV chief of police Mr.Zero Tolerance would go after a 35 year,non drug using,BLV resident for no front license plate,while the drug thugs do business as usual.

Is it me,or does the BLV police chief have his large head,up his fat ass ?

Your territory is going to get more than just invaded. said...

Hey Smokey,

Why did BLV employee Allen Mathes tell Dan Boyle,you almost backed over him,with the village dump truck 1 day.
This was about the time Allen Mathes told Dan,you and your family acted like Allen was invading your territory by coming to work for BLV.

Smokey to earth,can you remember any of that ?

Anonymous said...

Sorry danny boyle,I would respond but I'm not allowed to use the puter.LOL

Typical smoked ,OUT, responce by Smokey. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/20/11,9:01 AM,

But you did respond today and just after your clerk-wife left for village hall.(LOL,lots-of-lies)
You've always seemed to have either no memory, or selective memory,depending on what you want others to believe about the leadership,and employees of BLV.(nepotism)

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the Brady Lake crime watch program? The residents never hear anything about it,except on this blog. Brady Lake has a web site,doesn't it?

Let's half ass it,the tax payers will never know. said...

The Brady Lake crime watch program became,the Hoover family watch program,with the Hoovers only caring about their little corner of BLV,or themselves.(Hooverville)

Brady Lake still has a web-site,but take a look at what the BLV tax payers paid for,and you'll be pissed.
The BLV web-site,and the crime watch program,are like most everthing else the BLV officials do.(Half Ass)

It's all about the clerk gang. said...

Was Smokey really not allowed to respond,or was he able to read past posts and see he puts his foot in his coffin nail hole every time ? There's just no defending what the clerk gang,including Smokey has done over the past 15-20 years,to help themselves,but not BLV.

Should the clerk and Smokey buy the grass seed ? said...

There's a picture of the dead grass around the gas well in the BLV ballfield up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.

This picture is in front of the BLV clerk's house.
I doubt the clerk,and her husband Smokey give a shit,considering they're getting money from the gas well company.(imagine that)
This is just more of take care of the clerk gang,f-ck the rest of the BLV tax payers.

They must not own any mirrors. said...

Has anyone mentioned lately that living in BLV is just like living in Clerksville,with Kinneylaw ?
To prove the point just look back over all the CAMP blog sites,pictures and documents.(record requests and replys)

You can clearly see the BLV clerk gang makes rules to suit their needs,and then gets a paid thug police chief to back them up.

The ass climbing has only begun,or should I say BEGIN ? said...

There's a new picture of the same old shit,with BLV police chief Mr.Zero Tolerance,up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.

This picture was taken about 2:00 PM today 9/20/11.
Mr.Zero Tolerance is shown sitting at Park and Lakeview,doing what he does best.
That would be sitting on his fat ass,telling stories to his pals. In fact in the picture is 1 of his pals actually sitting in the street,while Mr.Zero Tolerance,let a Green Malibu with NO front license plate drive right by.
Folks this is what $30,000 a year plus benefits gets the tax payers of BLV.
Take a look at the picture,it speaks louder than words.

Anonymous said...

I looked at the picture of the Brady Lake police chief sitting at Lakeview Dr.and Park Ave. I think we're looking at the Brady Lake crime watch program at it's best.

Anonymous said... couldn't be that Dan boyle was driving the green Malibu...Hmmmm?

Better hurry up,the clerk's due home any minute. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/20/11,3:41 PM,

Is that the best you got ?
Take another look at the picture,it clearly shows a brown vehicle,it was a 98 Buick. Nice try,but pictures speak louder than your smoked out words.

Puter time is running out for today. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/20/11,3:41 PM,

Here's your big chance to do some secret agent work,and look good to the clerk gang.

There's a new picture up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.
It's a picture of a BLV Lurker,lurking at Erie and Merrill. See if you can figure out witch BLV cop is driving the Lurkermobile,using the time-dated picture,and your BLV police time schedule.

I can't BEGIN to tell you how much BLV needs more lurkers and secret agents,like yourself.

Remember. NO coffin nails are to be lit-up in village hall. said...

Hey Smokey,
You havn't been peeing around the gas well area when your not OK to work,have you ?

Maybe that's what's killing the grass in front of your house ? I know that you and your clerk-wife getting money from the gas well company,isn't all you feel your due,(free heat also)but you 2 will just have to get over it,or spend more time at village hall this winter,to soak-up the free heat.

Anonymous said...

Smokey peeing around the gas well,could explain his attitude towards his neighbors.

Can't hardly wait. said...

To see the second in command at the BLV Lurking Department,talking to second in command at BLV hall,look for a picture on 9/21/11.
This is how things are going to be when BLV gets a new police chief.

We've missed your words of discouragement. said...

Where's that RT Weaselfield basher been lately ?
It's been days,since we've heard from you.
Weaselfield is still the same dirt-bag as always,but I could use some back-up encouragement,or discouragement,it don't take much.
Just a word or 2.

He's a legend in his own wittle mind. said...

Type in on Yahoo,

Smoked out Smokey Nemeth

Anonymous said...

Mansfield sucks!

The wave of the future. said...

As promised,
There's a picture of the BLV police department's second in command,at president of council's house.(Ted Holland)
This is how things will be when Al Begin becomes BLV police chief.
Ted and Al always hang out together,and this was the reason Ted wanted Al for BLV police chief,instead of Kinney.

Ted Holland is a wanna-be attorney,and cop,so you can understand Ted wanting a police chief, that Teddy can hang with.

The picture is up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site.

BLV home-made crime watch. said...

If you would like to see what 1 member of the BLV clerk gang has done about the BLV crime watch program,take a look on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.
After looking at the picture you'll have to agree,that this guy ain't going to any BLV crime watch meetings.

That Picture Is Down Right Scarry! said...

Perfect, just perfect!
If Tedly has Beginner for a chief, that means that Tedly can play at police person too?
What a guy! What a couple of guys!
I wouldn't mind giving some $ for a Matlock or a NYPD Blue game for Tedly for his birthday, maybe then he wouldn't jeoprodize the village with his play acting.

Without lubricant, for Mr. ZeroTolerance. said...

WELL,same old shit different day.

Today 9/21/11,at 10:30 AM was my,Dan Boyle's 5th pre-trial,since 3/1/11 when BLV police chief Dave Kinney charged me with failure to comply.
Kinney on 3/1/11 went on a tirade and screamed at Sis Archer and myself,he had a video of him supposedly chasing me on Lakeview Drive. The video is still missing.
I've wanted the video from the start,it proves my point.
Kinney has also lied in his written report.

We're headed for trial,and Kinney is in deep shit,and he knows it.
There's a picture of me inside the Portage County Court House today 9/21/11,at about 10:30 AM,up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site. If I would have had my camera out sooner,I would have had a picture of Kinney saying,how you doing Dan,in the court house hallway.
My reply was of course,f-ck you Kinney.

Same Weaselfield,different opinion. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/20/11,11:50 PM,

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner,and I hate to do this,butt,you said Mansfield Sucks!
It's been my impression Mansfield Blows!(a big 1)

Anonymous said...

You both will agree RT is a weasel.

It can be done,just NOT in BLV. said...

Here's a strange,but true story.

In BLV today 9/21/11,at 2:15 PM a Portage County Sheriff's car managed to make it all the way through BLV with-out hiding behind bushes,lurking on blind hills,or guarding any stop signs.
The Sheriff's car looked like it was on a,normal,road patrol.
This is exactly how things are done in Franklin Township,by the real police,not some money hungry,band of lurkers,run by Mr.Zero Tolerance.

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine Sherlock in court.
Somebody better tell him he is not supposed to lie under oath. (He doesn't seem to know much about real law.)
I don't think that a honest judge would tolerate him and his lies easily.
The thing about lying is that you have to remember a lie because that is not the way it really was, and that would be hard for someone like Sherlock to do because he's told so many lies that he will probably get all mixed up.
I have seen him around and he does not handle pressure well, I hope he doesn't get all excited and try to shoot Boil in the courtroom.

Nepotism,to the Nemeth level. said...

Hey Smokey,
How's that front window perch today ?

Up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site,is a picture just for you and your clerk-wife.
It's a picture form Black's Law Dictionary,8th edition,page 685.
The picture is the definition of FRAUD.

Since you Smokey keep bringing up the BLV hall accident. I thought I would show you what my, Dan Boyle's,insurance company attorneys have been talking about. In fact when the attorneys were at my shop,we looked up FRAUD in my Black's Law Dictionary.

Smokey I don't know how else to put it,but your 1 f-cked up,smoked out,ass hole.

I've always wondered about that. said...

Concerning the RT Weaselfield,sucking and blowing posts,of late last nite,and early today.

Why do they call it a blow job,when in fact it's mostly sucking?
AND,RT is a low-life,no matter if he sucks or blows.

Anonymous said...

perhaps you and you're agent should look up slander and libel as well!

The Ohio constitution on slander and libel,is up on this CAMP blog site. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/21/11,5:28 PM,

Perhaps it will come out in the law suit against the BLV idiot officials,and the nepotism bunch.(Nemeths)

You have to come out sometime. said...

BLV has a mystery Lurker today about 5:00 PM,until who knows.
A picture of the Lurkermobile is up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.
It appears today's lurker has learned how to park his or her vehicle,at the BLV lurker station,just like chief of police,Mr.Zero Tolerance.

Smok'em if ya gott'em. said...

Hey Smokey,
2 things you need to do.

Have your clerk-wife call her favorite,wanna-be attorney Tedly,for some Ohio Constitution advice.
Then,why don't you take a flying leap,at a rolling coffin nail.

Anonymous said...

How did court go ?What lies has that great BLV cop have this time?
Sorry ,but can't bring Vett to the village has antique plates on and I wouldn't want the great white head hunter to get me for driving during the week!
Your right about one thing,the road you live on is the only nice road to drive on in BLV.
The grass by the well looks like there might be a gas leak. I don't think the clerks group will care till the water is no good to drink then if the village hooks up to water resource the people will have to pay for fresh water.
I don't know if they will get some money back from hooking up to the resource, I have to check into that!
Must go, need more coffee!

Anonymous said...

Back should spell my car right VETTE,just lazy!

Anonymous said...

RE:5:36 Mr:Boyle you're legal advisers had better not rely on your lies in determining fraud,looking forward to seeing you in court!

Just Another Concerned Muskrat said...

I noticed the grass getting worse and worse at the site of the gas well.
Along with the concern for the wells is the concern for the lake.
But as usual, the clerk gang had no concern at the time and I am sure they have none now.
You talk about fraud and deception! What about the gas well, the vast majority of village and township residents did not want the well, (their concerns were the lake and the wells, of course, they have working brains).
A very few of the gang did and got it, some at their own personal gain!
It's all in black and white, check it out (even though they'll fight you tooth and nail on that little public record, they definetly don't want you to know!)

Finally a Commissioner with some backbone. said...

Portage County Commissioner,Tommie Jo Marsilio has filed a law suit against Portage County Prosecutor Victor Vigluicci.
There's a picture of the Akron Beacon article and a Tommie Jo e-mail,up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.

Tommie Jo is the commissioner that said to Sis Archer and Dan Boyle,get a good attorney and finish Brady Lake Village.
That's just what we're going to do.

SO,Anonymous 9/22/11,9:13 AM,alias smoked out 1,we'll see your smoked out ass in court,you nepotisming ass hole.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 9:13 AM today, Try looking back over the six hundered or so pictures and documents on the CAMP blog sites,and then tell us about the lies.

What Next? said...

Court! What a wonderful idea! Thanks 9:13
What a wonderful place to bring out all the lies and meanderings of the village idiots.
I hope the judge can keep a straight face because their exploits are between Green Acres and The Green Mile.
Talk about green, what happened to the green grass around the gas well and tanks? What is with that?
Is it yet another Brady Lake blunder, how will they cover that one up, if indeed it is a very serious problem?
You can only cover up goofs for so long, they are really beginning to show ie: the lake level, the park and trees, the grass in the ball field, etc.
Clerkie, that is, at the very least, going to cut down the lawn mowing hours, but I bet we find a way to make up for that! For the family!
One more question, 600.00 for catered food for Bellamy's retirement party, which hardly anyone knew about or attended, where did the leftovers go since I helped pay for them?
And my last question, when did he retire, I've heard he still is drawing a village paycheck, could this be true?
You so called village officials are truly D-E-E-S-S-S-SPIC-ABLE!!!!
I think a judge would rule for whats right, what do you think? You better come back to reality because you are over due for a reality check and it's a comin'!

Anonymous said...

Now,Now,Mr:Boyle any court that read you're past childish rantings would laugh you out of town.Good luck with that,see you in court.

Smokey actually brought a record album to a council meeting,but it wasn't a childish rant. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/22/11,12:49 PM,
I see your clerk-wife left you alone again,and this is what we get.
The Portage County Commissioners didn't think the CAMP pictures and documents were childish rantings,but they did the think the BLV clerk gang,were very bad children.(nepotism)

The Nepotism Nemeth's,a new reality show. said...

BLV has 2 lurkers out today,but BLV is 0.3 square miles of land,and has 3 cop cars.
To see the 2 lurkers in action,or no action. Go to the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,and see your tax dollars at work.

This BLV lurker situation is almost as bad as the BLV Nemeth,Nepotism situation.

Is he OK to be left alone ? said...

Hey Smokey,
Medication ajustment a little off today,or just hung over from all the coffin nails ?

What Next, Again said...

Anonymous 12:49, I posted at 12:37 and I am not Mr. Boyle.
I think that you do not realize that there are many, many people, both in the village and outside the village that feel as I do.
You worry me because anyone with an I Q of forty could see what is wrong in the village and who is responsible.
One may or may not like or agree with Mr.Boyle, that is not the issue.
The issue is the huge problems in the village that are being ignored such as employment for the clerk's family when there are other needs such as equipment for the fire department, the lawsuits because of the incompetence of "the Officials", the lake overflow, selling trees from the park to cover a lawsuit, drug houses, bad rentals which bring all of our property values down, and many more problems which are being ignored. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR HOW YOU LOOK AT IT THESE PROBLEMS ARE REAL AND EFFECT US ALL!
The fact that we pay one of the highest real estate taxes in the county and a regional income tax.
This is the last time I am explaining this to you 12:49, you really need to stop listening to whoever is feeding you the BS and start looking and thinking for yourself.
The fact is the village cannot sustain itself on the taxes of approximately 500. It is a sign of the times and many other regions are realizing it and joing other townships, towns, etc.
Of course there is hardly, if any, nepotisim in those areas because it is just plain wrong and most people realize it and don't do it. I am sorry that a families income will be reduced so drastacly but someone should have known better.

He could go sit in the window,and smoke coffin nails with Smokey. said...

What Next,Again,9/22/11,1:17 PM,
I hope Dan doesn't find out some people in BLV don't like him.
Do you supopose that would cause him to fold up,and let the clerk gang go on doing as they please ? How about NO F-IN WAY !

Who's that in the bushes ? said...

Up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site,is a picture of a BLV lurker, doing what lurkers do best.
With a little more practice at the tax payers expense,they'll get the HANG of it.

I just don't know where to BEGIN. said...

I just can't BEGIN to tell you who was out in the white crown vic Lurkermobile at 3:30 PM,lurking behing the bushes on Lakeview Drive,pointed South.

To BEGIN with,he's second in command of the BLV lurkers,second I can't BEGIN to tell you how hap-hap-happy Tedly and Giggles will be when this lurker BEGINS his police chief lurking job,then the chief lurker can spend more time in Tedly's driveway.(see Tedly picture)

You get 3 guesses. said...

At last,I think we've located those missing BLV clerk gang job applications,and un-covered the main problem at BLV hall,as well.

To see who's the main problem at BLV hall,and possibly the missing clerk gang job apps.
Go to CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,and you'll see what's up.

It's just like ranting to the back of her head. said...

Hey Smokey,
Did you look at the picture on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,of you know who,(clerky)at the front door of BLV hall ?
I would imagine this is the side of your clerk-wife you see the most of,especially when you go on those medication induced rants of yours.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry BLV "Officials"-when BLV finally folds and becomes part of another entity-you can look elswhere for employment, perhaps in OZ where jobs are actually posted and applications are really taken.
Where you are employed by your skills, not your family and friends.
Ah yes, life's lessons are sometimes difficult!
I don't think though, that the residents, in all honesty, can give you references. Sorry!

Looking for good references,don't call Dan. said...

Hey Anonymous 9/22/11,5:53 PM,

I'm a 35 year BLV resident and I can honestly give some BLV clerk gang references.

Mayor Hal Lehman,would be a good parade waver,and smiler,not so good as a mayor.

Clerk Ethel Nemeth,would not make a good record keeper,but would make a good bitch ass boss.

President of council Tedly Holland,wouldn't make a very good attorney,but does know everything.

Zoning inspector RT Weaselfield,would not make a very good zoning inspector,but does use alot of big words.

BLV attorney Cunthia Hostler,ain't for shit as a village attorney,but would make a good person to show how sleep aides work at council meetings,or how to refuse certified mail.

Police chief Mr.Zero Tolerance,would not mkae a good cop for road patrols,but does love to tell lies.

Council person Ruth Carlson,is usually asleep at the wheel,but not when it comes to her own property needs.

Council person Crazy Joe Pittinger,seems to have the balls that mayor Hal Lehman lacks,but takes fits and has to leave council meetings.

Giggles,Tedly Holland's driver,is just plain skrewed up,and thinks everything is Gigglelicious.

Council person Ken Bescoe,should not be anything,because he isn't.

Council person Jill Correll,should not listen to Queenie and Jackoff,but she does anyways.

Council person Dean Correll,not sure,but I suspect he got caught up in something he knows nothing about.

BLV employee Smokey Nemeth,should stay home and try to get his medication ajusted,but he doesn't,and goes on mindless rants.

BLV employee Allen Mathes,should move his business to where business is permitted,he also loves to threaten people who tell on his family.

Fire inspector Jon Mathes,loves to flip guys in the nuts,but hates people who tell it like it is.

These are just some of the BLV employee references that come to mind,but I'm sure there's more.
Friday's another day.

This is more fun than poking Chief Wide Load with a sharp stick. said...

Sis Archer and I Dan Boyle were talking last nite about the public records request we made at the Portage County Court House,about how many traffic tickets the BLV police have issued for vehicles on the North side of Brady Lake Road,headed West.
That section of Brady Lake Road is in Franklin Township,NOT,Brady Lake Village.
Sis was told the people at the court house are having a hard time,because the tickets are not marked witch side of Brady Lake Road the tickets were issued for.

SO,my thought was,let's error on the side of the citizens that got the tickets,and say all the tickets that were issued on Brady Lake Road,were issued for the North side,headed West.

In 2002 when I got a ticket for a burnt out tail-lite on my new Chevy Truck,I was on the North side of Brady Lake Road,headed West.
When I said I was going to fight it,BLV police officer Al Begin came to my shop and tore up the ticket.
To me that means the BLV cops knew way back then,that the North side of Brady Lake Road headed West,is Franklin Township.

This whole thing is because BLV police chief Dave Kinney decided to climb up my ass.
WELL,I've only begun to climb up his,and his pals,the clerk gang.

Anonymous said...

Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing. I am glad to view this Blog site and see the truth about what is going on in the village.
The shame is what is going on in our village government and you know that it is true as being told here because the officials have every right to dispute it and they don't!
They have tried to end this site, and they can't!
They should supply public records to the public and they don't! They refuse to supply records of the important issues.
They have their meetings, both public and private, executive sessions when they don't feel the public should have access to whatever they are discussing, I realize some things are private, but not as many as they seem to have.
They have run good and honest people away from their meetings, dozens of people have said this.
Basically, the public has no input on the decisions made for them and decisions clearly are not made on behalf of the residents and taxpayers.
All in all, at least we do know a lot of what is going on thru this site and we can voice our opinions here without the disrespect and rudeness of the village bunch toward the taxpayers.
Actually, more people read this blog than attend village meetings!
And I have seen a few things accomplished thru this site which I don't think would have gotten done by going to "their" meetings!

Holy smokes,he's got a key too. said...

Hey Smokey,
I hope you don't think this is any kind of Slander or Libel,but,your wife the BLV clerk has had 6 family members getting BLV money,and covered for their skrew-ups,with OUR tax dollars.(leaf vac for 1)(plow truck for another)

SO,with that in mind we discovered a beat-to-hell red ranger pickup,with a smoked out skinny guy,at BLV hall this morning.
It looked like the skinny guy had keys to BLV hall.
To prove this point,take a look on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,and you will see what we mean.
This picture is right above the picture of the skinny guy's partner in the NEPOTISM in BLV.

How many clicks is that ? said...

This post is for the entire BLV clerk gang,and you know who you are. If you lying ass holes think no-one knows about your bull-shit and cover-up,guess again.

CAMP-Caring About More People-111,239 views

CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People-6,546 views

CAMP-Caring About More Progress-4,017 views

CAMPS-Caring About More Plastic Santas-1,253 views

SO clerk gang,the truth is up and running.

Please Consider The Children said...

While the clerk gang is viewing the "clicks" as per the earlier blog, please, please, please, consider this:
On Good Morning America today, they did a segment on the safety of public playgrounds. They said sadly, many are injured seriously or even killed by faulty playground egquipment each year. It seems that this has become a real problem.
It wears thru the years and should be inspected regularly.
It must be checked and maintained constantly.
It was a very nice gift to the village from those who initiated the idea, followed it thru, and the perople of the community and many outside the community who helped.
When they finished all their work, it then became the responsibility of the village to check and maintain it.
I am pretty sure this is not being done by anyone, please see to it. It could save a life or prevent an injury to one of our little ones.
This should be a priority, please don't ignore it!

Where Do They Go From Nowhere? said...

Excellent references 11:56 last PM, however I don't think that I would hire any of them to work at the county sewage plant!
They're to used to shoveling out shit, I'm afraid they'd get in over their heads! HA!
Or, are they already?
Especially Sherlock and the keeper of the keys, talk about a shit shovelers.

They have more nerve,than good sense. said...

Please Consider The Children 9/23/11,12:30 PM,

I used to do the playground equipment checks,once a month for free,plus pick up trash at least once a week,for free.
Yes this is pain in the ass,Dan Boyle.

Here's something the BLV idiot officials never wanted to deal with,especially the zoning inspector RT Weaselfield.
RT thought it was cool to get a free piece of playground equipment,so did the idiot officials.
The witches wheel is at least 60 years old. There's a reason no playgrounds use them anymore. There very un-safe.
I was going to notify the BLV insurance company about the witches wheel,but the BLV clerk said she would,I didn't have to. There was nothing broken on the witches wheel,it's just way out-dated.

WELL guess what.
The BLV clerk,like usual,never said shit about shit. The at least 60 year old,unsafe,witches wheel,is still in the BLV playground area. If some kid gets hurt on that unsafe piece of BLV equipment,BLV will be sued again,and lose again.

I brought up the witches wheel subject at many parks and rec.meetings,plus council meetings,but no BLV official seemed to give a rat's ass.
It just seemed like ever corner I turned with the BLV equipment and officials,things were dysfunctional,to say the least.
I finally plain had enough,plus my name was on the playground inspection sheets. My attorney told me the only thing that would save my ass was,that I did the inspections for free.

I was never a paid BLV official,but even after I quit parks and rec,the BLV idiot officials wanted to know if I would still do the playground inspections.

I NO-LONGER do the BLV playground inspections,and I don't know who does.
We have asked for the parks and rec.public records,(minutes from meetings)but none have been given to us or none exist.

Can you see why BLV might need job applications,and a mayor with some balls ? said...

Here's another BLV clerk gang job reference or 2.

BLV police chief Mr.Zero Tolerance seems to do very well at guarding stop signs,but he ain't worth a shit at guarding impounded boats.

BLV clerk Honest Ethel seems to do very well at telling everyone what to do,but her own family shit is flakey.

BLV council president Tedly Holland seems to think he's an attorney,but he didn't do worth a shit picking the attorney BLV now has.

BLV zoning inspector RT Weaselfield seems to be intelligent,but take a second look. His lazy-ness makes up for any brains he might have.

BLV councilman Ken Bescoe is just a fat ass,lying,bigot,no way around it.

More BLV job application info as it becomes available.(when I feel like it)

Get that money,honey. said...

The BLV lurking squad has a new place to guard the stop sign at Wash-board-ington and Erie. They sit behind the bowling alley on Erie, facing Wash-board-ington.
Has anyone mentioned lately,that BLV is 0.3 square miles of land,yet BLV has 3 cop cars. Lurking takes place at every turn and stop sign.

If you would like to see a picture of the new lurking spot,go to the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.

Is Brady Lake Village Really A Third World Entity? said...

Are we so destitude that we have to use a witches wheel on our playground which is very old, just because it's free?
My understanding is that they can be very dangerous whether in good working order or not.
Then we got the police cars cheap from Kent State because the mayor works there. That one is a no brainer, why did KSU get rid of them.
Could it possibly be that they are not so mildly used? Possibly past their endurance?
And, didn't the clerk recently accept some cheap equipment of some sort?
Yet, the clerk's offspring gets all new lawn equipment?
What's the deal?

Just One Of The Peasants said...

O K 5:13 today,
Yes! And guess who our Emelda Marcos is!?

Just A Word To The Wise said...

O K Honey, at 4:55 the get that money guys moved to a new lurking spot smack up against the tree line behind the bowling alley beside Onedago. Possibly to entrap people leaving the village or the Elks.
There are a lot of people at the Elks getting ready for Dee Dee Smith's benefit tomorrow.
That will be from 1:00 to 5:00.
Tickets are 10.00 and include chili, hot dogs, and hamburgers.
There will be a bake sale, and auctions.
There have been many, many extremly nice items and baskets donated.
It will be a nice afternoon and we will be helping one of our own and her family in their time of need.
Hope to see everybody there.

A pair for every occasion,and then some. said...

Just One Of The Peasants 9/23/11,5:15 PM,

Imelda Marcos is the tubby bitch with 5,400 pairs of shoes,remember ?
You don't think Honest Ethel likes shoes do you ?
Maybe that's where the $250,000 for a failed business venture went ? Her and Smokey had a shoe store,and Honest Ethel kept the merchandise.

From missing job apps.,to shoes,she does it all. said...

Hey Smokey,
It's nice to know that people want to compare your clerk-wife to famous people,too bad it's dishonest,ass-hole,famous people.

If he can find a boat,he can find anything. said...

Somebody stole part of the witches wheel !
Get the BLV boat detective on the case.(Wide Load)

Let's use the car that looks like a Sheriff's car. said...

At 6:00 PM,BLV had 2 lurkers in 2 crown vics out lurking.(1 black-1 white)

At 10:30 PM,BLV had 2 lurkers in 1 crown vic out.
That's strange enough by itself,but the really strange part is.
The 2 lurkers in 1 car,were in the one and only,BLV police chief Mr.Zero Tolerance's black crown vic.
Either the 2 white crown vics are not running so good,or the BLV Lurkers Association has devised a new plan of lurking.

The only problem is,with only 1 lurkermobile out,the lurkers can only make half as much money,plus if 1 of the new lurkers farts on the chief's seat,there'll be hell to pay.

Honest Ethel, ain't so honest. said...

Has anyone mentioned lately that the BLV clerk Ethel Nemeth,had 6 family members getting village money,plus the clerk covered for their dumb asses,with our tax dollars.
Now we find out there are NO,BLV job applications for her family or friends.

We also learned,via Smokey her husband,that the clerk lost $250,000 in a failed business venture.
Could this be some of the reasons the clerk is fighting so hard to keep BLV as we now know it.(DYSFUNCTIONAL)

BLV lurker up-date. said...

BLV drivers beware !

At 8:00 AM on 9/24/11,BLV has 1 Black Crown Vic out lurking in the bushes and behind buildings,plus sometimes from private property.

It's also NOT BLV police chief Mr.Zero tolerance driving the Black Lurkermobile.

I've lived in the BLV area twice as long as most clerk gang members. said...

Hey area residents,
The Old Brady Lake School Alumni Breakfast is today 9/24/11 at 9:30 AM,at the church beside the Old Brady Lake School.

This will be a good place to tell and hear about BLV. I plan on telling everyone I see,just how dysfunctional BLV really is,and why I think BLV should go back to Franklin Township.

This whole thing can happen 1 person at a time.
I've found in the last year or so,people know BLV is skrewed-up,they just don't know how bad,but that's my new job,telling people what I learned about BLV in the 6 years I donated to the clerk gang cause.(wrong choice)

0.3 square miles of BLV and 3 count'em 3 cop cars. said...

There's 2 new pictures up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.

These 2 pictures show what the BLV Lurking Squad was doing on 9/23/11 at about 6:00 PM.

Remember,BLV is 0.3 square miles of land,yet BLV has 3(worn out)Lurking Squad cars.

Let's Just End It said...

They're foolers, aren't they.
When you first talk or listen to them, you think they care, but they don't.
They seem to all have an agenda of their own for their own.
But they seem to lack intelligence and heart, leaving them selfish and lacking in the ability to best serve the community.
They've done so much damage to the village, it won't be long before we have to combine with another entity, so, I guess we can thank them for that!

You just never know who you'll pull over. said...

Up on the CAMP-Calling All Malcontent People,blog site,is a picture of the old Brady Lake school alumni breakfast.
If anyone would like to help or has new ideas for the next alumni breakfast,please post something.

Up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site,is a picture of a BLV lurker being pulled over by a bad ass Mustang,for doing 46 mph in a 35 mph zone.

Last stop BLV,before Wal-Mart. said...

If you would like to see what COULD happen to BLV police chief Mr.Zero Tolerance,after he gets fired from BLV,and goes to work at the Wal-Mart.
Take a look at the picture of Zero's possible future,up on the CAMP-Caring About More Progress,blog site.

Is Smokey extra happy,since he's growing his own ? said...

Hey Smokey,
I was on a road test by your estate on Park Ave.,about 12:25 PM today.

You and your clerk-wife,plus an admirer,of your home grown something,were looking at the new stakes you put in,for your home grown plants of some kind.
What happened,did you get tired of the high prices of coffin-nails an decide to grow your own ?

I doubt the BLV chief of police Mr.Zero Tolerance will say anything,being you live with his boss,and pay-check writer.
But,just to be safe,keep on smoking whatever your smoking,in the house.

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